Marvel’s Princess Chapter 101: Policewoman and Sharon

Bella opened the first aid kit on her waist and gave the policewoman a shot of epinephrine.

It is impossible to resurrect with full health, but you can regain some mobility.

She said in the ear of the policewoman: “Are you awake? Can you hear me clearly? I want to save Sharon, and I need your help now.”

Xiao is a female ghost. This is an undisputed fact. No matter how dilapidated this Jewish church is, ghosts will not be able to get in. The power of God is no joke. Now Bella’s only helper is this seriously injured woman. Alarmed.

The policewoman suffered extensive burns on her skin, but fortunately her eyesight was still intact. She reluctantly opened her eyes, bit her lips, and nodded with all her strength.

Bella took out a pistol and handed it to her, and pointed at the ladder on the other side: “I’m going to save Sharon, you cover me! Just ten seconds!”

The sense of mission and the effect of adrenaline made the policewoman take a deep breath. She checked the ammunition of the pistol and said in a hoarse voice: “Leave it to me!”

She stood up suddenly and fired wildly at the cultists.

There is no such thing as accidental injury or innocent people. These people want to burn her alive. There are no innocent people here! These people deserve to die!

Her shooting speed is very fast, but there are many enemies on the opposite side, and she is shot quickly.

The policewoman glanced casually. The area where she was shot was burnt, and she felt no sensation at all when the bullet hit her body.

She didn’t even take a step back. She stood upright, holding the gun in both hands, and continued to suppress the firepower from the opposite side with “bang bang bang bang”.

Relying on the policewoman’s fearless support, Bella quickly ran to the other side, punched the wooden frame, stretched out her left hand, and caught 006’s adopted daughter Sharon.

Her movements were extremely fast, but there were still many believers present. They were shouting and trying to knock Bella down.

In her haste, she didn’t have time to take a detour. She saw a stinking cultist rushing over. She held Sharon in her left hand, raised her right leg high, and stepped on the cultist’s knee. The kneecap shattered into several pieces on the spot. , accompanied by the other party’s extremely shrill scream, Bella jumped up and jumped up to a height of five or six meters.

While in mid-air, she drew out another M1911, and used the brief moment in the air to fire several shots at the believers blocking the way below. To be honest, this posture was very handsome, but the shooting accuracy could not be guaranteed. …..

Killed one and injured three. This is her record.

After landing, Bella made an ice stabbing sword and killed more than ten people with a wave of her hand. Then she stepped on the blood on the ground and walked around to the other side to join the policewoman.

“I’m your father’s friend, and I’m here to save you!” Only then did Bella have time to look at the little girl in her arms.

Pure! This was her first reaction after seeing Sharon’s eyes. Human eyes were as pure as water. She had always thought it was a rhetorical device in words, but now she could see it.

Sharon’s eyes were very clean, without a trace of impurities. This was completely the embodiment of goodwill. Even Bella was briefly absent-minded.

No wonder that guy 006 values ​​his adopted daughter so much. For the sake of his adopted daughter, he even puts aside his own deep hatred. This daughter is really heart-wrenching to watch.

It is hard to imagine that there are crazy people who want to burn this child to death.

“You are a good person, I believe in you.” Sharon’s expression was still nervous and fearful, but she still held Bella’s hand sincerely to express her trust.

Bella looked up and looked around. The believers were initially caught off guard. Coupled with her and Xiao Na’s inhuman performance, more than half of the more than 200 cultists were killed.

At this time, the church was littered with corpses and blood flowed into rivers, and the record could be said to be extremely brilliant.

But at this time, the believers had already reacted. Those who had guns fired, and those who didn’t went to the weapons depot at the back to get weapons. There were still seventy or eighty people shooting at her, and she was also quite stressed.

Seventy or eighty people, say more but not too much, say less but not too much.

Bella estimates that she can wipe out all these believers, but it will only take a while at most.

But when two cultists came out menacingly with flamethrowers on their backs, her confidence was a little shaken.

How can I avoid flames? This is completely a way to push the boss!

“Hold on! I’ll take you out, my companions are outside!” Bella said to the two people around her.

Just run away if you can’t beat him. She has no reason to fight to the death. There was no need to go back the way she came. The cultists were holding the exit tightly to prevent her from escaping. Bella looked around and decided to just hit the wall and get out!

“Follow me!” Bella asked Sharon to hold her neck behind her, pulled the seriously injured policewoman with her left hand, and hit the wall on the left side of the church.

The believers did not understand her intention, but they still tried their best to stop her.

Various firearms were pointed at her and fired wildly.

With a child on her back and a policewoman in tow, Bella’s speed has slowed down by more than half. At this time, she can no longer run away from the afterimage. She can hide if she can. If she can’t hide, she will wave the ice sword and face her. Bullets slashed rapidly.

Bella’s dynamic vision and speed are undoubtedly higher than those of the future Deadpool, but the hardness of the ice stabbing sword is far less than that of Deadpool’s katana, making it difficult to cut.

As he continued to strike, the stabbing sword became a little shorter. Seeing three more bullets coming in front of her, one of them would hit Sharon. She subconsciously picked up a thick book on the baptistery next to her. defense.

The crisp sound of “ding-dang-dang” made her startled, and she subconsciously looked at the cover of the book. There was a line of small words written in Hebrew in the lower right corner, Metatron’s holy book!

This book is awesome! What did Metatron say? Bella was so distracted that her dynamic vision slowed down a little. Although she woke up quickly and tried her best to dodge, she still got shot twice.

One shot was in the shoulder and the other was in the arm. The blood dyed the sleeves red, and she was in great pain. However, this was not the time for treatment. She held Metatron’s sacred book between her arms and shouted at the same time: “Close your eyes!”

She accelerated suddenly and hit the wall of the church with her uninjured shoulder. With a loud bang, she hit a human-shaped mark on the wall of the church, then gritted her teeth and ran in the direction of the pickup truck.

“I’ll cover you! You take the child and go!” The policewoman didn’t know how badly she was injured. She just felt that she was a drag and wanted to buy time for her with her own life.

“Stop talking nonsense, run for me! Saving one is a rescue, and saving two is a rescue!” Bella threw the ice stabbing sword in the direction of the cultist, and with her intact arm, she dragged the policewoman in the direction of the pickup truck. Run, she doesn’t have much fighting power at this time.

Seeing the pickup truck approaching at high speed, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Da da da” Xiao raised his gun and stood on the roof of the car to cover them.

She couldn’t enter the church and couldn’t intervene in the battle inside the church. She could only aim at the enemies within her sight. Later, the believers learned the lesson and stayed far away from the door. The bullets could not be turned. Xiao could only shout in vain. No matter what.

Now that Bella is out of the church, she can play her part.

Xiao fired repeatedly, and the believers who were chasing Bella were killed one after another.

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