Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1006: This is not a personal grudge

Captain America suspended his plan to attack Baron Strucker and unify Hydra. Old Pi was extremely cautious. He found some clues from Captain America’s actions and took the Twilight Church’s actions underground.

Captain America tried to join hands with the Winter Soldier, capture Lao Pi again, and then brainwash him.

But the old guy hid around and didn’t give them a chance.

Captain America has never lacked courage from beginning to end. He had courage when he was a superhero, and he still has courage now.

He chose the most direct and simple method and went straight to the point! You usually avoid me, but you can’t hide from me at work, right?

In order to determine how many Twilight believers there were within Hydra, and to determine Lao Pi’s true thoughts, Captain America took the risk of exposing his identity and went to S.H.I.E.L.D. in person.

In Alexander Pierce’s office, the two looked at each other for a few seconds. Old Pi soon showed a kind and humble smile. He seemed to not know that Captain America had discovered his secret, and talked about the Unification of Nine. In the future of the head snake, the demeanor, tone, and movements are exactly the same as before, but Captain America still feels uncomfortable. How did the situation become like this?

“Captain, you are the last person to see the Red Skull. This is no coincidence. I believe you will lead Hydra to glory.” Alexander Pierce’s smile seemed to be the same as before, but Captain America still took it from him. I felt a hint of coldness.

“Yes, no matter how difficult the situation is, I will go on firmly. I’m sorry, Mr. Minister.”

He picked up his shield, turned around and prepared to leave Alexander Pierce’s office. After some conversations and observations, he was now very sure that Alexander Pierce had betrayed Hydra, but launched an attack in SHIELD’s office. The impact is really too bad.

He needed to find a private and secluded place.

Alexander Pierce stood up slowly: “Captain, if anyone blocks our way, he will definitely regret it, no matter who he is.”

“I understand.”

Captain America strode into the elevator. When the elevator door was about to close, Crossbones Rumlow reached out to block the elevator door and stepped in.

This man is also an important leader in Hydra. Both parties have dealt with each other on many occasions, and they know each other well.

“Captain.” Crossbones greeted him friendly, accompanied by two powerful Hydra agents.

Captain America didn’t seem surprised by his appearance and nodded in return.

The elevator went down all the way, stopping and going. It didn’t take long, and the small elevator was filled with Hydra agents. One thing about these people is that they are all strong.

Captain America looked around and found that although the group of people were chatting separately, their eyes were actually focused on him. He sighed softly: “Before we do anything, does anyone want to leave?”

A strong man standing in front of him suddenly took out an electric baton and stabbed Captain America in the chest: “Praise Twilight!”

Captain America cut the strong man’s neck with a knife at an extremely fast speed.

The entire elevator was in complete chaos. Someone took away his shield, and someone jumped on him and held his arm.

A Hydra agent dressed as a staff even removed the handle of his suitcase and used all his strength to restrain Captain America’s right hand with the magnetic suitcase handle.

A few people have no awareness of defending themselves. Captain America’s powerful and heavy fists will knock down an enemy with every blow, but they are not afraid. They all work hard without caring about their own safety, hugging their waists and legs, fighting to be beaten. Even if he vomits blood, he must also restrict his movements to create good opportunities for his companions.

Captain America was far superior to them in terms of strength, speed, and ability to withstand blows, but seven or eight people pressed him up with their weight, and he was also embarrassed.

“You are a person who lives and dies! Today is your day of death!”

“You will finally rest in peace! And we will gain eternal life!”

Facing this group of lunatics from the Twilight Church, Captain America blocked the way. These Twilight believers who were manipulated by old Pian were still ordinary people. They would faint if they were hit in the vital part. Captain America did not dare to make such a move. The act of killing everyone was very different from his past behavior. Killing people publicly on such occasions would definitely expose his true identity. At this time, the only way to do it was to knock him unconscious.

The opponent had no worries about killing him, but he had so many worries that he was restrained in the fight. However, relying on his skillful martial arts and excellent physical fitness, he still knocked down more than ten people one by one.

In the end, we’re left with the Crossbones Rumlow.

“Hey, my respected leader, actually I want to tell you.” Crossbones paused for a moment, then suddenly took out two electric batons, made a feint with his left hand, and stabbed Captain America’s neck with the electric baton in his right hand. : “This is not a personal grudge!”

His skills are much stronger than those of the other Hydra agents. Coupled with the element of sneak attack, Captain America suffered two consecutive electric shocks. Ordinarily, he should have been stunned based on his physique. He relied on the soul gem. With the high resistance brought to him, in Crossbones’ somewhat incomprehensible eyes, he punched the opponent in the neck.

“This is a personal grudge!”

Leaving an elevator with Hydra unconscious, Captain America quickly escaped from S.H.I.E.L.D.

The ambush failed, and Alexander Pierce allowed Captain America to escape from SHIELD headquarters. Now that everyone is out of sight, it is better to keep a low profile.

Only during the secret gathering of Hydra at night, Alexander Pierce pointed to the head of Captain America on the screen and said to all the Hydras: “This man has never been the successor of the Red Skull, he is a superhero. , joining Hydra just to destroy our organization and disintegrate our last resistance force!”

Lao Pi has limited energy and limited time. There are so many people in the Hydra S.H.I.E.L.D. branch and it is impossible to go to Amway one by one. At this time, there are many real Hydras on the scene, and they all showed signs of realization. The expression, I thought was very strange at first. Captain America is Hydra? are you kidding me! Now that everyone has heard that this is a conspiracy, they all take it for granted. A few young and energetic Hydras even cursed, these superheroes are really insidious!

Lao Pi reached out and pointed at a few Hydras who had not yet been brainwashed: “You, you, and you, come to my house after get off work today. I think you can take on more important positions, the rest of you!”

He pointed to the portrait of Captain America on the screen: “If you see this person, shoot him! He knows too many secrets about Hydra, he must die!”

After Captain America’s personal confirmation, he finally confirmed that there were only three people, including himself, who had not been brainwashed by the Twilight Trial.

One for him, one for Bucky, and one for Grant Ward.

There may be others, but they are all minor roles.

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