Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 797: Fight till dawn

A thousand hits in a flash, infinitely reloading phantom flashes!

In an instant, like a torrential rain falling from the sky, countless flickering flashes cut through the pitch-black night sky one after another, and the momentum was beyond description.

Above the boundless night sky, the dark blue waves are rushing furiously, like the Milky Way hanging from the nine heavens, falling into the mortal world mightily.

Like in Greek mythology, Poseidon, the **** in charge of the sea, wielded his trident scepter, and used his supreme power to set off an endless tsunami, sending the weight of the entire sea, poured down from the sky.

Rumble–! ! !

A dark blue storm filled with destruction, violently sweeping through every space, ravaging and destroying everything it touches as much as possible.

The next moment, the energy accumulated to the extreme erupted with an earth-shattering roar, and the mountains that stretched for thousands of miles collapsed in an instant.

The earth trembled and the sky cracked.

A huge beam of light visible to the naked eye, accompanied by a destructive terrifying aura, is like a pillar that penetrates the sky straight into the clouds.

The huge waves formed by the strong impact, in the most brutal and violent attitude, trampled and destroyed the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Countless trees were uprooted, and the wind was wrapped in sand and soil and rushed towards to a more distant place.

The huge shaking lasted for an unknown amount of time.

It may be an instant, it may be a few minutes, and when the smoke disappears, the terrifying vision gradually disappears.

But above the sky, there are already cracks.

There are countless gaps hanging from the sky, like cut and broken paper, and the view of the broken sky in the distance is enough to shock anyone.

A bottomless abyss with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared on the battered and tortured land.

Looking from a high altitude, the abyss seems to lead to a different world, so dark that it is almost blind to sight, and hot air currents are spewing outwards, and you can even see the slowly flowing magma deep in the leylines.

In mid-air, although the man was standing still, his tired demeanor and sluggish spirit could not be concealed no matter what.

Suddenly, the man staggered.

It seemed that he had lost the thing he was holding, and he fell from mid-air. After crossing an arc, he directly hit the rock on the edge of the abyss.

bang bang bang…

Without the slightest bit of grace, the man rolled out for more than ten meters in a row, smashing a few rocks along the way, and only then stopped the impact of the fall, but the whole person was buried in the gravel, which was extremely embarrassing.

But at this moment, he didn’t even have the strength to stand up. He could only try to stick out a face in the half-buried rubble, breathing like a cow.

He felt as if he had been beaten, without a single bone or muscle, and was no longer wailing in pain.

But compared to the pain in the body, the feeling of being completely dry and empty in the body made him extremely painful. The soul seemed to be torn apart, and the vitality was passing at an extremely fast speed, as if something was swallowing his body. vitality.

Just when he thought it was all over.

A blood-stained palm suddenly poked out from the abyss, with thick fingers clasping the rock and pulling out a person with force.

The man’s pupils shrank slightly.

The Primarch, bruised and bruised, once again crawled back from the abyss.

The pitch-black power armor had long since been completely shattered in the mad blast of infinite reloading, and the golden sword had been thrown somewhere, and only one piece remained. Similar to the lining of a battle armor, a black carapace-like hard coat covered with connectors.

The Primarch stared at him silently, the ferocity in his eyes had disappeared, but the fiery and pure fighting intent had not dissipated for a long time.


The man looked at him for a long time, and neither of them spoke, but they all seemed to understand the meaning in the other’s eyes.

It’s… no, it should be him.

The one who controls this body at this moment is no longer the beast from before, but the real…he, and the blazing fighting intent in his eyes is the final challenge to him.

The man took a deep breath, and the icy biting gas poured into his body, as if to squeeze the last bit of strength for him.

The five stretched fingers are slowly clasped together, the spine is slowly bent, and the legs are retracted little by little. He has never felt that even standing up is so laborious, and even requires all his strength.

Fortunately, he stood up.

The man’s eyes have never been so bright, and even the fighting intent contained in them is fiery enough to illuminate the night sky.


In the man’s shocked eyes, the Primarch suddenly raised his hand, clasped his five fingers at the link of the black carapace, and then forcefully ripped off the carapace.

The pieces of the carapace were peeled off, and there were large pieces of **** flesh on it. Obviously, this black carapace device had already been integrated with him, but now it has been peeled off fiercely.

The corners of the man’s silent lips raised an arc, revealing two rows of white teeth, and gave a thumbs up to the primarch.

The meaning of the primarch is clear.

He didn’t want to take any advantage, so he took off the black carapace device, just for the last time in his life, a hearty battle.

Neither of them spoke.

But the fighting intent in each other’s eyes became more and more fiery in this blizzard, hot enough to be comparable to the scorching sun, making it impossible for people to look directly.

Both sides are gathering strength for the final battle.

The next second, they moved.

Under the darkness of the night, two violent figures collided with each other in the most arrogant manner with a palpitating gust of wind.


The snow shook.

A half-meter-deep layer of snow was blown away by the air waves generated by the impact, and an open space was cleared in an instant, just like a duelist’s arena.

Bang! boom!

The sound of the physical collision completely opened the prelude to the final battle.

The man silently raised his fist and slammed into the primarch’s cheek, but at the same time, he also received a heavy punch in the cheek.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the man stumbled and fell into the snow. The bones on half of his cheeks were shattered by this punch, and several teeth were mixed with the sweet blood and rolled in his mouth.

The primarch forcibly took a few steps back and forcibly stabilized his center of gravity, but he had crooked cheek bones and a hematoma on one side of his eye.

The man propped himself up and charged towards the primarch in silence again.

The Primarch exhaled, raised a huge fist, met the man’s punch, staggered a few centimeters, hit the opponent’s chest, and was punched at the same time.

Boom bang bang…

Punch after punch, without the slightest trick.

At this moment, they looked like two ferocious beasts, biting each other frantically, and the punches showed no mercy to the bang.

Whether it’s a man or a Primarch.

They have all reached their limits, and their minds and bodies are infinitely close to collapse, but the strange thing is that they have not stopped each other, still punching you and I punching each other.

No dodges, no tricks.

Some are just the simplest, a contest between wills, to see who can’t hold it first, whoever gives up first, whoever… falls first.

In such a battle.

Even screams and shouts are a waste of energy, so only the dull sound of physical collisions echoes in the air.

I don’t know how long it took to fight.

Both of them have reached the final limit, the man’s will is even blurred, only mechanically constantly throwing punches, falling down, getting up, throwing punches, falling down again… Repeating endlessly~IndoMTL .com ~ a moment.

A dazzling sunlight pierced the dark night, and the dawn of dawn came. The rising sun brought a touch of warmth and cast a soft golden light from the top of the mountain.

Bang-! ! !

With the last punch, when it was heavily imprinted on the face of the primarch, this tragic battle finally came to an end.

The man didn’t feel the retaliation, but when he looked up, he saw the stalwart body of the Primarch, standing as still as a mountain.

But the blazing fighting spirit in his eyes has dimmed to the point of being almost invisible.

“Thank you…”

The Primarch stared into his eyes, opened his lips slightly, and thanked him wordlessly, then a trace of regret appeared in his eyes, and finally closed his eyes slowly.

The sturdy body like a big mountain, like pushing a golden mountain down a jade pillar, fell backwards into the snow, splashing a piece of dust and snowflakes flying.

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