Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 78: The oldest bible!

   After running with the black cat for an hour, Lord finally understood one thing.

   hell…It’s so big!

   This is not an exaggeration at all, but the ‘little hell’ he is now in is really huge!

   But it’s normal.

  From Constantine’s words, he learned that the different dimensions outside the earth are big and small.

   is like the dimension occupied by the dark lord Domam, the dimension occupied by the **** Sithorn and the dimension occupied by the emperor Weishan, the overall area is almost comparable to a single universe.

   The area occupied by the original [Heaven] and [Hell] dimensions even exceeds that of a single universe. The dimensions affected by the radiation of the two can reach the level of the multiverse!

  The specific form of expression is that no matter in any dimension, there are the names of [Heaven] and [Hell]!

   But after the original [Hell] dimension collapsed, the smallest dimension of those small fragmented dimensions with the authority of ‘Hell’ was the size of a planet!

   Want to find a lost human soul in a place the size of a planet, among billions of evil spirits and demons, is as difficult as reaching the sky!

   No wonder Constantine would say that this is simply impossible!

   But it’s not completely lost. This black cat and Angela are connected in their hearts and can interact with each other, so there is still a chance.


   The black cat came to a cliff and suddenly stopped, then raised his paw and pointed it down, and then called Lord a few times, as if to tell him to come and take a look.

   “…reasonably, you really didn’t become one night?” Lord asked again, surprised at how intelligent the black cat was.

   This is no longer the level of intelligence that ordinary creatures can possess, right?


   The black cat seemed very anxious, and yelled at Lord again, and the cat’s paw pointed at the bottom of the cliff again.

   “Understood, I’ll be over.” Lord laughed blankly, thinking that he might be thinking too much, how could the black cat become a night.

After    came to the edge of the cliff, Lord looked down as the black cat was pointing, and a smile of joy rose between his eyebrows: “I found her…Angela!”

Under the cliff pointed to by the black cat, there is a girl wearing a sleeveless T-shirt with thin shoulder straps, lying on a huge disk stone, all limbs tied with chains as thick as an arm.

   Although Angela has been found, Lord did not go in a hurry, but concentrated his spiritual power to his eyes first.

   This allows eyesight to be improved dramatically in a short period of time. Through the barrier of yellow sand and dense smoke, you can clearly see the plants and trees below!

  With the help of the Eye of Spiritual Power, Lord can see below.

   Angela was lying on a huge disc stone carving, and judging from the degree of weathering of this disc stone carving, it should have gone through quite old years, and it was still engraved with unknown words.

   After carefully observing these words, Lord was surprised that the shape and structure of these words were very similar to the words on the holster, except for some subtle differences.

  ”This Akkadian text again?”

   Lord’s brows tightened, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart. Why would these Akkadian characters appear in hell?

   As far as he knows, the Akkadian script originated from the Semitic language family, which is one of the oldest language families in the world. Cuneiform writing was created and used by the Akkadian civilization in the age of more than two thousand BC , Which later evolved into most of the existing Middle Eastern languages.

   Some historians and linguists in modern times speculate that the ancient Hebrew script that is the predecessor of the Jewish language was born out of the Akkadian script.

  Before the reunion, when Constantine read the sentence on the holster, it unexpectedly attracted the arrival of the archangel Gabriel!

   Ancient Hebrew…





   all kinds of thoughts flashed back in Lord’s brain, and as fragments of clues gradually formed, a bold guess appeared in his mind!

  It is known that the oldest existing Bible in the world is compiled from ancient Hebrew scripts;

  Secondly, the ancient Hebrew script originated from the Akkadian script, and the archangel Gabriel referred to this script as the word of God!

   Then may I ask…

  Who can be called “God” by the archangel Gabriel?


  Only God can be called “God” by the archangel Gabriel!

   In other words.

   Long before the birth of the ancient Hebrew script, someone used the Akkadian script to record the words and deeds of ‘God’. That’s why Gabriel called it the ‘Proverbs of God’!

   “No way… there is still a key message missing!”

   Lord frowned, although it is speculated that these Akkadian characters are most likely to record the words and deeds of God, the oldest archetype of the ‘Bible’.

   But he still doesn’t understand, what is the special purpose of these words appearing in hell!

   And from the incident of Gabriel’s arrival, it can be seen that he is very concerned about the “God’s Proverbs”!

   intuitively told him that there are huge secrets hidden in these words!


  The cry of the black cat suddenly interrupted Lord.


   Feeling the touch from his calf, Lord lowered his head and saw the black cat gently rubbing him.

   “Meow woo woo woo~”

   While rubbing his calf, the black cat looked at Angela below, and whispered in a low voice, as if to remind Lord not to forget that he came to save someone.

  ”Yes, I almost forgot.”

  Lord smiled like a self-deprecating smile. He was attracted by the words and almost forgot that there was someone else to save.

   But there is one thing that makes Lord more worried!

   There is no sign of demon activity near the disc stone This is not good news!

   You must know that the soul of a living person is extremely attractive to demons, and he has already fully seen it on the way here.

   Those greedy evil spirits, even under the deterrence of Reiatsu, rushed up at all costs, wanting to devour his soul.

   But Angela is lying there!

   But there is not a demon who dare to approach this disc stone carving. From this point, it is enough to prove that there is no such simple thing!

   “It’s really a headache…”

   Lord sighed. He just wanted to see **** in advance and see if there was a chance to make a fortune!

   After all, if there is a soul in this world, it must be in hell.

   But who governor goes against his wish!

  After Lord beheaded the evil spirits all the way, he found that the system didn’t even give him a soul!

   After some inquiries, Lord only found out.

  The souls after the fall are ‘fettered’ by the authority of hell, and they will be punished here for eternity. No matter what kind of death, even the death sword, they can’t completely eliminate them in hell!


   He has seized the power of this hell, and then he can control the souls that have fallen into hell!


  The system doesn’t want to think about it. If he has the power to seize hell, does he need to struggle with this soul?

   Lord: I want a lot of souls.

  System: Go to hell!

   Lord: But I can’t get the soul in hell!

  System: Then become stronger!

   Lord: It takes a soul to become stronger!

  System: Then go to hell!

   Lord: ITM…

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