Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 773: Visandi’s warning

This is not a strong earthquake, and it is not limited to New York.

According to the observation results of the Seismological Bureau, the entire earth was affected by that earthquake at that moment.

This is a… worldwide earthquake!

The supreme mage sitting quietly in the Himalayas opened his eyes at the same time, the anger visible to the naked eye gathered in his eyes, the fluctuation of magic power around him even affected the weather, and the space was cracking and collapsing faintly.

In Nepal, far in the southern foothills of the Himalayas, is the magical holy land of Karma Taj.

The apprentices who were learning to meditate meticulously with the mage suddenly felt throbbing from their hearts. They opened their eyes and turned their gazes to the Himalayas. The huge magic power that ordinary people cannot see with naked eyes covered the top of the mountain like a black cloud above.

“Arisham, do you think I’m dead?!”

Gu Yi’s angry voice stopped the blizzard thousands of miles away, and the roar of thunder pierced the sky: “There are still ten years before God appears, do you want to violate the covenant and let God be born in advance?”

If you dare to make trouble under her nose, even the supreme **** can still scold her.

What about the Supreme God?

No matter how awesome he is, Alitham, can he still surpass the five great gods?

Besides, with the Time Stone by his side, the Trinity Weishandi, in the case of playing at home, Gu Yi is really worthy of Alitham.

Gu Yi intertwined his hands, and the space portal opened.

When she was about to step into it and have a good talk with Alitham, there was a supreme power coming down from the void, and a mysterious and vast aura suddenly permeated the whole world.

The light between heaven and earth suddenly disappeared.

Accompanied by the mighty ancient aura, a picture scroll of the sky was slowly opened in the void.

The majestic magical energy gathers on the scroll of the sky, like the strokes of a pen, outlines three hazy ancient images, and in the boundless void night, three majestic ancient figures appear.

From left to right, there is a black-haired woman, a blond man, and a tiger.

The moment the three ancient figures appeared, the time and space of the entire earth seemed to be suspended, and everything seemed to be frozen.

“Oshutu, Agomoto, Hogarth?” Gu’s face changed dramatically, and a hint of vigilance flashed in his eyes: “The **** of the Trinity Weishandi, who doesn’t know how to respect, suddenly descended on the earth. What instructions do you have?”

They are the source of white magic, the Trinity God——Weishandi!

The alliance formed by the ancient gods of the earth aims to maintain the balance of the multiverse. The source of all white magic in the world and the successors of the supreme mages of the past all need their approval.

Gu Yi is a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, while her deadly enemy, Domamu, is a single universe-level powerhouse.

But even a giant like Dormammu, in the eyes of the Trinity God Weishandi, is still not much different from crawling ants on the ground, an existence that can be crushed to death with a single finger.

Looking across the multiverse, only the existence of the five great gods can stabilize one end of Emperor Weishan.

And now… Emperor Weishan actually showed up!

We must know that Emperor Weishan, the **** of the trinity, never showed up even when the earth was destroyed.

Appearing here now coincides with the timing of the ‘God Appearance’, which made Gu Yi feel deeply uneasy.

“Gu Yi, you are not allowed to meddle in this matter.”

The Trinity God Weishan Emperor spoke in unison, majestically said: “This is the highest oracle, don’t let us down.”


Gu Yi’s face changed when he heard the words, he held back the anger in his heart, and asked: “The ‘God Appearance’ will destroy the entire earth, so can I not intervene even if this is the case?”

“Pay attention to your attitude, Gu Yi.”

The eyes of Ao Shutu on the far left were cold, and he said: “As long as you are the supreme mage, you must abide by our rules. This is the original contract. Don’t think that there is eternity, so you can violate our oracle. “


Before the ancient words came out, the Trinity God looked indifferently, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, and said, “At least… you have to tell me the reason?”

“You don’t need to know why.”

Agamoto in the middle spoke, although it was not considered cold, but it showed a sense of indifference: “No matter what the outcome of this divine manifestation is, you are not allowed to intervene without authorization, just keep this in mind.”

“Don’t let us down, Ancient One.”

Hogs’s thick voice sounded, different from the other two, His voice showed majesty and domineering: “Don’t think that we can’t see the things you do behind our backs, some things we can tolerate, but some Things… we can’t tolerate it, understand?”

Gu Yi was silent for a long time, then nodded bitterly: “I understand, Emperor Weishan.”

Everyone knows that she is extremely powerful in the lineage of the supreme mage. With the backing of the Trinity God Weishandi, few people in the entire universe dare to underestimate her. , like a marionette.

This…is not what she wanted!

Gu Yi lowered his head seemingly respectfully, but in the depths of his eyes there was a… cold killing intent.

“One more thing.”

Ao Shutu’s cold pupils drooped, overlooking the respectful Gu Yi below, and said: “We have selected the next supreme mage, his name is Stephen Strange, and he will become the The new Supreme Mage.”

“Wait… isn’t that a bit too fast?”

When Gu Yi heard the news, his face became more and more ugly: “In recent years, disasters have occurred frequently on the earth. If I step down as the supreme mage at this time, in case he cannot protect the earth, then…”

“Shut up! Ancient One!”

Hogarth interrupted her sharply, with anger brewing in the beast’s pupils: “Put your own position right, we are not discussing with you, but to inform you that Strange must become Supreme in two years’ time. Mage.”

Gu Yi clenched his fists, and asked in a deep voice: “I am not greedy for the power of the Supreme Mage, I also accept the arrangement of Emperor Weishan, but I want to know…why are you so anxious ?”

Ao Shutu said coldly: “This is not something you should know.”

“What if I must know?”

Gu Yi’s resolute eyes made Ao Shutu and Hogarth show a little anger on their faces, but she sneered back: “The Supreme Mage can be handed over to Strange, but I must know the reason, otherwise …It is not impossible for me to drag it on for a few years.”

“Are you… threatening us?”

Hearing such disrespectful words, Hogarth was the first to get angry.

Huge magic power surged in the starry sky, and the supreme power tore the void into huge cracks, brewing a terrifying atmosphere, as if it could shatter a piece of starry sky anytime, anywhere.

“Yes… so what?”

Gu Yi stood with his hands behind his back, with his chest proudly raised on the top of the mountain, and he looked up at them stubbornly: “God of the Trinity, Emperor Weishan, I respect your choices and wills, but I am definitely not a **** at your mercy , let alone a supreme mage who can be deprived of mana with just a few words!”

Among the supreme mages of all ages, only Gu Yi can speak so forcefully.

If there is a reason for this, it may be that Gu Yi was favored by “eternity” a long time ago. After resigning from the post of supreme mage, he will become a holy spirit in the form of a soul, and follow the eternal **** to travel the multiverse.

In layman’s terms, the backing is awesome.

Even though Emperor Weishan didn’t fear the Great God of Yonghen, he definitely didn’t want to provoke him, that’s why this scene happened.

“Calm down, Hogarth.”

Agamoto opened his mouth slowly, calming down the vast power in the starry sky.

“In that case, then tell her.” Ao Shutu also seemed to feel that the stalemate continued, and they did not have an advantage.

Agomoto lowered his indifferent eyes, landed on Gu Yi, and said calmly: “Some things are not that we don’t want to tell you, but they involve infinite variables in the future. You are proficient in time magic, you should understand this The meaning of it?”

“But what does that have to do with Strange, the divine presence?” Gu Yi asked with a frown.

“Because His awakening…has begun.”

This time it was Ao Shutu who spoke, as an ancient **** on earth, he knew many secret histories, and said in a heavy tone: “We must prepare in advance, this time it will be a multiverse… …the final battle.”

“The more you know, the more you get involved.”

Agomoto took a meaningful look at Gu Yi, and said lightly: “Actually, we all know what you think, but we don’t care about it, and we won’t stop it. If you can really jump out of the world and control it, maybe We’ll still be happy for you.”

“In that case…do you still?”

Gu Yi’s heart was shocked, and he showed surprise in his eyes. It turned out that Emperor Weishan had already seen her plan.

“Metaphysical can escape the cage.”

Ao Shutu said with deep meaning: “If you want to control your own destiny, then jump out of the narrative layer first. In the darkest age that is coming, even if there is one more person.”

“If you could…”

Hoggs sneered and said disdainfully: “You can’t even control your fate, you are not qualified to know more things.”

“That’s it for now, folks.”

Agomoto interrupted Hoggs lightly, and said indifferently: “Remember what we said today, otherwise…don’t think that there is an eternal **** to protect you, we really have nothing to do with you, understand Already?”

“Understood, the great Trinity God.”

Gu Yi lowered his eyes and responded, “I will keep your oracle in mind, and support Strange within two years to become the new supreme mage.”

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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