Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 69: God’s Proverbs!

   “Are you crazy!”

   Konstantin’s pupils were violent, and he shouted in disbelief: “You have signed a contract with me. If you kill me, you will die too!”

  ”The first sentence.”

   Lord took the ice water and drank it, and then said indifferently: “You have two more words, Constantine.”

   Constantine’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart jumped wildly!

  He is serious!

   If he cannot be convinced within three sentences, Constantine has no doubt that this person will kill him!


   Constantine swallowed subconsciously, and there was a mess in his brain.

  All demons are born in hell, because of this they will be restrained by the rules of hell, which is the so-called ‘contract’!

  Even existences as strong as the three demon kings of **** cannot avoid the restrictions imposed by the ‘contract’ on them. And this is the most important condition that he has been relying on for a long time, frantically testing on the edge of **** and heaven, playing with demons and angels!

   But now…

   Constantine’s face turned pale, cold sweat ran down, this time he seemed to be playing off!

  The rules of **** are absolute!

  Even the demon kings like Satan can’t compete with it, unless this man is not a **** creature at all, so he is not subject to the rules of hell!

   But if he is not a **** creature, why did he receive the ‘contract’ sent to hell?

   One after another mystery filled Constantine’s mind.

  ”Friend…this is the neutral zone!”

   Constantine thought quickly in his mind, and then tried to use this to get Lord to stop: “There are angels and demons everywhere, are you sure you want to do it here?”

  Lord’s eyes are slightly constricted, his expression is like a piece of ice that has not melted forever, and he said indifferently: “It’s just a group of mixed races. Do you care about their identity before you trample on a group of ants?”

  If it were true angels and demons, Lorde would still not be so arrogant.

   But mixed species?

  , if you say it nicely, they are half-blood angels and demons; if you say it awkwardly, they are just a bunch of bastards!

   There is only one reason for the birth of this kind of hybrid, and that is to replace those angels and demons who cannot enter the world.

   Now, Constantine dared not speak at all.

   Even if it is a hybrid, it is also a hybrid with the power of angels and demons. It is definitely not an existence that ordinary people can match, but this man is completely ignored!

  ”You have one last sentence left, Constantine.”

   Lord’s fingertips tapped gently on the table top, like a death bell, ringing in Constantine’s heart.

  After thinking for a while, Constantine gave a wry smile: “I’m sorry for deceiving you, but I have a reason to do so, because Mammon, the son of Satan, is about to descend on the world!”

  ”You may not know what this means, which means that the balance between **** and the world will be broken, and countless demons will come to the world!”

   “You, are you finished?”

   Lord sneered, Mammon was afraid it was not thinking about fart!

   There is a supreme mage Gu Yi sitting on the earth, neither Domam nor Sithorn can break in, let alone a son?

   Seeing that Lord didn’t seem to care very much, Constantine sighed and said quietly: “I guess you are thinking, as long as there are the Supreme Mage and the three major temples, **** can’t be invaded? “


   “It’s a big mistake.”

   “What do you mean…?”

   Constantine’s heart relaxed a little, and then he asked: “Even I know the prestige of the Supreme Mage in the magic world, do you think Mammon would not know it?”

   Lord frowned slightly and remained silent.

   Constantine continued: “The Supreme Mage is indeed guarding the world, but this does not mean that she can stop all invasions!”

  ”Between heaven and hell, there was an agreement with the Supreme Mage to set rules not to allow pure-blood angels and demons to enter the world, but the premise of all this is that they are limited to this rule and they are not allowed to enter the world. World!”

  ”And Mamen, the son of Satan, was born into the world through holy blood and humans. From a rule level, he is a human, so it is impossible for the Supreme Mage to act!”

  ”Once the Supreme Mage disregards the rules and expels the Son of Mammon from the earth, heaven and **** will no longer abide by the rules. At that time, a large number of demons and angels will invade the world and wantonly plunder the faith of mankind!”

   “Now… do you still think that the Supreme Mage will take action?”

   Constantine said meaningfully: “And if you think about it carefully, can the Supreme Master really define the rules of heaven and **** on his own, so that he cannot invade the world?”

   Lord’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: “You mean, it is the rules set by others, and the Supreme Master is just a supervisor?”

   “You are very smart.” Constantine smiled and said, “So now, are you going to kill me?”

   Lord took a deep look at him, and then said: “How do I know that these things you are saying now are not lying to me?”

   Constantine is known for his deception. Lord didn’t believe that he would be so honest, and the content of these words seemed more real and hard to distinguish.

   “It does not matter whether it is true or not.”

   Konstantin shrugged and looked calm, and said: “I have been walking in the magic world for many years. Taj Kama has seen a lot, including Gu Yi, I have also met, believe it or not. You are here.”

This sentence    may be true!

  The original Constantine has indeed traveled all over the world to collect some lost magic books, so I might have seen Gu Yi a bit!


   Lord tapped his fingertips on the desktop subconsciously. He was thinking whether these words of Constantine were true or false: “Assuming that what you said is true… Then who made the **** and heaven sign Contract, is it possible to be Emperor Weishan?”

  ”How is it possible that Emperor Weishan would not offend heaven and **** for the sake of mankind.”

   Constantine shook his head, then lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth, took a sigh, raised his finger to the ceiling, and smiled mysteriously: “I can’t say, I can’t think, because He is everywhere. Omnipotence, can you understand what I mean?”

   is… heavenly?

  Lord raised his head and looked to the A trace of enlightenment rose in his heart.

  The ‘He’ that Constantine said is probably God!

   Is there a God in Marvel?

  The answer is yes, the origin of the ghost rider is heaven and God!

   But Lord is a little unsure now.

  That is this ‘God’…

   Is he the God in the Marvel Universe, or the God in the DC Universe next door?

   “The last thing.”

   Lord used his fingertips to condense frost, wrote a line on the table of the bar counter, and asked: “What does this sentence mean?”

   Constantine leaned over and took a look, frowned and said: “This kind of writing… is very old Akkadian writing!”

  ”Akkadian text?”

   Lord silently wrote down the name, and then asked: “Can you decipher the content of the text?”

   “Of course, my friend!”

   Constantine touched his face full of stubbles, and smiled: “This kind of ancient text, it is estimated that few people in the world can understand it now. You are lucky to find me.”

   Lord looked unmoved, and said lightly: “Tell me, what is written on it?”

   Constantine read: “He who has the spear of fate will control the destiny of the entire world.”

At the moment when the last word of    fell, an invisible force swept across the bar!


  Everything that comes into view, seems to have been pressed by the magical pause button!

   The noisy sound disappeared, the flow of air stopped, the flowing wine hovered in the air, and the expressions on the faces of those carnivals were also fixed at the previous moment!

   Space-Time… paused!


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