Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 384: 1 good show (4)

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How to defeat the Zerg?

According to the currently known information, the social structure of the Annihilation Zerg is a collective population similar to a ‘beehive’. The biggest feature of this group is that there is no so-called individual consciousness, and the only weakness is the worm king.

The spirit and will of the insect emperor is like a network, linking the entire annihilation insect swarm, and it has individual consciousness and biological characteristics, which means that it is not invincible.

As long as the worm king Enerus dies, the huge Annihilation Zerg will collapse, losing its strong reproductive power, and amazing adaptation and evolution. The Annihilation Zerg is much simpler. It can be said that it is easy for humans to eliminate them. .

This is what the Avengers thought of, the only way to defeat the Zerg.

The above is the normal method.

Frank told his thoughts to Toushiro Hisugaya, and pointed out that the enemy’s weakness was the insect king Ernerus.


Hisugaya Toushiro does not plan to adopt this method, because he wants the insect king Ernerus to die in despair and fear after feeling the huge gap that cannot be matched.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

It has always been the style of the corpse soul world, forgiving you is a matter of God, and death is only responsible for sending you to see God.

According to the current situation, there is a high probability that these bugs will be extradited to the virtual circle after they die, and there will be a new **** to greet them!


Hisugaya Toshiro gripped the cross knife in one hand and slowly pulled the blade out of the sheath. The icy green pupils exuded a condensed cold killing intent: “Sit down Frost day…Binglunwan!”


When the boiling and bursting terrifying spiritual pressure gathered, after quickly climbing to the peak, it rolled up a cold storm connecting the heavens and the earth, making waves of high-pitched dragons.

“Dahonglian Hirinmaru!”

Hisugaya Toshiro is wearing ice armor, his right arm is covered by the majestic dragon head armor, and a cold blade is held in his mouth. The huge dragon wings slowly spread out from behind, and a dragon tail hangs naturally. , The hitting void made a crackling sound.

An extremely cold air, misty like a white mist, started to radiate to the surrounding area at a rapid rate with Hissugaya Toshiro as the center. The temperature within a radius of several thousand meters began to suddenly start like a jumper. Descend!

The insects that were a little closer, were frozen in the blink of an eye after being exposed to the white mist, turning into lifelike ice sculptures, scattered and crowded and stacked together, reaching a height of tens of meters.

From a distance, the ice sculptures of these insects feel like a strange performance art sculpture display, which can be called an alternative and superb view.

The violent spiritual power violently stirs up endless winter storms, and the biting frost sweeps across the earth, freezing the places where the eyes can be seen. At first glance, it makes people feel like they have returned to prehistoric times, everything is frozen The ice age.

The huge number of annihilated zerg races, the cold winter storm that was raging at this moment, forced them to gather in the central area of ​​the iron wall, surrounding the worm king Enerus.

This is the first time the Annihilation Zerg has performed this kind of behavior that resembles fear and retreats since the advent of the war.

Although there are tens of thousands of insects, to the huge number of Zergs, it is like a tree in the virgin forest, which is not worth mentioning at all.

The key question is!

The Annihilation Zerg lost tens of thousands of compatriots, but in the end they couldn’t even reach the corners of the other party’s clothes, and even trying to get close to the man seemed to have become an unattainable luxury.

Even the special units in the swarm, the tank insect with the thickest armor and the highest defense, when attempting to rush towards the man, it was crushed by an invisible force at a distance of about 100 meters. Mashed meat.

And the man didn’t even swing the knife from start to finish, but was approaching them at a rather slow pace!


Looking at the thin figure gradually approaching, the insect emperor Ernerus’s breathing became rapid, and the coolness of his back slowly climbed, filling his brain a little bit.

An emotion called fear, quietly spread and swallowed in its heart.




Every step Hisugaya Toushiro takes, the whole earth shakes once.

The majestic and majestic aura flooded the world, pouring down like a mountain or a tsunami, all the water vapor in the atmosphere condensed into ice flowers, one by one blooming on the ground, tall buildings, streets, and ruins.

Fear spreads in my heart.

The brain of Enerus is occupied by fear, and his strong survival instinct drives him, subconsciously wanting to escape the man and stay away from the source of death threats that made him feel.

The Annihilation Swarm felt the fear of the Insect King, and rioted and let out an uneasy low growl.

They are like being pushed by some kind of invisible air wall, crowded and crazily retreating back, and finally built into a worm tower.

This scene is ridiculous.

It is clear that the Zerg is the one with a numerical advantage, but they are forced to retreat by the opponent alone

Looking at the behavior of the annihilation of the Zerg, Old Loki felt extremely humiliated, and his pupils sprayed anger, and said coldly: “Anelus, I order you not to retreat, kill him for me!”


The worm king Ernerus who heard the order stiffened his whole body, and a strong resistance surged in his mind, trying to disobey the order that, in his opinion, was to send him to death.


The elderly Loki was shocked and angry. Unexpectedly, Enerus’s will was so strong that he showed signs of breaking away from control. He hurriedly used the spiritual gems to strengthen control: “Don’t forget that I am your master. Are you going to violate Is the master’s will?!”

The powerful power of the gem of the soul instantly destroyed Enerus’ will to resist.

I saw that its eyes were hollow and godless, like a thread puppet, and he nodded stupidly: “No, I dare not go against the master’s will.”

The next moment, the frenzy will start again!

The Annihilation Zerg showed amazing obedience under the order of the Zerg King.

Although these zergs are strongly resisting approaching the terrifying man under the trend of biological instinct, the special structure of the swarm makes them unable to violate the supreme worm emperor even if they are unwilling.

At this moment, the Zerg showed a crazy side.

They are scattered in every corner of the streets and alleys of this city, like an endless black tide pouring from all directions, and the sky is covered by black worms, the density of which is even light. Impenetrable, there is hardly any open space in the sight, as if the whole world was dyed black at this moment!

Crack, click…

Even the reinforced concrete was gnawed away wherever these completely crazy insect swarms passed.

The black tide gradually spread over, in the eyes of others, it looks like a dark abyss with an open mouth, swallowing everything it touches, regardless of whether those things have nutritional value, only I want to tear up everything that is obstructing the front!

Hisugaya Winter Lion holds an ice-blue blade, and the violent Reiatsu seems to have found a catharsis, accompanied by an extremely cold breath, pouring out like a flood damaging a dam, facing those fierce and undaunted The dead Zerg frenzy slapped a Four Realms are Bingjie! “


The extremely cold air on the blade’s blade was released at this moment.

The terrifying low temperature close to minus two Baidu, wrapped in the pure and transparent spiritual pressure like glass, suddenly rippled clearly and clearly in layers, and spread in a circular ring at a speed that the naked eye could hardly reach.

Almost instantly.

Black insects spread endlessly, and suddenly stopped moving forward.

Along with the sound of Hissugaya Toushiro putting the sword into its sheath, wherever the ice blue circle touches, all tangible and intangible matter, their time is permanently fixed at that moment!

The world is silent.

Only the wide white feather weave flies and hunts in the cold wind.

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