Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 363: Heim Underworld (15/22)

   “Calm down… observe carefully, and then find the exit!”

   Lord repeatedly comforted himself, took a few deep breaths, calmed the chaotic heart, and then carefully observed the void and fissures, trying to find a trace of regularity, or any clues about the ‘exit’!

   These fissures scattered in the turbulence of the void, some of them are as big as the East African Rift and stretch for thousands of miles, while the small ones are not as big as the arms. The gap between the two can be said to be huge differences, except There is no difference!

   Obviously, this method won’t work either!

   Lord was still a little unwilling, and tried to condense the spirit child into an arrow, and penetrated into the rift with the ability to penetrate all things, and then planned to use the spirit child’s feedback to perceive whether the other end of the rift was safe.

   Until he lost his senses, Lingzi didn’t send any feedback.

   This is like a natural prison, cutting off all attempts to escape.

   Even Lord, it is inevitable to be a little discouraged at the moment.

   He tried all the methods he could think of, and the results obtained were all useless!

   “Let’s start!”

   Lord exhaled a suffocating breath from his lungs, and then stared at the looming cracks.

   The next step is to verify his pedigree. It’s time for Europe to be right and wrong. If you choose the wrong ‘Export’, then it can only prove that he is nothing but this, and he is destined to suffer this disaster!

  Sometimes, luck is also an important part of success!

   Looking at the strong people who can reach the top, the characters are either treacherous and cunning, or tenacious, or bold and generous, or brave and forward. After removing all the extraneous things, they have only one thing in common. That is their luck is very good!

  When bad times turn good, turn dangers into bargain, jump off cliffs with exercises, go out to pick up teachers…

  , etc., all situations like the above, all have the help of great fortune in the dark, so that they can finally reach the top!

   And now, it was his turn.

Whether    can turn the danger into a breeze, it all depends on his next choice, which determines the future direction!

   Finally, he chose the biggest rift.

   If you insist on saying the reason, it may be that the crack is more pleasing to the eye, and the second is that the inside of this crack is close to a stable state, while the void turbulence inside other cracks is extremely violent.

   “It’s Europe right and wrong, here it is!”

   Lord prayed silently in his heart, then took a big step and stepped into the rift in an instant.

   Next moment.

   He experienced the feeling of being stuffed into a rolling washing machine and then stirring frantically for an unknown number of laps!

   The horrible suction from all directions seemed to tear him into pieces. The platform built by Lingzi instantly shattered, and his whole person was like rootless duckweed, turbulent in the violent void. The middle gradually faded away, disappearing into the deep darkness!


   I don’t know how long has passed.

   There is no sound or light in the space inside    Void Turbulence, and there is not even a soul!

   Lord has been floating in this space for a long time.

   could not confirm the direction, and could not find any exit.

   Reiki gradually depleted over time, this place is like a prison, trapping him tightly here!

  I can do nothing but wait for death!

   Although he didn’t want to admit it, he did feel desperate.

   After the initial struggle and unwillingness to roar, Lord’s mood gradually approached calm and dead. It was not that he gave up his hope of survival, but that he wanted to save all resources and find a way to get out of trouble before he died!

   a certain day…

   In the boundless darkness, Lord suddenly sensed a familiar breath of death!

   That is… the breath of hell!

   For an instant, Lord barely hesitated, and instantly turned into a light and shadow, rushing to the source of the aura!

  He has no choice!

   If he continues to stay in this boundless darkness, sooner or later he will die because his spiritual power is exhausted. This is his last hope!

   As for whose **** it is, it doesn’t matter to him anymore. Even Lucifer’s **** is better than being trapped here alive!

   is getting closer, getting closer and closer!

  Lord’s eyes flashed with excitement.

   He can clearly feel that the breath of **** is very close, not far in front!

   Finally, after exhausting all the spiritual pressure.

   Lord slammed his head against the crack, and then the whole person disappeared instantly!




   Here is a barren ice field.

   The bitter cold wind whistling, rolling layers of ice and snow and huge waves roaring past, like the endless waves of the sea, the whole world is enveloped by gray mist, and you can look at the sharp peaks. The glacier cliffs are located like a thousand swords.

  The thick snow covers the ice sheet, and a black river can be vaguely seen, a huge stone bridge with ancient atmosphere, which is horizontally framed on the rushing black river.

   There is no trace of life here.

   Even the most tenacious weeds cannot survive here, only the boundless ice field.

   Cold and deadly silence are the only themes here.

   But in this extreme environment, there is a figure walking on the ice field with a heavy weight dragging a huge weight against the wind and snow.


  As the figure got closer, you could see that it was a woman, and what she was dragging was a monster with huge horns.

  The woman wears broken armor covered with sword marks, her long purple hair is flying in the wind and snow, white feathers are inserted on both sides of the temple, one hand is dragging the horn monster, the other hand is dripping blood Sword, marching forward with determination.


   The bitter cold wind whizzed past, blowing up the thick snow, faintly revealing a figure.

  The silver armor woman stopped, frowned and looked at the man buried under the snow.

   The man’s black clothes were completely torn apart, and his body was covered with frozen blood, and the breath from the tip of his nose was extremely weak. If he hadn’t been a little ups and downs in his chest, I am afraid that anyone would treat him as a corpse.


   The man’s fingers squirmed slightly, and then he opened his eyes with difficulty, his chapped lips pulled up a wry, that bastard, finally ran out for him!

   This person is Lord who escaped from the turbulence of the void fissure, although the fissure that passed smoothly, but his spiritual pressure is exhausted, he has no defense means, and can only let the midway space storm. Raging.

   just fortunately this time, his luck is pretty good.

   Although he was torn apart by the space storm and was seriously injured, he still left a ray of life after all, allowing him to successfully reach this hell!

   Next, only need to give him a period of time to replenish the spiritual pressure, and he can activate the speeding regeneration to repair the injury.

   “Who are you?”

   The woman looked at him warily and asked.

   “A lost person…”

   Lord pulls the corners of his mouth forcibly, revealing an ugly smile: “Excuse me…Where is this place?”

   The woman frowned, and a look of surprise flashed across her eyes: “You don’t even know where this is?”

   Lord looked bitter and said: “I’m lost, I got here by mistake.”

   “Your luck is really bad.”

  The woman was silent for a moment, and then faintly said: “This is the kingdom of the dead, Helheim.”


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