Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 20: Frank with two guns!

  Pale justice!

After    Frank’s Zanpaku Knife was first solved, its appearance changed from a western knight sword to a weapon combining guns and blades, two elements!

  The gun blade is silver-gray, and the overall design is fairly simple. With a huge barrel and sharp blade, everything is best suited for combat.

   The overall appearance of the gun blade continues the way it was before Hajime. It is still ordinary and simple, without a trace of excess.

  ”Two guns?”

   Lord laughed and said: “It looks like your style, but I didn’t expect it to be a pair of Zanpaku swords!”

   There are only three pairs of ZanPai knives in the entire corpse soul world.

   These three paired Zanpaku Knives, without exception, are the captain-level users, even the very powerful group among the captains!

   Captain of the Eighth Division, Jingle Chunshui’s Zanpaku Knife——Huatian Kuanggu.

   The captain of the thirteenth squad, Ukitake Shihiro’s Zanpaku knife-Pisces Koi.

   and Kurosaki Ichigo, Zanyue after re-forging!


   Frank laughed and said: “Like it? I can’t give it to you if I like it!”

   “That’s not necessary.”

   Lord smiled back: “My knife is also good,”

   “Be careful!”

   Frank suddenly raised his hand, and the trigger was already pressed away at the moment the sound came out!

   When a person is talking, it happens to be the moment when he is most relaxed!

   For the punisher, the combat style is never restricted to the rules and restrictions, and the ultimate goal is to kill the opponent!

   Frank is not worried about killing Lord, because from the situation of Reiatsu just now, he is obviously at an absolute disadvantage. If he wants to win, he can only rely on sneak attacks!


   The gun blade made a huge roar, just like the roar of a wild beast, ejecting a fiery flame and pushing a metal bullet out of the rifling!


   The bullet exited the chamber very fast, even piercing through dozens of meters of air, as if there was no resistance at all, it shot straight towards Lord!

   “Too slow~”

   Lord smiled indifferently, then took a half step, and the Zanpodao suddenly cut out!

   Kendo·Sword pressure!

   The spiritual pressure visible to the naked eye was condensed on the blade, and then aimed at the bullet, swiping the knife vigorously!


   The blade split the bullet, splashing countless sparks!

   Lord, who thought it was over, suddenly saw Frank’s mouth, raised a weird and inexplicable smile, and immediately said in his heart a bad voice!


   Inside the cracked bullet, a sound similar to the expansion of a spring machine was made, followed by countless steel needles, which ejected like a torrential pear blossom!

   swish swish…

   Instant Step·Empty Cicada!

   Lord’s ankle moved, and the whole person disappeared instantly, leaving only a coat!


   Countless explosive steel needles pierced the coat, leaving dense holes like a honeycomb!


   Lord looked at him and gasped, thinking that Frank was too dark to start. What if he could be worth it?

   “Did you avoid it?”

   Frank narrowed his eyes slightly, remembering Lord’s steps just now, and then raised the gun blade of his right hand, “This time…speed up the bullet!”


   This time the bullet, at least three times faster than the previous one, came to Lord in almost a blink of an eye!

   “So fast!”

  Lord gave a faint sound, but his body was not in a hurry, he put the Zanpei Dao across his chest and blocked the shot!


      three times the speed of the bullet, under the impact of huge inertial force, even if it is Lord’s physical fitness, it is still unavoidable to be repelled a step.

   “Speed ​​up!”

   Frank gave a cold cry, and did not give Lord any time to breathe. He fired eighteen shots with the blade of his right pistol!

  嘭! Bang! Bang!

   Eighteen bullets roared, tearing the air, and with visible flames, they struck in various arcs in the air!

   “This is… arc shooting?”

   Lord’s face is a little weird.

  If he remembers correctly, this should be the skill of the Assassin Alliance. Is this the ability of Frank himself, or the ability of Zanpaku?

   But I can’t think about it now.

   Eighteen bullets, with a trajectory beyond ordinary understanding, circled a huge arc in the air, like a fishing net, enclosing Lorde inside!

   “I got it!”

   Frank’s eyes narrowed slightly. No one had ever escaped his trick!

   “But… it’s still too tender.”

   Lord’s eyes narrowed slightly, smiled lightly, and said: “Frank, you can’t beat me at this level of a child.”

   Say it.

   The Zanpaku Knife came out of its sheath and turned into countless swords!

The speed of    is so fast that it can’t be caught with the naked eye, as if it had split eighteen bullets in an instant!

   “I guessed it a long time ago.”

   Seeing that the bullet was split, Frank did not panic, but said confidently: “But unfortunately, Lord, you forgot, my bullets are not just bullets!”


   After the eighteen bullets were split, the familiar sound reinforcement sounded again!

   Boom boom boom!

   With Lord himself as the center, a violent explosion suddenly occurred within a few meters of the surrounding area, mixed with poisonous gas, flames, steel needles and other attacks!

   “Have you won?”

   Frank carefully observed the situation of Lord in the smoke, but suddenly felt a chill, coming from behind him!

   is it him? !

   The attack just now was unsuccessful!

   Frank reacted instantly, and the spear blade in his left hand turned around and cut out!


  The spear blade and the sharp gun!

   “You are really fine!”

   Frank looked at Lord, who was unscathed, gritted his teeth angrily.

   “You have too much ability, right?”

  Lord was also dumbfounded at this moment, and suddenly became curious about Frank’s Zanpaku abilities.

   Eighteen bullets can have eighteen different effects. Could it be that the Zanpaku Knife’s ability can change the structure and properties of the bullets?

   “You are not easy either!”

   Frank grinned: “I can avoid that trick!”

   “Thank you for the compliment.”

  Lord squinted his eyes and smiled. Frank, who was completely suppressed by the power of one hand, was almost on his knees!

   Frank gritted his teeth to support him, his spiritual power is not as good as Lord, and his physical stamina is even more incomparable. He can only be severely suppressed!

   “Is it over?”

   Lord was a little disappointed, “If only this level, it seems that your hope of revenge is far away.”

   Although Frank’s Zanpaku abilities look pretty fancy, it’s actually quite average!

   has neither the addition of Ghost Dao system nor the bonus of slashing It just changes the attributes of bullets. This ability is really tasteless.


   Frank smiled strangely, “Lord, fighting is not only about each other’s strength, but the most important thing is intelligence!”


   Lord raised his brows and curiously asked: “What information is there?”

   Frank retreated abruptly, and after a distance from Lodra, he raised the blade of the gun he had never used before.

   “Left hand!”

  Lord understood in an instant, Frank has always used a right pistol blade, but has never used a left pistol blade!

   Could it be……

  The gun blade on the left hand side, is there any other ability?

   Just as Lord was thinking, Frank raised the blade of his left pistol, pointed it at his heart, and then smiled.


  ”The initial solution of Pale Justice has two parts. One of the guns is called ‘Justice’. You can modify the bullet’s additional attributes as I like. You’ve seen it just now.”

  ”The other gun is called ‘Pale’, it can give me some extra abilities.”

   “For example…”


  The gunshot sounded, and a blood-red bullet was poured into Frank’s chest!

   “Until the dead end!!!!”

   Frank raised his head, his eyes were blood red, his whole body was boiling and bursting, and there were faint signs of breakthrough!

   “Its role… there is only one!”

  ”I have greatly improved all my attributes, and within the duration, no matter what kind of damage I receive, I can continue to fight!”


   This is a punisher.


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