Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 1307: Wacky Boss

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New York, West Shore of Manhattan Island.

It faces the bustling Eighth Avenue in the east and the Hudson River in the west. It is bounded by 59th Street and 34th Street in the north and south, and is divided into a rectangular area.

Around it, surrounded by neon-bright high-rise buildings, and in the middle of the rich commercial streets, there is a whole city, known as the most chaotic, darkest and poorest area.

It’s called…Hell’s Kitchen.

It’s hard to imagine that in such a bustling metropolis, there is still such a shadow hidden.

Evil falls here every night.

On the streets full of chaos and disorder, the only hope for you to survive is not the cops who say they are righteous and free, but which gang you… turn to.

Because here, what gangsters say is more effective than the so-called laws, and those of the police.

Only if you can afford expensive protection.

If you can’t pay the protection fee, then I have to say sorry to you, maybe there will be an extra body on the street tomorrow morning.

But don’t worry.

At least the gangs have a little bit of integrity, they’ll regularly pay the cleaners to take your body away and put it in some garbage dump, or in the Hudson River.

The night was getting late, and the moon was obscured by hazy clouds.

The lights on the street are bright and dim, and the circuits that have not been repaired all the year round exploded sparks in the dark night.


Accompanied by the sizzling sound caused by the leakage of electric current, under the darkness of the distant street, dozens of dark cars, as if the ghosts in the night were approaching, the headlights illuminated the street.

Those young people who were hiding in dark corners, doing things like flies and dogs, with pale and weak faces, fled aside in fright, for fear that they would be caught if they ran too slowly.

Because, someone has already recognized it.

The license plates of those cars belong to the Fisker Group!

In Hell’s Kitchen, everyone remembers one thing: don’t get angry, the boss of the Fisker Group, or even if he runs to the White House in Washington, he will die.

The man named Fisk is the emperor of the underground gang in New York and even the United States, who dominates this chaotic darkness and is the undisputed overlord.

But there are some people who don’t choose to run away.

There are always some people who will be overcome by curiosity and want to see why the famous Fisker Group is here.

“Perhaps, I can use this information to exchange some spiritual food with other gangsters.”

This is their idea.


All cars parked on the side of the street as if they had made an appointment.

Immediately afterwards, the car doors were opened one after another, and a group of people wearing black suits, uniform movements and sturdy physical fitness, coupled with indifferent faces, exuded the atmosphere that strangers should not approach, no doubt everyone is very capable of fighting .

Also, their waist and abdomen position, bulging, is obviously wearing a gun.

Afterwards, one of the strong men came to an obviously modified Rolls-Royce and opened the door respectfully.

A bald-headed man in a suit with a height of two meters and an unusually large body that looks like a big fat man, like a little giant, bent down and walked down Rolls Royce.

That’s… gold!

The moment they saw the man, these men realized that something might be wrong with them.

Because that man is the underworld emperor.

Wilson Grant Wesker!

Of course, people prefer to call him by another nickname – Kim Bing!

Jin He tidied up the neckline of his suit, his eyes like a tiger, glanced around at random: “Get rid of them, I don’t want to be disturbed.”

Those who stayed where they were, immediately regretted why they didn’t leave just now.

bang bang bang…

A chaotic gunshot, mixed with screams.

A moment later, the street returned to silence and silence, save for a pool of blood on the ground describing what had just happened.

“You stay here, don’t follow.”

Jin Bing looked through the car window, and after confirming that the tie was not skewed, and that the neckline and cuffs were straight, he said to his subordinates.

Those thugs in suits with great fighting power, surprisingly did not object to this proposal.

As an insider who knows the truth.

One thing they are profoundly aware of is that boss Kim is stronger than all of them put together.

Under the oversized suit that seems to be about to burst, it is not a pile of fat and fat, but an explosive strength and a muscle that reaches the limit of human beings.

Golden and strode to the very edge of the street.

It’s located on a dark corner, and there’s still a little **** thrown there. It smells bad. It’s only one and a half people wide and two meters high, with a tattered facade.

Outside this dilapidated facade, there is a wooden sign that was picked up from nowhere, with four words written on it: Equivalent Exchange.

The handwriting is engraved, and the strokes are strong and powerful.

Although it’s written on a worn wooden sign, it can make Jin Tong feel an invisible pressure that can even sting the eyeballs if he looks directly at it for a long time.

“Inhale… exhale…”

Kin took a deep breath and pushed the door open with his hands.

When the old and rotten wooden door was pushed open, it made a harsh rotten wood noise, and a corridor with dim yellow light bulbs came into his eyes.

Jin Bian took a closer look, and after confirming that there were no problems, he strode into the corridor.

The corridor is not very long, and the end can be seen at a glance.

There is still a door at the end, but it looks a lot newer than the one outside, and it is antique, with intricate patterns carved in the hollows, and it looks a bit like an antique.

Unfortunately, Kim doesn’t like antiques.

Without hesitation, he pushed the door open and entered, revealing an unexpectedly large living room in front of him.

The living room has an area of ​​at least one hundred square meters. In terms of furnishings and decoration, it seems to refer to the style of the oriental country, with four jujube red beams standing in the four directions.

On the left and right sides, there is a spiral staircase leading to the second floor There is a cute girl next to the door.

With two ponytails, she is only about twelve or thirteen years old, and she is no taller than Kim Bing’s belly.

The girl, wearing a classic maid outfit, glanced at him, turned back to the living room, where the books were piled up, and shouted, “Sir, there are guests here.”

The voice just fell.

But I saw a head emerge from the mountain of books.

Immediately afterwards, the man walked out while scratching his head. He didn’t look very big, only about 20 years old. He was wearing a piece of gold that he had never seen before. edge feeling.

“Welcome to our store, Mr. Wilson Grant Fisk.” The man approached, looked at him and smiled, “Adhering to the principle of equivalent exchange, I don’t know what you want?”

Provide you with the fastest update of Zanpakutō, the beginning of the beautiful manga of the great **** eight days of cicadas, so that you can check the fastest update of this book next time, please be sure to save your bookmarks!

Chapter 1307 The Wacky Boss is free to read.https://

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