Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 1300: Lord and Karl

It’s over…isn’t it okay after all?

Pietro closed his eyes, not wanting to see the world… being destroyed.

The time that has been suddenly reversed is like a torrent, and the power of the ancient years engulfs everything, like a savage giant elephant running wildly, rushing towards the past that should not be reproduced in the mighty rumbling momentum.

Under the roaring wheel of time, the cornerstone of the new world that had just been laid fell apart in an instant.

Now, no one can stop their footsteps.

“I… time and space! Is everything!”

An awe-inspiring and trembling voice resounded in the sky as if it had passed through the ancient years.

Pietro let out a muffled snort, his ears, nose, mouth and eyes had seven orifices, and blood flowed from the shock.

When you open your eyes, what is reflected in the deepest part of Tong Kong is like a super galaxy cluster. The magnificent and splendid starry sky is imprinted on the sky like a projection. The shining brilliance from the stars illuminates the earth like daytime .

The instigator of all this is the ruler of space-time and all things.

She seems to be determined to completely erase this human being, so as to avoid the previous accident from happening again.

“The stars are gone, the brilliance will live forever, and so will I!”

The magnificent sound flowed down from the sky, shattering the void for millions of miles.

However, under the sky shone with endless brilliance, there is the most dazzling star, bursting out with a brightness comparable to a million nuclear bombs, releasing ripples visible to the naked eye one after another, setting off endless waves in the vast starry sky. ripple.

Inch by inch of the starry sky was shattered, and a terrifying suction erupted in the universe.

The stars are pulled by a huge gravitational force, and they fly and gather from the depths of the starry sky. The stars are like guarding their masters, surrounding the lonely earth, and endless brilliance interweaves in the sky.

The next moment, under the action of that gravitational force, a mighty tide was triggered among the stars.

In just the blink of an eye, the stars surrounding the earth were torn apart by gravity, and then turned into a huge vortex of starlight, slowly turning like a millstone.

The surrounding gravel floated up, and the gravity became lighter and lighter.

Pietro suddenly realized that the seemingly beautiful vortex of stars was releasing a gravitational force like a black hole.

Moreover, in just a few breaths, gravity lowers Earth’s gravity.

“Is she going to… tear up the entire planet?!” Pietro showed a look of horror.


The vortex rotation of the stars suddenly intensifies, and the entire earth is being pulled by gravity.

The immeasurable sea water in the four oceans was torn by that gravitational force, and huge waterspouts rose up one after another. The height reached to the sky, engulfing the creatures and sediment under the sea, and being swallowed by the star vortex. into the belly.

The huge million-ton mountain was easily lifted up.

The continental plates collapsed and shattered one after another, and then were crushed by the terrifying gravitational force, turning into powder and flying towards the vortex of stars.

The swollen girl stands in the vast starry sky, side by side with the most dazzling star, with countless evil eyes on her bloated body, looking down at the crumbling world below, the corners of her lips gradually raised and curved: “This time, win The only ones are us.”

She couldn’t wait to see Lord’s face.

Anxiety, anger, remorse, and resentment, when these emotions appear on his face, can she feel the long-lost joy.

This Outer God, who is keen on deceiving, seducing, and fooling human beings, plunges them into terror and despair to the point of spiritual constant, as her highest joy and reward.

“Now, do you have anything else to say?”

With a trace of playfulness, the swollen daughter cast her eyes on the blocked starry sky.

However, just this one glance shocked her childishly.

In the blocked star field, the broken limbs of Nag and Yebu are scattered all over, and the flesh and blood are spilled on every planet.

But only… the man disappeared.

Just as she was astonished and shocked as to where the man had gone, she heard a familiar voice.

“Are you looking for me?”

She looked back suddenly, but saw a huge blade capable of cutting through the galaxy, falling from above in a mighty manner.


Slashed down with a knife, the sea of ​​stars and seas trembled endlessly, and the turbulent wind tore apart the stars.

The blade as huge as a **** directly shattered the vortex of stars, with magnificent cracks shining on it, like extended tree branches, adorned with this ‘broken’ sword.


! “

A wordless scream, as if a storm swept through time and space.

The unsuspecting Yog-Sothoth was cut in half by the knife, and a torrent of starlight overflowed and fell.

“It’s you…Lord!”

The swollen girl Kong suddenly shrank, and when she was shocked, she called out the person’s name.

“Both, long time no see.”

Lord stepped on the broken starry sky, walked over step by step, and said calmly.

“This is impossible…how did you come out?!” The swollen woman gritted her teeth and glared.

She had calculated thousands of times, but she didn’t count Lord, so she could escape from there.

“I thought you could guess everything.” Lord glanced at her and said with a sneer: “It seems that you are not, you can ‘see’ and ‘count’ everything. .”

The swollen girl’s eyelids twitched, but she didn’t refute his words.

In fact, everything about ‘Lord’, not just them, can’t be observed by anyone.

With her wisdom, it is not difficult to guess the truth.

“It’s… the time when time and space flow back.”

Just thinking about it for a while, the swollen girl’s face became even more ugly: “That star field does not belong to any time and space. The moment the sudden acceleration was stopped, a crack was torn out of it, and then you took the opportunity to Escaped from inside, am I right? Lord!”

“Correct answer, but realized too late.”

Lord grinned and said: “Whether you choose to flow backwards or not, the moment the acceleration starts, your fate is already doomed.”

Whether they choose to block the restart or not, they cannot change the final outcome.

Or, choose to prevent the restart of the world, thereby tearing up the blocked star field and letting him escape from it.

Or, just watch the new world come, and then they will be left in the old world, which is equivalent to being exiled by the world.

No matter which choice they choose, they are doomed to fail their calculations.

“Don’t get complacent too early, Lord.”

The swollen **** sneered heavily: “Don’t forget, now… we are the ones who have the upper hand.”

In the time it took to speak, Yog-Sothoth, who had been chopped into pieces, once again condensed infinite starlight and was reborn in dazzling brilliance.

“Are you sure that you can beat the two of us?” The swollen daughter didn’t panic at all and stood side by side with Yog-Sothoth.

Fighting against the two outer gods in the pillar class alone, even the once omniscient and omnipotent “God” has never done this.

“Zhu Shi Da Luo”

Even…they are just, incomplete.

Unexpectedly, Lord pursed his lips slightly, tilted his head to look at them, and said with a chuckle: “Who told you… I only have one person?”

The next moment, a person with exactly the same appearance suddenly walked out of the crack in the starry sky behind him.

The man glanced at him indifferently, and said: “Don’t forget, you owe me once.”

At this moment, the face of the swollen girl completely changed, and she said the person’s name heavily in an extremely strange and angry tone, setting off a huge storm that devoured everything in the solar system.


! “

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