Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 1245: Hawk returned from hell




The feeling of weightlessness enveloped Hawke.

It seems that there are countless hands, dragging his body, falling into the boundless abyss.

The surroundings were pitch-dark, and he could not see his fingers. He tried his best to cry out, but he couldn’t get the slightest response. It seemed that he was alone in the whole world. The feeling of loneliness, loneliness, and fear gradually spread. Come.

Sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, feeling… all are moving away from him.

This feeling of powerlessness is really terrifying!

Hawke is like giving up, just sinking into the dark, quietly waiting for everything to end.

But those memories of the past, like a marquee, began to flash in his mind scene by scene, from the first Magneto, to the later Professor X, to Pietro and Wanda, as well as those who died comrades.

Those people looked stern and disappointed, as if they were questioning him loudly: “Did you really try your best?”

Professor X looked at him with disappointment: “Hawk, I thought you could do it, but I didn’t expect you to disappoint me, you can’t protect even a child, the future of mutants… .It was ruined by you like this!”

Immediately afterwards, Magneto appeared in his mind and asked him expectantly: “Hawk, my child, are you protected?”

Then, Wanda appeared again. She cried and asked: “Why didn’t you protect my brother? Why did you let him step into the wooden house? Why can you give up with peace of mind?”

Covered in blood, Wolverine, whose legs were broken at the roots, with only one hand left, crawled out of the dark abyss, and then used his blood-stained, scarred face to straighten Staring at him: “Hawk, you have disappointed me so much.”

The questioning, like a sharp knife, stabbed into his heart fiercely.


“I can’t give up…”

Hawke, who had planned to give up, had a flame in his heart.

Not for himself, but for those dead comrades-in-arms, even if he has fallen into a demon, he will get up again and take revenge on those guys with the flames from hell!

“Uh ah ah ah!”

A roar from the heart, turned into the most primitive oil, injected into this decayed and damaged machine.

Hawke, who was running out of fuel, tried his best to burn his soul and stretched out his hand to the darkness.

He will tear apart the darkness and return to that world!

“Please…my body!”

“Just hold on a little longer, just hold on a little longer!”

“I can’t fall yet!”

“At least until I save Pietro, I can’t die ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

In the boundless darkness, a light suddenly appeared.

A beam of blazing golden light, like the dawn of dawn, cut through this boundless pitch-black space.

In Hawke’s shocked eyes, he seemed to see a person walking towards him from the blazing golden light, wrapping him with infinite warmth, dispelling the darkness like the sun.

“O slaves bound by fate, rely on your own strength to liberate your fate!”

Under the golden light like the sun, Hawke’s vision gradually blurred. At the last second of unconsciousness, he vaguely saw that it was a man wearing a crown of thorns and a linen cloth.

650 kilometers from Kansas City, on a forest trail.

The rainstorm for several days has made the land very moist and soft, and there is a faint mist in the forest.

At this time, this piece of soft and damp soil is slowly changing shape.

If you look down from the sky, you can clearly see that the land in this area is undergoing a strange change that cannot be described by science, as if a demon walked by and left a huge palm print with a diameter of hundreds of feet. .

The edge of the palm print can be clearly seen, like a claw-like trace.

This is the area in the palm of the terrifying demon in the Arizona desert, but for some unknown reason, it moved thousands of kilometers and appeared near Kansas.

With the appearance of the demon’s palm, a violent heartbeat suddenly sounded in this silent forest.

Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!

The sound of the heartbeat grew louder and louder.

It echoed in the open forest, as if a powerful sports car filled with oil and slamming the accelerator, the nearby soil was shaken up, and a circle of ripples could be vaguely seen, spreading like a water surface. .

Looking at the source of the earth’s vibration, it was a corpse covered in mud and completely dead.

And the source of the heartbeat is this corpse.

In places that were not touched by mud, the skin of the corpse could be found, showing a rigid blue color, and even a little smelly, and speckled mildew, which was enough to prove that he was completely dead.

But it was such a dead body, and its chest was beating violently.


The corpse trembled suddenly, as if it had been electrocuted, and bounced several centimeters in place.

Then it fell heavily again, the mud around the earthquake splashed, and the mud that wrapped the corpse also fell off, revealing the original appearance, which was the long-dead Hawke.

At very close range, he was hit by six bullets from the M1911, which knocked half of his head off.

If you get close, you can still see half of the brain.

The bullseye of the professional killer level will never leave any trouble, and every shot will be fatal, so it is reasonable to say that it has become like this, and it is absolutely impossible for the corpse to come back to life.

But it was just such a corpse that the heartbeat sounded again.


Hawke’s fingers wriggled a bit, making several traces on the wet soil.

Immediately followed by his eyelids, and then the whole person slowly twitched, as if post-death stressful stimulation, constantly trembling.

The next moment, Hawke slowly got up from the ground, and after staggering twice, he stood firm.

“I’m…back from hell!”

The moment he opened his eyes, Sen Han’s killing intent was like a tsunami, sweeping the entire forest.

Hawke violently tore off his shirt and looked down at his chest. A heart-like organ was clearly protruding from the subcutaneous tissue, and even two sturdy aortas, and the whole body could be seen. shape of a heart.

“Is that so…Am I also selected?”

Hawke looked at the beating heart and knew that his second life was bestowed by the saint.

The surging vitality is constantly pouring into his body from the heart. Without this heart, he is just a corpse now, and even with the support of the heart, how long he can live is uncertain .

“Is this the power of a saint’s body?”

Hawk murmured in a low voice, he could clearly feel that a wonderful force was walking in his body.

That is the power of life and the power of spirit.

With the activation of his thoughts, the spiritual power quickly leaked out of the body, forming a nearly transparent creature with a human-shaped outline, which stayed silently beside him like a ghost.

This is the power that the corpse gave him, just like Pietro’s power.

“Pietro…wait for me!”

Hawke clenched his fists, his eyes were sharp and firm: “I will save you, at all costs, before this body reaches its limit, no one… can stop me! “


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