Marvel With Zanpakuto Chapter 1: Reaper under the dark night!

  United States, New York.

   This metropolis is known as the center of the world, in addition to the bustling streets and dazzling neon, there are some hidden dark corners!

   And the Hell’s Kitchen in Manhattan is just such a place hidden in the sun, a mixed bag.

   This is a gathering place for countless gangs and criminals. Even the government and the police are unwilling or unable to govern the inaccessible zone.

   The day belongs to justice, and the night belongs to evil. This sentence is the best description of Hell’s Kitchen!

   But in recent days, some weird things have happened in Hell’s Kitchen, making these lawless people frightened.

   “Hey, Jack.”

  A black man said to the black man next to him: “Have you heard? Recently there seems to be a killer who specializes in picking gangsters!”

   “Of course, Bob.”

  Jack shrank his neck, looked around, then lowered his voice and whispered: “My uncle saw with his own eyes, the bodies of more than one hundred people from the Tianlong Gang!”


   Bob took a deep breath, couldn’t help but wrap his coat tightly, curled his neck and asked: “Really? Don’t lie to me, your uncle really saw it?”

   “Of course!”

  Jack immediately patted his chest and promised: “My uncle is from the Penguin gang. Several of them saw it. After my uncle came back, he was scared to have nightmares for several nights!”

   Bob’s eyes lit up, he immediately became interested, and asked: “Tell me, what did your uncle see?”


  Jack hesitated, “My uncle won’t let me say it. If he lets him know, I have to break my leg!”

   “Hey, brother.”

   Bob was a little unwilling, and forced his arms around Jack, and said: “I won’t tell others, so don’t worry, how about I invite you to have a drink at night?”


   Jack, who was full of bars and misses, instantly ignored his uncle’s warning and whispered in Bob’s ear: “My uncle said that the slaying of the Heavenly Dragon Gang… is not human, but It’s a monster!”


   Bob was taken aback when he heard the words, then his face was a little ugly: “I treat you as a brother, do you treat me as a fool? Where is the monster in this world? Isn’t your uncle an illusion caused by a fan?”

   “No, I didn’t lie to you, there are really monsters!” Jack anxiously defended.


  Bob snorted coldly, then pushed Jack away hard, “You just wanted to lie to me to drink, so I made up a monster on purpose, Jack, I’m so disappointed in you!”

   “It’s true, Bob!”

   Jack saw that someone didn’t believe him, he immediately stretched out his three fingers and swears earnestly: “I can swear to God’s ass, my uncle really saw the monster!”

  Bob still didn’t believe it, and said disdainfully: “Jack, you are no longer a kid, don’t believe those ridiculous bedtime stories, let your uncle breathe less by the way.”

   “Fak squid!”

  Jack scolded angrily: “My uncle did not attract fans, there really is a monster!”


  Bob put his hands on his chest and said impatiently: “I don’t believe it, there can be no monsters in this world!”

   “If it does, let it come to me, do you see my fist? I’ll hit him on his knees and call him Dad!”


  Bob hid himself for a long time, only to find that Jack did not speak, but looked at him in horror.

   “Jack, what’s wrong with you?”

  Bob is a little puzzled, he shouldn’t be so timid.

   “Bob…you…behind you…”

  Jack was horrified at the moment, his pupils dilated, and his whole body was shaking like chaff, as if he had seen something terrifying.

   “Behind me?”

   There was a trace of doubt on Bob’s face, and then slowly turned his head, his expression gradually solidified, and replaced by fear.

   What caught Bob’s eyes was a horror mask that was as pale as ashes and shaped like a beast, followed by a pair of dark and hollow eyes, dark enough to swallow the soul!

  It is five or six stories tall, with a fist-sized circular hole in its chest, and its two arms are extremely thick and huge, looking like a huge mutant ape!


  Bob can even feel the airflow that the monster sprays from under the mask, and a strong pungent smell of blood!

   is really a monster!

  Jack didn’t lie, his uncle really saw the monster!

   Bob’s pupils suddenly tightened, his legs trembled frantically, and he almost couldn’t stand still!


  Bob only had time to swear, and he saw the terrifying monster and opened his mouth!


   Blood is splattered and bloody!

   The gums of the white mask monster squirmed and chewed, and a scene of swallowing a living person was staged on the scene!

  Poor Bob…

   When I just set up, I was met with retribution in an instant. It can be seen from this that it is best to be honest and not stand up casually.


   Jack trembled, he almost fell to the ground with fright, his face full of horror.

  After swallowing Bob raw, the white mask monster seemed unsatisfied, and directed his greedy scarlet eyes at Jack, who was already scared to pee.

  ”Help ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~”

   Under the threat of death, Jack finally plucked up the courage and rushed out, screaming for help while running.


   The white masked monster gave a loud roar, raised his hand and slapped it!


   Five huge fingers swept across the air, and suddenly a violent gust of wind rushed towards Jack like a huge wave!


   Jack’s small size, like a leaf in the wind, was lifted up in a flash, and then hit the wall heavily!


   Jack spit out a mouthful of blood, only to feel dizzy, his internal organs are about to be crushed, and he can’t lift a bit of strength.

  咚! Boom! Boom!

   The huge mask monster, under the night and looks extremely horrible and terrifying, and is walking towards Jack step by step!


   “Is there anyone…help me!”

   Jack’s painful face was distorted and he fell into extreme despair, crying for help with fear, but no one responded to him.

   Seeing the monster getting closer and opening his mouth, Jack was about to be torn alive, but suddenly someone appeared in front of him!

   Next second.

  Jack couldn’t even see what was going on, and the scream of the monster came from his ears!


   A deep knife mark spread from top to bottom, splitting the monster from the middle, and with the rain of blood, it rose into the sky like a fountain!

  Jack looked at the man in horror.

   In the dark night, the man is wearing a black kimono with a long white belt around his waist, the lower part of his trouser legs is relatively wide, and he has a pair of wooden clogs under his feet.

  The man is an Asian face, with short light silver hair, which reflects slightly in the moonlight, which makes him look a little sacred.

   The blue eyes are extremely deep, as if the sea of ​​stars is hidden. The nose is tall, the lips are thin, and the eyebrows are slanted like a sword on the sideburns.

   “Who… are you?”

   Jack’s eyes widened and his mouth grew big, that white mask monster was killed by this man!

   So strong…

   He didn’t even see the process of this person’s action!

  ”You can call me…Reaper.”

   Against the backdrop of the moonlight, Lord, dressed in a black kimono, has a gentle smile on his lips, like a sacred angel.


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