Marvel Ninja God Chapter 33: Mark 3

Due to the reincarnation of the filth, the Punisher’s strength has declined somewhat.

However, the regeneration and undead abilities given by the body of the filthy earth allow the Punisher to exert more strength.

As an experienced warrior, the Punisher knows how terrifying this nearly undead body can be in battle.

“Your current appearance is very different from a normal person, so I suggest that you usually consider wearing a mask or something. Of course, if you don’t care about other people’s opinions, it doesn’t matter.”

Although the Punisher of Reincarnation is still the same as before, his eyes are completely different from normal people.

The whites of the eyes of normal people are white, while the whites of the eyes of those who are reincarnated from the filth are black.

Moreover, there will be obvious cracks on the face of the reincarnated person, which looks like a mud doll with cracks.

“I’ll take care of that.”

Although the Punisher has not seen his current appearance, as long as it is Rogge’s suggestion, he will seriously consider it.

“As for what is different about this body, you need to explore it yourself. If necessary, I will contact you again!”

There are occasional changes in what the system gives, so Rogge isn’t sure if there will be any unexpected changes in the Punisher’s filthy body.

After explaining the Punisher, Rogge cast Flying Thor and returned directly to the office, then glanced at his current attribute panel.

Except for the reduction of the number of unspent Ninja Coins from 25 to 5, and the addition of a column of psychic information, the other information in the Attributes panel has not changed.

Psychic: Frank the Punisher (Reincarnated state)

Looking at the psychic item column, Rogge began to consider whether he should learn a psychic technique in advance.

However, after seeing that he only had 5 ninja coins left, he silently dismissed the idea.

Although the exchange price of psychics is not expensive, it only needs 30 ninja coins.

But that’s not something he can think about right now.

Even if Tony gave him the Mark III with its own Ark Reactor, he only had 10 Ninja Coins.

I don’t know when will I stop worrying about Ninja coins?

Not long after Roger returned to the office, Erica, who went to the bank to exchange checks, returned to the office.

She came back with a man Roger was familiar with.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Roger felt that Coulson’s hairline seemed to have moved back a little bit silently.

“What’s the matter, has Agent Coulson of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency commissioned again?”

Rogge retracted his gaze from Coulson’s hairline and asked with a little joking.

“You can stop calling us the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau in the future. We now have an abbreviation called S.H.I.E.L.D.!”

“This is definitely one of the smartest decisions you’ve made this year!”

After hearing the familiar name of S.H.I.E.L.D., Roger gave a sincere compliment.

“Let’s not talk about the name, we have a commission now, and I want you to take over it. The reward is two million dollars.”

Coulson directly stated the purpose of his trip.

“No answer!”

Rogge also gave his own answer directly.

“You don’t even know the content of the commission, will it be too casual?”

Coulson did not expect Roger to give such a simple and crude answer.

“I’m going to think about the meaning of life recently, so I don’t plan to accept a commission.”

Before Tony delivered the Mark III, Roger couldn’t accept the commission even if he wanted to, because the commission would never pass the system’s judgment.

Coulson didn’t believe a word of Roger’s statement.

But even so, he gave up his plan to persuade Rogge, and instead told Rogge something else.

“If it is convenient for you during this time, our director would like to make an appointment to meet with you, privately.”

After speaking, Coulson took out a business card with only a phone number from his jacket pocket.

“You can call the above number directly when the time comes.”

Coulson put the business card in front of Roger and left the office.


Time flies, and two weeks after Roger has transformed the Punisher into a filthy reincarnation state, he receives a call from Tony.

“The Mark 3 you want is ready, you can come and get it anytime.”

I don’t know why, Tony’s tone seemed a little low and tired.

After hanging up the phone, Rogge didn’t hesitate to use Flying Thor to come to Tony’s garage.

After seeing Roger’s arrival, Tony didn’t have any surprises and casually pointed to the Mark 3 next to the garage.

Rogge did not go to get his Mark 3 directly, but asked Tony suspiciously: “How did you become the ghost you are now?”

Now Tony is like a depressed patient who has been insomnia for several days, and the whole person reveals an abnormal depression.

“I went to Gomila a few days ago. Do you know Gomila? It’s Ethan’s hometown.”

Speaking of which, Tony’s sluggish aura was a little heavier.

“Isn’t it ironic that Ethan saved my life, but the people of his hometown were hurt by the weapons I invented. Ethan saved an executioner who hurt the people of his hometown.”

Tony took a few sips of spirits into his Next to him was a bottle of spirits that he was about to drink up.

Rogge did not speak, silently acting as the audience.

“There was a group of terrorists threatening them, so I wore the Mark 3 and gave the terrorists a hard lesson. I thought it would make them feel better, but I found that it didn’t work at all.”

“The weapons produced by Stark Industries are still in the hands of those terrorists, and there is nothing I can do about it.”

“When I first came back to New York, I announced at a press conference that Stark Industrial Arms would be permanently closed, hehe…”

Looking at Tony, who was covered in alcohol in front of him, Roger sighed.

He thought Tony had suffered a major blow, but he didn’t expect these things.

“You’re Tony Stark, a famous genius. You can’t even handle these things, can you?”

“Even if you can’t figure it out, don’t you have a Mark 3 yet, put it on and you’ll find the solution to your problem is simple!”

Tony couldn’t stop Stark Industries’ weapons production. Obadiah used normal business means to restrict his rights, causing him to lose control of the company.

There are many ways to solve this situation.

The easiest thing to do is to put on the Mark 3 and talk to Obadiah.

After finishing speaking, Rogge ignored Tony and went directly to the Mark 3 delivered by Tony.

I don’t know what it’s like to perform ninjutsu in Mark 3, but I can try it when I go back.

Rogge didn’t care much about the combat prowess of the Mark III. To him, the Mark III was more of a souvenir than a weapon.

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