Martial God Asura: Qing Xuantian biography (3)

legend, Divine Body will release a vision when it comes.

That vision is also powerful.

After the vision, most of the power will return to the master.

But some of the power will be stripped and scattered around the world.

If this power is dissipated, it will not matter, but if this power does not dissipate, it will condense into a thing, and even have an autonomous consciousness, you can carry out cultivation, and over time, become an independent living body, which can be turned into a person, or even anything Made things.

This thing is named Divine spirit.

Divine Body is very powerful, how much can be played, but it depends on the strength of the host’s cultivation realm.

But the Divine spirit is different. Even if it is only a very small part of Divine Power, as long as it is separated from Divine Power to form an independent life body, the power it holds is also extremely terrifying.

Qing Xuantian is looking for the Divine spirit.

Because of this, the uncle of Qing Xuantian is so uneasy.

The uncle of Qing Xuantian can only pin his hopes on. The legend of the Divine spirit is fake.

But Qing Xuantian is very clear, this legend is true.

Right now, Qing Xuantian is in a jungle with a lake deep in the jungle.

The lake is not very big, but the water of the lake is actually golden.

Qing Xuantian finds all the way here. It’s not a map, but an intuition.

Because the Divine spirit hidden here is separated from the Divine Power of Qing Xuantian.

Even now, already has become an independent living body, but Qing Xuantian can still feel its position.

Actually, Qing Xuantian had wanted to come and take over this thing, but he was too young and his family would not let him come out alone.

Now he finally waited for the opportunity.

唰 ——

Suddenly, Qing Xuantian jumped into the water, like a dragon, straight into the depths of this lake.

Although the surface of the lake is bright golden light, when it falls deep, the lake is dark and you can’t see anything.

But Qing Xuantian is not panic at all. I saw his one-handed pinch, and then with his other hand, he moved forward a little, and suddenly a ray of light flew out of his finger and fluttered away.

Although the light body is the size of the fireflies, when it appears, the bottom of the dark(ness) lake is illuminated by lights, everything is clear and clear.

At this moment, Qing Xuantian can also be clearly seen. In the depths of the bottom of the lake, there is a confusion.

That’s **, a golden dragon.

At this moment, the gold dragon‘s huge eyes, like lanterns, are slowly opened.

The eyes opened, and the fierce gaze suddenly revealed, and that terrible gaze turned to Qing Xuantian for the first time.

“Bold mortals, how dare to disturb the deity, you are really impatient.”

gold dragon even spoke, his voice was loud, like thunder, it seemed that God was giving orders.

At the same time, the gold dragon entangled with its body stretched out. Its body, which was nearly 100 meters long, was a real behemoth.

Suddenly, the dragon’s tail agitated, and immediately set off a majestic vortex in the water. The vortex swelled and a strong suction force opened gives out. Everything in this lake began to follow the suction force toward the The gold dragon went away.

Only Qing Xuantian stands in the lake and is not affected by that suction.

Seeing this scene, gold dragon‘s contemptuous eyes were also surprised.

“But the Divine spirit thing, really thought you were True Dragon?” Qing Xuantian said.

“You are not a mortal at all, who are you? Tell me, or I will tear you apart.” At this moment, gold dragon was startled and start to question.

“Hmm.” Qing Xuantian did not answer the question gold dragon, but lightly snorted.

The next moment, when Qing Xuantian moved his mind, his body began to shine brightly with gives out, and then four huge beast emerged from him.

The four huge beasts each have a length of more than 100 meters and are extremely powerful. They are simply Divine Beast in the sky. The momentum of each one is far from that of gold dragon.

That’s Divine Power, Four Divine Beast Power of Qing Xuantian.

The four huge beast are Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise.

Even the gold dragon is just a trace of power from Azure Dragon.

“Damn, it’s you, you don’t want me to be better, then I will destroy you !!!”

Suddenly, the gold dragon roared, then the dragon tail swung, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and swallowed away at Qing Xuantian.

In the face of the gold dragon swallowed up, Qing Xuantian did not change his face. I saw his palms spread out and blasted out to the gold dragon. A special force emerged from the palm of his hand, gives out, and immediately enveloped gold dragon.

“No, no !!!”

At this moment, the gold dragon began to utter a painful growl.

It turned out that when the gold dragon was shrouded by that special power, its physical body not only began to shrink, but even began to disperse, turning into a golden light body, and falling into the hands of Qing Xuantian.

“I have left you, claiming my life, and it has nothing to do with you, why can’t you let me go alive.”

“Please, let me go alive, I will no longer kill innocent people guarantee, I guarantee … will no longer kill innocent people.”

The Gold Light in the hands of Qing Xuantian, the voice of gold dragon begging.

“Are you killing the innocent, what do you do with me?” Qing Xuantian said.

“Ah?” Hearing this, gold dragon was a moment, and then asked: “Why did you find me here?”

Hearing this, Qing Xuantian, who has always been indifferent, has a slight smile on the corner of his mouth and said softly:

“Because you are mine, how can you tolerate you in the wild?”

By the way, Qing Xuantian has a mouth and swallowed the gold dragon directly.

“Ah !!!”

“No !!!”

The next moment, gold dragon‘s heartbreaking screams began to come from the abdomen inside Qing Xuantian.

It’s just that cry, it didn’t last long, then it gradually dissipated, because already was integrated into the body of Qing Xuantian.

If the incident spreads, the surrounding residents must feel incredible.

No one would think of it, this demon who even dares to eat it is eaten by a child today.

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