Martial God Asura Chapter 991: Death to death

At this moment, Chu Feng couldn’t help frowning, not because he was afraid, but he found that among the people behind him, already was beginning to tremble slightly. Those thing had just appeared and hadn’t really approached yet. already was afraid .

This reminds Chu Feng, Huangfu Haoyue, Burning Heaven Church, and Tantai Xue‘s previous words. Some things are easier said than done.

In short, this Heavenly Road … is really hard to break.

He already foresaw that most of the people following him would die in this crisis.

“Don’t be afraid, remember, no matter what it is, no matter how terrible they are, they are all fake. Follow me and you can break through.” Chu Feng reminded again.

“Observe.” The crowd responded in unison, seemingly imposing, but in fact there was already a guilty conscience.


Chu Feng took a step before speaking, walking in the air, walking in the direction of the horror sound, and those people followed suit.

And as they moved forward, plus those unknown objects were approaching, so the weird and thrilling voice became more and more harsh, and finally, in the depths of Heavenly Road, a large blood red gas.

The blood-red gas is overwhelming, endless, rolling, almost closing the road ahead, and the terrible sound, precisely comes from the blood-red gas.

At the moment, the blood-red gas is smashing at Chu Feng and others at an extremely horrifying speed. The feeling is like a starving ghost who finally finds delicious taste. To devour Chu Feng and others.

At this moment, more people are panicking. Especially, as the blood-red gas approaches, people can see what kind of thing is in the blood-red gas.

The torn hands, the severed head, the torn body, the entrails, and the blood-red gas are all stubbles.

The main thing is that the residual limbs are still creeping and making all kinds of weird calls. Although they do n’t have any substantial power, they have infiltrated a Aura that difficult resists. Choking Aura.

“Listen to everyone. This is not a simple Illusion. It will confuse your mind. Follow me, don’t flinch.” Glancing at the blood-red gas, Chu Feng drank again.

With the power of Heaven’s Eyes, he has seen through, these thing are Illusion. However, this is not an ordinary Illusion. These have killing power. Although different from other Illusion, in the final analysis, it is only a scary thing. This kind of thing can scare Chu Feng at all.

So at this moment, Chu Feng flew up without hesitation, rushing towards the blood-red gas.

These people were surprised by Chu Feng’s‘s behavior, because in their eyes, they felt that Chu Feng seemed to be jumping into a fire pit, and it was seeking its own way.

However, after thinking about what Chu Feng said before, most people still gritted their teeth and followed Chu Feng.

But there are also some people, because difficult resists the blood red gas, so the horror Aura of gives out, and the heart is frightened, hesitating again and again, instead of following Chu Feng, it turned around and turned the way it always was. Rush away and chose to escape.

For this situation, Chu Feng had already anticipated it, so he ignored it, and didn’t talk about it. It’s time to say that already has said that whether they can successfully break through Heavenly Road depends on their personal fortune, so for now, Chu Feng can only take care of himself.

“Woohoo ~~~~~~~~~”

Under the Chu Feng’s rushing, he finally plunged into the blood-red gas. At this moment, Chu Feng’s was shrieking in all directions, and the sound was abnormal and unsettling.

Also, at this moment, a corrosive smell of rotten meat and blood is also irresistible and fierce, and you can even feel that those stumps and broken arms constantly hit their own bodies and are extremely sick.

For now, Chu Feng, they are like walking into a vast pool of blood, and they need to step on those disgusting carrion and residual limbs.

Also, this blood within the pool, with countless injustices, is looking for opportunities, asking for their lives, and letting them join this terrible camp.

However, even if this blood pool is terrible, it will not affect Chu Feng. With the power of Heaven’s Eyes, even the amount of carrion in front of you can not affect the sight of Chu Feng’s. As for the roar of the evil soul, Chu Feng has long ignored it. He It’s like running on an ordinary sky, and it’s extremely fast and unaffected.

However, not everyone has the fixation power of Chu Feng. In fact, most of those who follow behind Chu Feng have lost their minds at this moment. It is false to say that they are not afraid, not afraid. Yes, they were completely biting their heads and rushed in following Chu Feng.

However, this blood-red gas does not seem so simple, because those people, despite following the pace of Chu Feng’s, are running forward without turning back, but the rotten stumps and the invisible grievances , But still launched an attack on them.

The main thing is that the carrion and the insidious attack are irresistible. For a while, various screams rang out. Most of the people who followed behind Chu Feng died tragically in the carrion’s attack. under.

And when the screams rang, and when those people were really killed, those who were n’t terrified were also affected, which caused them to be attacked by carrion.

“Master Chu Feng, don’t you say these are Illusion, as long as you ignore them, if this is really Illusion, how can you kill?”

Even when someone panicked, he began to question Chu Feng, but it was difficult‘s escaped death that just waited for him.

The screams kept coming and going, and they kept ringing behind Chu Feng, but Chu Feng didn’t even return his head, but ran all the way. Finally, he burst out of the blood-red gas.

However, when Chu Feng stopped and looked back, there was only the blood-red gas in the line of sight with a terrifying sound.

As for the hundreds of people who were behind him, they heard nothing, not even one, as if they had never appeared.

“Ah ~~~~~~”

Looking at the distant blood red gas, Chu Feng couldn’t help but sigh, after all, it was hundreds of lives, and like him, they were all from Eastern Sea Region.

Chu Feng is with a heart in mind, I hope they can reach Holy Land of Martialism with themselves, but it is a pity that those people’s minds are not firm enough, even the first level has not passed, let alone the later test, They are doomed to fail this Heavenly Road.

“It’s no wonder you, they can’t do it for themselves. If this Heavenly Road is so easy to make, wouldn’t everyone be able to enter Holy Land of Martialism?”

Eggy spoke with a smile, her voice was still sweet, but in her tone, she had no sympathy for those who had just died tragically.

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