Martial God Asura Chapter 6082: The true face of the martial cultivation world

After the First Rank journey, Chu Feng took Wang Qiang to a cave in the gold dragon mountains.

This cave is entrance in that secret place.

“How…why…is it sealed?”

Seeing the cave, Wang Qiang looked puzzled.

Because the cave was not very deep, he could see the end of the cave at a glance when he came to the entrance.

And Chu Feng made a special seal and looked at Wang Qiang with a smile.

“Do what I do, follow me.”

Then, Chu Feng held the seal and walked in and out of the cave three times quickly, then slowly in and out three times, and finally walked in and out three times quickly and slowly, then released the seal and walked inside.

This time, the cave changed and became very deep.

When they walked out of the cave, the ancient secret place appeared before their eyes.

“It’s amazing.” Wang Qiang opened his eyes wide.

Even though he had seen many novel methods, the method of entering this secret place still surprised him.

“Brother…Brother, the master here must be very simple, right?”

Wang Qiang‘s first reaction is that the creator here must be very strong, probably a powerful person like Ancient Era.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to create such a secret place.

“Then I don’t know.”

Chu Feng smiled and did not tell the truth.

In fact, he knew that a mysterious woman lived here.

The mysterious woman impressed Chu Feng’s deeply.

She has a gentle and elegant temperament, even though Chu Feng has seen so many so-called Holy Maiden from various forces.

But in terms of temperament, she is almost incomparable to that woman.

The key is that she knows a lot and has an extremely profound knowledge base.

And this woman’s background is even more remarkable.

According to what she said, her master also knew Qin Jiu and was a very good friend with Qin Jiu.

The woman also helped Chu Feng conduct a test, allowing Chu Feng to confirm that she was of the blood of the king

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!


It’s just that the mysterious woman later used methods to erase Chu Feng’s’s memory.

Despite her failure, Chu Feng still preserved her memory, but the woman really didn’t want to reveal her identity.

Now, we have arrived at the woman’s territory again.

Even if Wang Qiang asks, Chu Feng cannot tell the truth, otherwise God knows if that woman will come again to erase Chu Feng’s’s memory.


But soon, Chu Feng and Wang Qiang turned back at the same time.

They discovered that the formation behind them had changed.

Observe carefully, they all frown slightly.

Because formation blocked formation and blocked them here.

“What’s going on?” Wang Qiang looked at Chu Feng.

“Trapped.” Chu Feng said.

“Isn’t it like this before?” Wang Qiang asked.

“It wasn’t before.” Chu Feng said.

He has determined that this place has been modified and can only be entered but not exited.

This change naturally made Chu Feng a little worried about Song Yuwei and the others.

So Chu Feng immediately went deep, and fortunately, they quickly met Master Yuwei, the old monk Yiku, and Yue Ling, and they were all safe and sound.

Young Master Chu Feng, you are back.”

Song Yuwei and the others were equally excited when they saw Chu Feng, and quickly came forward to greet them.

Especially Song Yuwei was smiling from ear to ear, and her eyes filled with tears of hatred showed that she was very worried about Chu Feng.

This is normal.

Chu Feng left last time, still planning to deal with SituWorld Spiritmen.

At that time, Chu Feng did not know that the culprit who persecuted his grandmother was Jia Lingyi of the Alchemy Sect.

Just think it is

Made by Situ World Spiritmen and Xiantu.

And the Situ World Spirit gate at that time was a big mountain for Chu Feng.

Let’s not talk about the Alchemy Immortal Sect behind.

“Yuwei senior, let me introduce to you, this is my good brother called Wang Qiang.”

Chu Feng first introduced the identities of several people to each other.

Then I asked why this place had changed.

Young Master Chu Feng, it turns out that this big shot lives here.”

“She is a woman who looks like a fairy.”

“It turns out that Yue Ling’s dantian was transformed with the help of that adult’s men.”

Seeing Chu Feng ask about it, Song Yuwei hurriedly told the story.

It turns out that the mysterious woman appeared after First Rank time when Chu Feng left.

He also told Song Yuwei and the others that staying here would be the greatest help to Chu Feng.

It seems that they are afraid that they will be disobedient and will go out to inquire about information about Chu Feng’s, thus encountering danger.

That woman changed the formation technique formation here, making Song Yuwei and others unable to leave.

But the woman also left a scroll behind, saying that when Chu Feng came back, Chu Feng would naturally be able to crack this scroll.

You can also remove the formation technique formation here and let them regain their freedom.

Now, after Song Yuwei told the story, he also handed the scroll to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng held scroll in hand, but found that scroll needed his own bloodline power to open it.

This is hard for others, but easy for Chu Feng.

The moment you turn on scroll, the surrounding scenery changes suddenly, and Chu Feng is brought into a space world.

The space world is in chaos, and only Chu Feng is here.

But soon, a figure appeared not far away.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!


That woman has an excellent temperament, the mysterious woman precisely Chu Feng saw before, who helped Chu Feng test whether she was of the blood of the king.

Chu Feng meet again.”

“You may not remember me, but I will make you remember me soon.”

As the woman spoke, she pointed at Chu Feng, and a special force shot out from her fingertips and went straight to Chu Feng’s‘s forehead.

Immediately afterwards, a force began to surge in Chu Feng‘s mind.

This power actually allows Chu Feng to restore the memory that was erased by the woman before.

But in fact, even the woman herself did not know that her previous erasure was a failure. Chu Feng remembered the encounter with this woman from beginning to end.

Of course, even if Chu Feng really forgets, this power can still restore Chu Feng.

Because of this belief, the woman spoke again after the power was completely integrated into Chu Feng‘s body.

“Remember now.”

“I hope you don’t blame me, because it was inconvenient for me not to reveal my identity before, so I erased your memory.”

“Now let me formally introduce myself, my name is Xueluo.”

“It’s just that now I have left here and entered the ninth Galaxy, which is what you call the Ancient God Realm or the Ancient Purgatory.”

Chu Feng, I know you still have some things to deal with here.”

“But I also want to tell you one thing. The ninth path Galaxy is not the ancient purgatory. It is the place where cultivator must enter if they want to make a breakthrough.”

“Because of Ancient Era, great changes have taken place. The eight Galaxy you see in front of you are no longer their true appearance.”

“Today, only the ninth Galaxy still maintains the complete appearance of Ancient Era.”

“When you enter the ninth Galaxy, you will know what the real vast martial cultivation world should be like.”

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