Martial God Asura Chapter 55: My name is Chu Feng (plus 37)

But just when he was about to succeed, Chu Feng suddenly appeared beside Su Mei, took Su Mei into his arms, and made Su Mei avoid the black hand of core disciple.

And this scene can make that core disciple‘s complexion change suddenly, and two cold mans are shot in his eyes. That kind of look, I can’t wait to kill Chu Feng on the spot.

But Chu Feng ignored him at all, but looked at Su Mei in his arms with a smile: “Baby, do you know him?”

Seeing this, Su Mei smiled sweetly and said, “Unripe.”

“Well, don’t chat with unfamiliar people in the future, girls should pay attention to their attitudes.” Chu Feng talked while touching the hair of Su Mei, regardless of the core disciple feeling.

“I see.” And Su Mei also responds like a bird, as if the two are really in love.

“Boy, who are you?” Then core disciple turned blue, forcing anger, pointing at Chu Feng and questioning.

Here it is, here, I met the Little beauty/Mei person of Su Mei. I thought I could take advantage of it, but I couldn’t think of killing the boy halfway, which made him extremely unhappy.

“Who are you?” Chu Feng didn’t answer, but asked with pride.

“Who am I? I am Azure Dragon School core disciple, Zhou Zhiyuan.”

“Oh, you are Zhou Zhiyuan?”

“It’s me.”

“Haven’t heard it.”

“You …”

This time, not to mention is the core disciple Zhou Zhiyuan, and even the members of the wings who watched the crowd were shocked.

The courage of Chu Feng is too great, dare to be so embarrassed about core disciple, and also babble babble straight, everyone realizes that Chu Feng is about to face great difficulties.

“You’re looking for death!”

Sure enough, Zhou Zhizhi made a domineering shot. He raised his arm. The hard palm engulfed with gusts of wind and fanned over Chu Feng’s‘s cheek.

At this moment, Su Mei willow eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and Spirit Qi has to be shot, but she feels a gentle force pushing her away, precisely Chu Feng.


After pushing Su Mei away, Chu Feng turned his head to the side and avoided Zhou Zhiyuan’s slap on the face. At the same time, he took a step forward and hit it with a palm, and then bombarded Zhou Zhiyuan’s chest.

“This kid”

Seeing that Chu Feng not only avoided his attack, but also issued such a fierce offensive, Zhou Zhiyuan was taken aback, hurried to run mysterious arts, and a homeopathic punch and the oncoming fist of Chu Feng banged together.

The two punches of “Bang” are opposite. The powerful force makes both of them take a few steps backwards. Although Chu Feng‘s face is calm, Zhou Zhiyuan’s face changed greatly that week.

Spirit Realm Sixth Level, a boy of Spirit Realm Sixth Level, fought a hard punch with him, and he could not compete, and the numbness of the hand uploaded at this moment let him know the body of the boy in front of him. , Is simply a steel bar.

“There are two children, you dare to report your name!” After discovering that Chu Feng is not simple, Zhou Zhiyuan didn’t make another shot that week, but instead questioned Chu Feng.

“Little master ca n’t change his name, don’t change his name, Azure Dragon School Inner Sect Disciple, Chu Feng is also the same!” And Chu Feng is holding his head up and reporting the name loudly.

Chu Feng, great, I remember you.”

“Don’t worry about seeing the core Senior Brother, but you dare not respect me when you see the core Senior Brother. You’d better not let me see you again, or you won’t be able to walk around.”

After saying these words coldly, Zhou Zhiyuan glanced at Chu Feng fiercely again, and then left quickly.

Little Brother Chu Feng , You are too great, but Zhiyuan Zhou was cultivation Over mysterious arts of core disciple ,have Spirit Realm Eighth Level I can admire him for his strength, but you can take a punch from him without any loss. “

Little Brother Chu Feng, even if your strength is in my wing league, you can definitely be ranked in the top ten, and I also admire Ye Taozi.”

Spirit power, it’s really amazing. When you develop Little Brother Chu Feng in the future, don’t forget our brothers.”

After Zhiyuan went away that week, Bai Tong, Ye Taozi, and Brother Long Tiger Brother and others who had not looked around in the distance had all gathered together, showing admiration on his face.

Spirit Realm Sixth Level and Spirit Realm Eighth Level can deal with it calmly and unhurriedly. This kind of strength is something they have never seen before.

However, they were not surprised by the Chu Feng’s system. They just felt that Chu Feng was Spirit power to be so strong.

“Let’s hurry up as soon as possible, I believe that Origin Realm‘s expert, already arrived at the cemetery, no matter how quickly, even the residual soup can not be recovered.” Su Mei looked at the map and called for continued.

When people re-embarked on the journey, Su Mei quietly walked beside Chu Feng and whispered: “You guy is so scary.”

“What’s wrong?” Chu Feng was a little puzzled.

“You have just used the breath method, otherwise it would be impossible to resist Zhou Zhiyuan’s punch.”

“Yes, I used the breath method. What ’s so scary?”

“You guy, how long did it take me to breathe in cultivation?”

“How long!”

“It took me a whole year to master this breath method, but you only took a few days!”

“Do you want to praise me for being too smart, or do you want to say that you are too stupid.”

“You bastard”

“Ah ~~”

A loud scream sounded, and Chu Feng’s was blue again on his arm. For this situation of both of them, Bai Tong and others has long been used to it.

In fact, people with good eyes can see that the relationship between Su Mei and Chu Feng’s is unusual, so even if they are on the road, they will deliberately distance First Rank to avoid disturbing the two.

Looking at the Chu Feng with that fangs grinning and rubbing his arms constantly, Su Mei pursed his lips and said softly, “Thank you.”

“Thank you?” Chu Feng is a little confused, I don’t know what the girl sells.

“You are a smart man, I think you must know what offend Zhou Zhiyuan will face in the future, but you still choose to help me, I …”

“Say what, don’t think about it, you remember, don’t talk about a core disciple, even if a strong person dares to bully you, I will stand in front of you without hesitation and help you teach him ! “


“Because, you are the person I want to protect for Chu Feng!” After saying this, Chu Feng smiled brightly and continued to hurry.

However, Su Mei has stopped in place, a pair of beautiful eyes flickers, and the emotions on her face are very complicated. For the first time, she feels that this young man who has just met has become so reliable.

“Hee” Suddenly, Su Mei smiled sweetly, bouncing with a small hand, chasing after Chu Feng, she smiled very sweet, really sweet, because this kind of sweetness comes from the heart .

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