Martial God Asura Chapter 5487: entrance Stele Changes

Chapter 5487 Changes in the entrance Stele

Chu Feng, you’re awake.”

Suddenly, the closed door was pushed open, and many figures gathered outside the door.

All of them were juniors, no accident, Long Muxi and Long Chengyu were the first to bear the brunt.

But unexpectedly, Long Fulai and Long Zhizhi were among them.

And different from seeing Chu Feng for the first time, Long Zhizhi and the others had complex emotions intertwined with worry and joy on their faces.

“Yo, so many people have changed their views on you.” Milady Queen smiled meaningfully.

“I think that people who can change their views on powerful people are not scary. What is scary is that when facing powerful people, they will not turn contempt into respect, but turn contempt into jealousy and hatred. ” Chu Feng said.

“That’s true, some people… are born bad.”

“Long Zhizhi and the others are just used to being arrogant, but… there is still a way to save them.” Milady Queen also agrees with Chu Feng’s‘s opinion.

Chu Feng just recovered from injury, please don’t bother me.”

After Long Chengyu dropped these words, he entered the room with Long Muxi, and then closed the palace door, blocking the others outside.

Chu Feng, my father said, you need a quiet rest, so we waited outside.”

“How do you feel now?” Long Chengyu asked with concern.

“It feels good, better than before, thanks to the good thing you gave me.”

Chu Feng said bluntly, he knew… the power accumulated in his body must be an extremely precious elixir, or even… maybe a priceless treasure.

Little Brother Chu Feng, this is what it should be. If it weren’t for you, my Totem Dragon Clan wouldn’t have gained so much this time.”

“By the way, Chu Feng, there is one thing I need to discuss with you.”

Subsequently, Long Chengyu informed Chu Feng of their trip to the Primordial Xinghai.

And it is also clearly stated that the reason why I brought Chu Feng together is that it is possible to continue Chu Feng to help.

Little Brother Chu Feng, this matter is quite abrupt. If you don’t want to, we can understand. You must not have a psychological burden, just follow your heart.”

Long Chengyu was really sorry for mentioning this matter.

After all, they set off when Chu Feng was in a coma, a bit of meaning.

“Of course, if you need me, I’ll be willing.” Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng, I knew you would agree, meaning enough.” Seeing Chu Feng responding, Long Chengyu also grinned.

Some people are happy and some are worried, while Long Chengyu is happy, Milady Queen is not happy.

“What are you doing, it’s endless, I just helped them get the **** Forbidden Martial Technique, why did you go to some ancient star…”

“Hey, the ancient star sea, is it the ancient star sea that Little Fishy conquered before?” Milady Queen asked.

“In the vast martial cultivation world, there shouldn’t be a second Primordial Star Sea.” Chu Feng said.

“Oh, don’t you know if you just ask? Quickly ask.” Milady Queen is obviously interested at this time.

“Brother Cheng Yu, the ancient Xinghai we are going to, but the little princess Xianhai Yu Clan, the one conquered by Xianhai Yu’er?” Chu Feng asked.

“That’s right, that’s the one.”

Long Chengyu nodded fiercely, but soon his expression became wretched again: “Oh, Little Brother Chu Feng, you also know the little princess Xianhai Yu Clan. It seems that we have common hobbies, and we all like to see beautiful women.”

Hearing this, Long Muxi glared at Long Chengyu.

But Long Chengyu didn’t care, and continued:

“I’m serious, I really want to see how beautiful the Xianhai Yu Clan little princess is, anyway, it is rumored that she is very beautiful, she is a fairy among fairies.”

“Quietly tell you, I heard that the little princess Xianhai Yu Clan is still in the ancient Xinghai. We…have a chance to meet her.”

As soon as Long Chengyu said this, before Chu Feng could react, Milady Queen was inside World Spirit Space, shouting excitedly.

“Great, can I finally meet that girl Little Fishy?”

“It’s been so many years, and she’s still a slim girl. Then little girl must look good when she grows up.”

Milady Queen looked forward to it, with this posture, even if the Totem Dragons wanted to change the course now, it is estimated that Milady Queen would not agree.

“Will you see me?”

At this time, Chu Feng couldn’t help but see the scene when he first met Little Fishy in his mind.

At that time, Chu Feng was still a real brat, and in a place like Eastern Sea Region, there were many forces that could press his head.

He lived a life of walking on the tip of a knife.

But even so, when he saw Little Fishy, he really wanted to protect that carefree, innocent and romantic little girl.

Because Little Fishy at that time seemed not to belong to the world of cultivator, it was very different.

Later, when Little Fishy‘s family members came to pick her up, the scene of the giant hand tearing apart the void affected Chu Feng even more for many years.

To this day, when I think about it, I still feel shocked.

However, the difference is that the distance between Chu Feng and those powerhouses is actually not so far away.

After a long journey, Chu Feng and their group finally came to the ancient Xinghai.

At this time, there are many people gathered in the ancient Xinghai, but the chariot and warships of the Totem Dragon Clan are all guarded by Concealment Spirit Formation, so outsiders don’t even know that the people of the Totem Dragon Clan are here.

“Then… is it really the ancient Xinghai? Why is it like a desert?” At this time, many juniors were puzzled.

Since it is called the sea, it should be a vast ocean.

But what appeared in front of their eyes was an endless desert.

If you want to talk about the difference, the sand in this desert is relatively white, without a trace of smoke and dust, and there is no wind on the desert, which is a bit strangely calm.

Even if you watch it for a long time, you will feel silent and depressed.

The most important thing is that no one stepped into that desert, and no one walked in the sky. All the cultivator that can be seen are standing outside the desert.

It seems to be afraid of something.

“The real ancient star sea will only appear at night, and it also depends on the timing. Not every night’s ancient star sea can be entered.”

“As for the ancient star sea in the daytime, it is even a restricted area, as long as you approach it, you will be swallowed.”

The words of Clan Head of the Totem Dragon Clan explained why those martial practitioner did not dare to approach the Primordial Star Sea.

“Father, does the stele of entrance in the ancient Xinghai only surface at night?” Long Chengyu asked curiously.

“That’s not true, it’s just that the stele is too far away at this time, and you need special means to see it. You put this on your eyes, then look in this direction, and look for it carefully, and you can see it.”

When the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head was speaking, he handed the leaves one by one to the people present, and at the same time pointed to a direction in the distance.

Chu Feng has tried to observe with Heaven’s Eyes, but the desert is far wider than he expected, and he can’t see the end.

The leaf handed over by Totem Dragon Clan Head has special power. Chu Feng wiped his eyes with this leaf, and the visual distance of his eyes was extremely far away.

That is beyond the viewing distance of cultivation realm.

Chu Feng waited and watched in the direction pointed by the totem dragon clan Clan Head, and soon, a huge stone tablet came into view.

It’s very big, the stele is very big, even though it’s so far away, you can feel its hugeness, and you can imagine how insignificant you will be if you really get close to it.

On the top of the stone tablet, there are six big characters of Immemorial Xinghai entrance, and the strokes are extremely domineering. It can be seen that the person who left these characters must be an extremely powerful existence.

But suddenly, bursts of exclamations sounded.

“What happened?”

“What’s the name of little princess Xianhai Yu Clan?”

“Is that vague word her name?”

At this time, not only Chu Feng saw the stele, but everyone else saw it too, so they exclaimed.

At the same time, Chu Feng frowned slightly.

According to the rumors, the name Xianhai Yu’er should have appeared on the entrance stele.

But now, although the name Xianhai Yu’er is still there, it is very vague, even so vague that many people can’t tell it apart.

At the same time, next to Xianhai Yu’er, there is another vague name, which is even more vague than Xianhai Yu’er.

Even if it is Chu Feng, I can’t tell what it is.

But that name is two words.

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