Martial God Asura Chapter 542: Who is the strongest junior? (5 more)

Chu Feng’s is really powerful, but to say that he is the first person of the young generation of Nine Provinces Continent, but there is no real evidence”

“Look, let’s not mention that there is another Zhang Tianyi in this Azure Dragon School. Even if you look at Jiang Dynasty, someone can compete with Chu Feng. 〃

Jiang Yini, Jiang Dynasty‘s junior first person, is now Heaven Realm Sixth Level‘s cultivation realm, and even older characters are afraid.”

Jiang Wushang is the first genius of Jiang Dynasty. It is Heaven Realm Third Level at the age of 16. It is better than Chu Feng in terms of talent alone.” Although Chu Feng’s is undoubtedly strong, some people think that Zhang Tianyi, Jiang Yini Jiang Wushang and others is not necessarily weaker than Chu Feng.

“You do n’t know. Chu Feng is not only talented, and has made rapid progress. His combat power is extremely horrible. Do n’t look at him as Heaven Realm Third Level, but I am afraid that Heaven Realm Fifth Level may not be his opponent.”

“It is true that Chu Feng is powerful, but Zhang Tianyi is also terrible. As for Jiang Yini and Jiang Wushang, but the people of Jiang Dynasty have the noble Inherited Bloodline. Will they lose to Chu Feng and Zhang Tianyi? “

“Well, if they can fight once, then we don’t need to argue here.”

“Yes, I really want to see if they are higher and lower, so that you will know who is the strongest of the younger generation of Nine Provinces Continent.”

Looking at the top of the stage, the four of them, Chu Feng, Zhang Tianyi, Jiang Yini, and Jiang Wushang, with excellent faces and impressive looks, were among the crowd on and off the stage. Many people were discussing who was strong and who was weak.

For such a voice, even the people on the high platform can naturally hear it clearly, so the ancestor of the Jiang family looked at the Azure Dragon Founder above the first seat, and said, “Green Senior Long, everyone seems to want Know who the first person of the younger generation of Nine Provinces Continent is today. “

“It’s a rare day of great joy today. How about letting their juniors talk about it? It’s a wish of the people in the world.”

“Actually, I have the same intention.” Azure Dragon Founder smiled slightly, and then looked at the Chu Feng and the other four and said, “I just don’t know, you four would like to learn something?”

Azure Dragon Founder When this remark came out, everyone was overjoyed, and they set their sights on four people, including Chu Feng, and looked forward to their responses.

Because it is not only the strong men from various states who want to know, but even those who are quite familiar with Chu Feng and others, they also want to know that the four of them are weak and weak.

For everyone ’s anticipation, Jiang Wushang laughed bitterly and said helplessly: “Actually, I have already discussed with Tianyi Brother, but I am not as good as Tianyi Brother.”

“As for Chu Feng Brother, even the vision of eighteen gold dragon was aroused by him. I don’t think I will be his opponent under the same cultivation realm.”

“What? Did you play against already? Wushang, did you lose to Zhang Tianyi?!”

After hearing Jiang Wushang‘s words, everyone in Jiang Dynasty changed their face. The face that was looking forward to excitement appeared with surprise.

Because after the Chu Feng activated the vision of eighteen gold dragon, the Inherited Bloodline of the owner of Jiang Dynasty has been enhanced, and the strength has also been enhanced.

Many people are breaking through directly, and Jiang Wushang is among them, so cultivation realm of Jiang Wushang has already stepped into Heaven Realm Third Level, just like Zhang Tianyi.

However, Inherited Bloodline has been extremely strong, and now it has been transformed. Jiang Dynasty believes that it is the Jiang Wushang that Jiang Dynasty hopes, but it was defeated by Zhang Tianyi. This is naturally accepted by difficult.

In fact, even Lord Jiang’s face is not very good-looking. In desperation, he had to set his sights on his girl Jiang Yini.

Jiang Yini Although Inherited Bloodline is not as strong as Jiang Wushang, it is fortunate that cultivation realm is strong and now it is Heaven Realm Sixth Level. At least on cultivation realm, it can crush Zhang Tianyi and Chu Feng.

However, just Jiang Dynasty People have set their sights on Jiang Yini , hope Jiang Yini Can be Jiang Dynasty In the glory of time, Jiang Yini But with a sweet smile, he said, “I Heaven Realm Sixth Level But less than Heaven Realm Third Level of Wushang , So no need to consult, I know, I ’m not Zhang Tianyi with Chu Feng’s opponent. “

“This …” At this moment, everyone in Jiang Dynasty was dumbfounded, and the discussion had not yet begun. His Jiang Dynasty junior even lost already, which really made them feel helpless.

“Haha!” In this case, Azure Dragon Founder laughed, and then looked at Chu Feng and Zhang Tianyi: “It seems that among the younger generation of Nine Provinces Continent, only you two can now fight one another. You two People, would you like to learn everything? “

“In fact, I have long wanted to teach the skills of Chu Feng Junior Brother, especially when the cultivation realm of Chu Feng Junior Brother is the same as mine. My thoughts are even stronger.” Zhang Tianyi smiled, with sharp eyes, However, gives out has expressed a strong war intention.

“In this case, please Senior Brother Zhang, enlighten me.” Seeing this, Chu Feng did not refuse, but the body erected in the sky and stood on the sky.

Actually, it ’s not just Zhang Tianyi. I want to learn about the strength of Chu Feng’s, Chu Feng has always been and I want to learn about the strength of Zhang Tianyi.

After all, the original Chu Feng cultivation realm was too weak to fight Zhang Tianyi at all, but now, his cultivation realm finally catches up, so naturally I also want to learn about the power of Taboo Mysterious Technique that Zhang Tianyi.

Because in the beginning, Taboo Mysterious Technique of Zhang Tianyi is hardly lost to Divine Body of Zi Ling, so Chu Feng also wants to know that under the same cultivation realm, the two of them, who is strong and who is weak.

“Haha, Chu Feng Junior Brother, although it ’s a discussion, I wo n’t keep it. You do n’t care about it.” Seeing Chu Feng agree to discuss, Zhang Tianyi is also a burst of laughter, followed by a rush Altitude.

At this moment, inside and outside of Azure Dragon School is exclaimed again and again, and everyone becomes heated.

They stared at each other round, staring intently at the two in the sky, with expectation on their faces.

Because their dreams have finally come true on this day, they will have to see with their own eyes the talents of two extremely talented Nine Provinces Continent.

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