Martial God Asura Chapter 541: Opening ceremony (4 more)

“Gift?” Chu Feng couldn’t help but listen.

However, Azure Dragon Founder only smiled a little, then sat cross-legged, with both palms stacked, and played a peculiar decision.

At this moment, Chu Feng can clearly feel the layers of strange fluctuations, constantly tumbling in the body of Azure Dragon Founder.

Moreover, Azure Dragon Founder‘s ruddy face turned pale as quickly as paper, and began to gnash its teeth, showing a painful expression.


Suddenly, a dragon howl came from Azure Dragon Founder‘s body. At the same time, Azure Dragon Founder‘s forehead appeared a Spirit Formation method.

The Spirit Formation method shines brightly, and under the shroud of that light, a blue dragon rushes out, and finally falls into the palm of Azure Dragon Founder.

Although this Azure Dragon is small, this looks exactly the same as the Azure Dragon Dashing Technique seen by Chu Feng in the Sixiang bound array, plus the special and powerful Aura from gives out. Do n’t worry about Chu Feng. It must be the famous Secret Skill, Azure Dragon Dashing Technique of Azure Dragon Founder.

But at this moment, when you look at Azure Dragon Founder, you are already sweating and panting, as if you have suffered a heavy blow, and are extremely weak.

“Ma’am, what are you doing?” Seeing this scene, Chu Feng was a little panicked, because he could only see that it was Azure Dragon Founder, which cost him a lot of money.

“I promised you in the beginning, as long as I can be born again, this Azure Dragon Dashing Technique will be taught to you. Now it’s just fulfilling the promise.” Azure Dragon Founder smiled, but his tone was weak and he was gone. Previous vigorous energy.

“No, the ancestor must not, this gift is too heavy, I can’t accept it.” Chu Feng quickly rejected.

Chu Feng, you don’t have to bear the burden. This Secret Skill is something with spiritual wisdom. Although it was originally chosen by me, obviously I can’t show its strength.”

“What’s more, Secret Skill always chooses the Lord. Even if I take it out of my body now, it depends on whether he wants to choose you.”

“Wait a minute, I will completely unsealed, at that time, it will naturally have its own decision, if it thinks you are more suitable for it, it will naturally choose you, but if you are not qualified enough, then it will Will return to me. “

“So you do n’t have to shirk, let us honor this Azure Dragon Dashing Technique and make your own choice.”

Azure Dragon Founder smiled a little, then raised his finger, only to hear the “嗷” Long Xiao sounded again, and the Azure Dragon in the palm of Azure Dragon Founder turned up into the sky, and turned into a huge Azure Dragon with an imposing moment.

It lingers in mid-air, surrounded by clouds and mists. gives out is powerful, even Azure Dragon Founder is far from being defeated.

But it didn’t speak, just glanced at Azure Dragon Founder and Chu Feng, then the dragon’s body turned into a ray of blue light, and entered the brain of Chu Feng’s.

At the moment of “Wa Wa“, Chu Feng only felt a sore head, and a lot of information came out.

Azure Dragon Dashing Technique, this supreme Secret Skill did not hesitate to choose Chu Feng, this result is surprising, but unexpected.

“Sure enough, I knew that between you and me, it would choose you. After all, it chose me, but it was helpless.” At this moment, Azure Dragon Founder smiled with relief, and pale faces appeared. There was a relief.

When a powerful power is attached to one’s body, it is often exciting and exciting.

But when a person finds that because of his limited strength, and bound has such a powerful power, then he will feel great pressure. It can be said that the powerful power will also become a huge burden. People are out of breath.

Azure Dragon Founder is exactly the same. His natural talent is limited and cannot be fully used. Azure Dragon Dashing Technique, the supreme Secret Skill, is already a huge burden for him. Now he teaches it to Chu Feng. The best relief.

“It’s amazing.” At this moment, Chu Feng was also shocked, because the moment Azure Dragon Dashing Technique entered his body, already mastered this Secret Skill.

So he knows better than anyone. The power and speed of this Azure Dragon Dashing Technique can be several times faster than Dragon Travelling Through Nine Heavens.

With the attacking and killing power of White Tiger Slaughtering Technique, the defense of Black Tortoise Armor Technique, and now the power of Azure Dragon Dashing Technique.

If three Secret Skills are used at the same time, Chu Feng can fully imagine how powerful he was at that time. He should be much more powerful than he holding Elite Armament.

disciple, the ancestor of many thanks.” Suddenly, Chu Feng gave a big gift to Azure Dragon Founder as a thank you. Because this gift is too precious.

“It should have belonged to you. I just saved it for you for thousands of years.” And Azure Dragon Founder hurriedly lifted Chu Feng up, and his face was full of expectant smiles.

He is looking forward to mysterious origins and strong talents. He has mastered three types of Secret Skill Chu Feng, and after entering Eastern Sea Region, what kind of storm can be set off.

The next day, the opening ceremony of Azure Dragon School officially started.

In this Azure Dragon Mountain Range, Nine Provinces Continent is assembled. All the big names, even the ancestors and emperors of Jiang Dynasty, came here in person to congratulate them.

In addition to those invited forces and powers, there are many powers and powers who have not received invitations, but want to witness this event, have also come to Azure Dragon School.

On this day of great joy, Azure Dragon School put away the arrogant attitude of the past and opened up sect, welcoming guests from all directions, jubilant inside and outside the mountains.

“Look, that is the ancestor of World Spiritist Guild, Gù Tiānchén, a genius who became famous continent 100 years ago?”

“Wow, I ca n’t think of today, not only did I see the emperor of Jiang Dynasty, but I also saw the ancestor of the dynasty.”

Oh God!, is that Azure Dragon Founder, is it really Azure Dragon Founder, the first person to be continent who was able to move unhindered Nine provinces thousands of years ago, is it really alive?”

When people feel Gù Tiānchén, ancestors of the dynasty, and Azure Dragon Founder, they are even more excited, because many characters appearing in Azure Dragon School today are just like legend to many people in Nine Provinces Continent.

“Look, that’s Chu Feng. I didn’t think he has stepped into the realm of Heaven Realm Third Level. The speed of cultivation is really appalling.”

“Hey, I think Chu Feng was wronged by several major influence, and the wanted order was spread all over Nine Provinces Continent. At that time, how many people vilified him and how many people wanted to kill him.”

“However, with his own strength, he killed those who pursued him First Slash, and paid those major influences a heavy price.”

“Today, he has become an Nine Provinces Continent, an idol of countless people. already has created countless myths. It is really the first person in the junior deserved.” Looking at Chu Feng on the high platform, people cheered and screamed again, Both men and women, young and old, are excited and amazed.

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