Martial God Asura Chapter 533: Everything is coming (1 more)

Under the chewing of the flame huge beast, the sorrow of the four Secret Skills is also getting weaker and eventually dissipated.

In this case, Chu Feng can clearly see that the scenes of this heaven and earth have begun to change, just like the same picture, they start to twist and rotate.

“It’s amazing.” Chu Feng‘s mouth opened slightly, his eyes flickered, because he once again saw the power of the mysterious man, and even broke such a powerful Illusion array with his absolute power.

When the surrounding world is restored to its original state, when the flame huge beast returns to the mysterious man, Chu Feng can clearly see everything around him.

At this moment, the eyes of Chu Feng’s were first attracted by the front. Even the eyes of Chu Feng’s had begun to flicker. The shocking color on the face was extremely intense.

Because in front of him, in the depth of Emperor Tomb, there is a huge door, which is thousands of feet high and thousand feet (333 m) wide. It is really huge, as if standing between heaven and earth.

This door is golden, gives out is Gold Light which is more dazzling than gold, but its material is obviously not as simple as gold, because it also has gives out with endless indestructibility, and even a sense of sacredness and inviolability.

Involuntarily, Chu Feng was deeply attracted by the huge door. Although I only saw the door, Chu Feng seemed to see everything inside the door.

That’s a world, a world completely different from what Chu Feng has ever seen. It’s a world that every soul wants to step into.

At this moment, a thought emerged in Chu Feng’s‘s heart, that is to open the door, he must enter that world, he must enter that world.

“Little ghost, don’t look at that door !!!” But at this moment, a old person voice suddenly came from below Chu Feng’s, breaking the Chu Feng’s idea.

Listening to this voice, Chu Feng couldn’t help but hesitate, then hurriedly set its sights downwards, and that didn’t matter, Chu Feng’s‘s face was immediately overjoyed.

Below Chu Feng’s, above the surface, there is a radiant expanse of great formation. The four planes of this expansive great formation are each engraved with a pattern of huge beast.

The four huge beast, precisely four Secret Skill body shapes, and between the four Secret Skill, there are layers of chains, forming this closed cage great formation.

The main thing is that in the center of this majestic great formation, there is a old person. He is dressed in black and looks like a torch. The mysterious black old person of precisely.

“Haha, it was him, he was trapped, this is the body of the four-like bound array.”

“I know why the lunatic can easily break through the Sixiang bound array. Because most of the power of the Sixiang bound array, already is used to trap the old man in black, so the lunatic can easily crack it.” At this moment, also Waiting for Chu Feng to speak, Eggy ecstatically cheered.

“Oh, I have found nowhere, no effort.” And the same, Chu Feng is ecstatic, because the old person has many Treasure Storehouse in Emperor Tomb, and at the moment Stuck here again, this is simply Tianzhu Chu Feng.

However, despite the ecstasy, Chu Feng did not immediately launch the black old person, but pretended to look puzzled, and asked, “senior, why not look at that door?”

“Hey, it ’s a little ghost who grew up in a projectile land, even if the talent is extraordinary, it is also stupid.”

“Just let me point out for you, this is Emperor Tomb, and the door is Emperor’s Gate.”

“The Emperor’s Gate was done by the owner of Emperor Tomb. It is not only an indestructible object, but also a deceptive illusion.”

“If you look at Emperor’s Gate for a long time, you will be confused by Emperor’s Illusion. You will involuntarily attack Emperor’s Gate and want to enter Emperor’s Gate.

“But how easy is Emperor Gate to open? Attacking Emperor Gate will only be met by Emperor Wei’s backlash, and will eventually destroy itself.” old person reminded in black.

“Oh?” After hearing his words, Chu Feng frowned slightly, and then asked Eggy: “Eggy, is what he said is true, Emperor Gate is really so powerful?”

“Honestly, I do n’t know much about these. I only know that Emperor Tomb is dangerous, but I do n’t know the specific levels in Emperor Tomb. After all, this Queen is also the first time to come to this world. It can be said that I too Entering the so-called Emperor Tomb for the first time. “Eggy dug into his mouth and shook his head playfully.

“It ’s better to be trusted than to be unbelievable. Anyway, as long as you get the Treasure Storehouse on this black old person, this trip is already very rich, there is no need to go to that emperor gate.”

Chu Feng glanced again at the golden light‘s bright emperor’s gate, but did not feel any danger in the emperor’s gate, but still felt that behind the emperor’s gate, it was a very beautiful world that made him want to open it.

The more so, the more alert Chu Feng is, and the more he feels that the words old person in black are correct, the emperor’s gate is not simple, it will be attractive and confuse the mind.

“Don’t look at that door, that door is dangerous.” So, Chu Feng quickly reminded the mysterious man, afraid that the mysterious man would be tempted by that emperor’s door.

However, Chu Feng didn’t think about it. He reminded that the mysterious man seemed to be incapable of hearing, but instead stood up and flew towards Nadi Gate.

“Oops, no good !!!” At this moment, Chu Feng was shocked, because the man was obviously tempted by already, and now already can’t listen to Chu Feng’s.

“Stop, quickly stop me, danger ahead, you will kill your life like this in the past.” Looking at the rapidly enlarged Emperor’s Gate, Chu Feng’s sounds louder and louder, but how can not stop mystery at all man.

“Om” However, while Chu Feng and the mysterious man were still a million meters away from the Emperor’s Gate, there was a sudden wave in the Emperor’s Gate.

The wave is invisible, but it can make people feel clearly, as if it can turn over the river, destroy everything, and possess the power of to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands.

“Diwei, is this Diwei ?!” At this moment, Chu Feng‘s face changed greatly, because he really felt the threat of death. In front of the invisible Aura, no matter who it was, difficult withstand.

“Om” However, what Chu Feng did not expect is that the intangible Aura did not directly sweep them, but stagnated and began to change at a distance of 10,000 meters.

The invisible Aura began to become tangible. The place covered by Aura appeared blue sky, white clouds, and rivers and earth. Only the vast underground world in the blink of an eye formed a beautiful picture.

Not only that, the Aura is still changing. In the end, in the scenery, a golden light is extended. The golden light is rapidly enlarged, and it finally turns into a Taoist shape.

His head is blue, he is on the ground. Although he is full of Gold Light, he cannot see his face, but when such a figure appears in front of him, no one can doubt how powerful he is.

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