Martial God Asura Chapter 4022: Lingxi’s parents

Lingxi, don’t you have too much hope for the integration of Divine Power,” Gu Mingyuan said to Chu Lingxi.

She didn’t try to expose Ox-nosed Old Daoist‘s scammers when she saw that Chu Lingxi was so happy.

But I was also afraid that Chu Lingxi could not integrate with Divine Power and was disappointed, so I can only remind Chu Lingxi.

“Mother, I know it’s difficult, but … I will work hard,” Chu Lingxi said.

“Okay, Chu Feng, Chu Lingxi, the two of you will come first.”

It didn’t take long for the Ox-nosed Old Daoist to sound again.

Hearing this, naturally Chu Feng and Chu Lingxi did not neglect, but flew into the palace arranged by Ox-nosed Old Daoist at the same time.

After entering the palace, Chu Feng and Chu Lingxi found that although the palace was large, it had nothing but the thing in the two baths.

Also, Ox-nosed Old Daoist cannot be seen.

But in the depths of this palace, there is a gate, presumably Ox-nosed Old Daoist, which is there.

“Wait a minute, the husband needs to prepare again.”

Sure enough, Ox-nosed Old Daoist came from there.

Chu Feng, am I getting you in trouble again?”

Chu Lingxi said to Chu Feng.

“How do you say this?” Chu Feng asked.

“I challenge Linghu Hongfei.” Chu Lingxi said.

silly girl, you are in my early days. I’m grateful that it is too late. How can it be trouble?” Chu Feng said.

“Yeah, you wouldn’t have to take such a risk if I didn’t make a fortune.” Chu Lingxi said.

“Maybe this is the fate, you know, I have been looking for this Taoist senior, but I have never been able to find him, but never met but met in Bright Mirror Sea.”

“And if I do n’t come to Bright Mirror Sea, I may not find him for a lifetime.”

“You said, is this fate?” Chu Feng asked.

“If you say so, then you still have to thank me.” Chu Lingxi said with a smile.

“Yes, I really want to thank you.” Chu Feng also smiled.

But immediately, Chu Feng looks out of the palace.

At this time, Grandmaster Liangqiu also deployed formation power and set up a palace.

Chu Feng can see that Grandmaster Liangqiu, Chu Xuan Zhengfa, and Gu Mingyuan are all inside the palace.

Grandmaster Liangqiu, already returned to his room to rest.

While Chu Xuan Zhengfa is trying to talk to Gu Mingyuan, it should be something to talk about.

However, I got Gu Mingyuan indifference.

Gu Mingyuan, treats Chu Xuan Zhengfa as cold as ever.

But when Chu Xuan Zhengfa used his body to block the formation door.

Chu Feng apparently noticed that in the eyes of Gu Mingyuan, a very strong worry appeared.

Worries like that are not fake, but from the heart.

So, the contrast between these two attitudes makes Chu Feng even more curious about what happened to Gu Mingyuan and Chu Xuan Zhengfa.

Lingxi, do you know, what happened to your mother and your father?”

“Why are they obviously your biological parents, but the relationship between the two is so deadlocked?” Out of curiosity, Chu Feng spoke to Chu Lingxi.

Of course, the words Chu Feng are secret sound transmission. He thinks this is privacy and it is inconvenient to ask directly.

“It’s nothing, it’s my mother’s problem.”

As for the curious Chu Feng, Chu Lingxi did not hide it, but told the story with Chu Feng.

Chu Xuan Zhengfa, although in Great Thousand Upper Realm, is the number one character.

If you look at the whole Ancestral Martial Star Region, it is not worth mentioning.

Who is Gu Mingyuan, but it was existence, which was on par with Chu Xuanyuan when he was young.

It can be said that for the entire Ancestral Martial Star Region, no one does not know Gu Mingyuan.

Moreover, Gu Mingyuan is indeed very strong, it is she who propped up Ancient Wanshou Clan.

From this point of view, Chu Xuan Zhengfa and Gu Mingyuan are very different in terms of status and strength.

But the fate, thing, sometimes comes. It really can’t stop it.

By chance, Chu Xuan Zhengfa found a ruins.

Within that ruins, Chu Xuan Zhengfa encountered Gu Mingyuan.

Gu Mingyuan, I really want to get the treasures in ruins, but often the treasures in ruins are not so easy to get.

Either break formation technique or meet the requirements.

The host in ruins gave a somewhat strange request.

Only couples can get the treasure.

Gu Mingyuan is naturally impossible to have a relationship with Chu Xuan Zhengfa because of the treasure. After all, she really looks down on Chu Xuan Zhengfa.

Unexpectedly, formation technique already is turned on. If the two cannot complete the request, they will be trapped in it.

And this difficulty is a full three years.

Three years later, the two of them succeeded in getting out of difficulty, but when they came out, they had an extra baby, that baby … it was Chu Lingxi.

“So, in the end, in order to get out of trouble, your mother still compromised?”

Chu Feng asked.

“Yes, my mother was forced to do nothing, even my birth was an accident.”

“You know now, why does my mother hate my father so much?”

“However, my father really likes my mother.” Chu Lingxi was helpless.

so that’s how it is.”

At this time, Chu Feng had a guess in his mind.

He thinks that people like Gu Mingyuan must attach great importance to their own merits.

It’s impossible to be with a person you don’t like for a treasure.

It’s impossible to get out of trouble and have a child who doesn’t like life.

Since I’ve been trapped for three years, something must have happened during those three years.

Gu Mingyuan has feelings for Chu Xuan Zhengfa, and the feelings are not shallow.

If you have no feelings, with the character of Gu Mingyuan, you will probably kill Chu Xuan Zhengfa at that time.

Not everyone in the world will know that she and Chu Xuan Zhengfa have a husband and wife and a child.

However, Gu Mingyuan should always be restrained and restrain her feelings for Chu Xuan Zhengfa.

Why restraint? Presumably because of her pride.

Because she is too far away from Chu Xuan Zhengfa, she has feelings for Chu Xuan Zhengfa, but deep down, she still feels that Chu Xuan Zhengfa is not worth her.

precisely this ambivalence caused Gu Mingyuan, and now treats Chu Xuan Zhengfa.

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