Martial God Asura Chapter 378: Fairy Spirit World World Spirit

I have to say that the speed of this Dragon Travelling Through Nine Heavens is really fast. In just two days, Chu Feng has caught up with the forces of the Bafang forces, but Chu Feng has not approached it, but secretly followed them. Behind.

already learned that the Treasure Storehouse was in the octagonal forces. After entering the center of Wanxiu Mountain, they directly launched the offensive and wanted to start the Treasure Storehouse entrance.

And they

They gathered more than eighty Heaven Realm strongmen, and they are invincible. There is no monster beast to block at all, and the entrance of that underground palace was directly opened and entered into it.

At this moment, Chu Feng and Zi Ling originally wanted to follow and follow in, but suddenly Zi Ling changed its look and grabbed Chu Feng.

In the beginning, Chu Feng didn’t understand why Zi Ling stopped itself, but soon, a figure emerged from the jungle far away.

The figure is extremely fast, and between a few jumps, entrance of underground palace is captured.

But Chu Feng and Zi Ling still recognize who that person is.

precisely Jiang Dynasty‘s little genius, Jiang Wushang.

“This guy really came from Treasure Storehouse.” Zi Ling had already guessed the purpose of Jiang Wushang and the reason why it disappeared, and then asked Chu Feng: “You are sure, this is the location of Treasure Storehouse, not monster beast A trap? “

Treasure Storehouse should be right here, but it is unknown whether it is a trap,” said Chu Feng.

“Follow me, remember, you must not use Spirit power, because among the forces of the Eight Sides, there are at least ten Blue-cloak World Spiritist. With your current strength, as long as you use Spirit power, they will be found. “Zi Ling reminded solemnly.


The Chu Feng also nodded seriously. He naturally knew the power of it, so he didn’t use Spirit power along the way, but he was always inducted by Zi Ling.

This is also why Jiang Wushang was approaching, Zi Ling sensed it, but Chu Feng did not.

Zi Ling and Chu Feng then followed behind Jiang Wushang and headed for the underground palace channel opened by the Bafang forces.

Bafang forces are too strong, all the way is like breaking bamboo, whether it is monster beast, or the organization, formation, nothing can stop them.

But along the way, Chu Feng gradually felt wrong. As for what was wrong, he also said badly. It was not until Jiang Wushang suddenly stopped the pace of the trailing forces that Chu Feng and Zi Ling found out what was wrong.

The underground palace already here is very wide. In fact, it is underground palace. It is better to say that this is a spacious underground cave, because it has no layout except for fluorescent stones or some non-fire-fighting species, which is extremely simple.

As the Bafang forces continued to penetrate, Jiang Wushang suddenly stopped and walked towards a wall.

He took out a special item, like a key. But this is not the key. The key is that he relied on the key to open a door above the wall, and among the doors, gives out held a very special Aura.

When this Aura gives out came out, Chu Feng could not change his face, because he was surprised to find that this Aura was so familiar. When Asura Ghost Tower, even on Eggy, he felt it. This was actually Aura for Asura.

However, this gives out is at the gate of Asura Aura. After entering Jiang Wushang, it disappeared. The rock wall on that side recovered again.

“This guy really knows something. It seems that he is on the right path.”

After Chu Feng approached, he began to look carefully at this rock wall. With his formation power, he could feel that this rock wall was very special, but it could not be opened at all, so he had to look at Zi Ling for help, saying: “How about, can you turn it on?”

“It’s hard to say, this rock wall is too weird, but you can try it.” Zi Ling also didn’t have the confidence to open this rock wall, but in this case, there is no other way, you must try your best. .

For the sake of insurance, Zi Ling first laid a layer of Concealment Spirit Formation on this land. In this way, no one can see, he and Chu Feng are here, and no one can see what she is doing.

After finishing Concealment Spirit Formation, Zi Ling moved a thought. In front of her, there was a black hole two meters wide and three meters high. The black hole was full of spells, and the bottom was not visible. gives out is not in this world. Aura seems to extend to another world.


Suddenly, a figure emerged in the black hole, and eventually a person came out of the black hole.

No, that ’s not human. To be precise, it is more like a Consciousness, but it is significantly different from Consciousness.

This is a woman. She is not very beautiful, but she is very temperamental. The main thing is that her height is as high as two and a half meters, she is shot with golden light all over her body, and she is also imposing, and the Aura from gives out turned out to be Heaven Realm Second Level.

greets master.” When this strange woman appeared, she even gave a respectful gift to Zi Ling.

“I want to arrange a Immortal Method Spirit Formation now, and I need your help.” Zi Ling did not make nonsense, but started directly, and began to arrange Spirit Formation on the rock wall.

At the same time, the peculiar woman also developed a special power from her body gives out, and continuously integrated into the Spirit Formation arranged by Zi Ling.

The power is special, like the sun, but it is different. In short, it is very comfortable, as if it is the righteousness that condenses the heavens and the earth.

The main thing is that this power is also very powerful, and even makes Chu Feng feel that this magical power should not be between existence world.

Eggy, wouldn’t this be World Spirit with a contract with Zi Ling?” Chu Feng asked curiously in his heart.

“Yes, this is a World Spirit from Fairy Spirit World.”

“This girl is very powerful. She was able to communicate with Fairy Spirit World and let World Spirit, a realm stronger than her, surrender to her to serve her.” Eggy, also unexpectedly revealed a surprised expression.

Fairy Spirit World? Is this Fairy Spirit World‘s World Spirit great?” Chu Feng asked curiously.

“The most powerful thing is not to talk about, but it is definitely not weak. It can be said that it is the second strongest among the seven Spirit World.” Eggy explained.

“Then the most powerful one? Which one is the most powerful one?” Chu Feng asked.

“It is also necessary to ask. Of course, the most powerful thing is my Asura world. If it is a World Spiritist that can conclude a contract with the World Spirit of my Asura world, this can definitely become his proud capital.” Eggy said proudly.

Chu Feng is also very happy to hear this, because at least it shows that the realm he can communicate with is the strongest realm of the seven Spirit Worlds.

“No, World Spirit can’t be separated from the host’s body, how can this World Spirit of Zi Ling come out to help her?” But if you think about it, Chu Feng doesn’t feel right.

After all, Eggy in his body is also very strong, but he can only be trapped in his body, and cannot come out to help her, at most he can use her body to exert his strength.

So he wondered, if Eggy could come out and help her, how much better? After all, the power of Eggy is so powerful and even scary.

Moreover, with a peerless Little beauty/Mei woman like Eggy, he will never be alone again, and his life will become more colorful and more interesting.

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