Martial God Asura Chapter 372: I have the ability to come to me

“Damn, why hasn’t Zi Xuanyuan show up? Does he really want to ignore the disciple of Supreme Venerable Villa?”

Although Chu Feng doesn’t sympathize with Xia Le’er’s death, he doesn’t want too many innocent people to be killed by monster beast. After all, as long as Zi Xuanyuan appears, it can stop all of this, and no one needs to die at all. .

But Zi Xuanyuan didn’t show up for a long time, which made Chu Feng unable to understand. He really couldn’t figure out what Zi Xuanyuan thinks and why he didn’t show up to save people.

“No, don’t kill me, don’t kill me.”

The king of black toads shot again, and it grabbed another beautiful woman out of the crowd. This beautiful woman was frightened, her face was full of tears, and she kept begging.

“Don’t be afraid, I didn’t mean to choose you. I just heard a name, it seems to be called Zi Ling. Can you tell me, which Zi Ling is it?” asked King Heichan.

“Well.” At this moment, the Chu Feng nerve could not help but tightly scream in his heart. Even Zi Ling could not help but change his face. A pair of beautiful eyes flashed with uneasiness.

“Really? As long as I say who Zi Ling is, you won’t let me go?” At that, the woman’s eyes were widened, as if she saw the hope of survival.

“I will let you live, absolutely no one dares to touch you.” The black toad king guarantee said.

“Here, Zi Ling is there, the one wearing the purple skirt is Zi Ling.” After hearing this, the woman was overjoyed, and without hesitation, she pointed her finger at Zi Ling in the crowd. In order to protect herself, she chose directly Sell ​​Zi Ling.

“Oh, this is the Zi Ling girl. It’s a rare Little beauty/Mei person. It’s so hidden, no wonder I didn’t find it.”

When seeing Zi Ling in the crowd, the King of Black Toad threw the woman in front of the crowd, and when he thought about it, the majestic suction lifted Zi Ling from the crowd and landed in front of him.

“Haha, it’s really beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life. No wonder some people will fight for you and be jealous of each other.”

“Girl Ziling, I’m really reluctant to kill you, beauties like you, how about you being my Madam Zhaizhai?” Black toad Wang Seyan stared at Zi Ling, it seems that it is true Be tempted.

“Don’t, don’t touch her.” Seeing this, Liu Supreme Venerable shouted loudly.

“Well? Don’t let me touch her? Okay, how about your life, how about it?” The King of Black Toad asked with a smile.

“I …” After hearing this, Liu Supreme Venerable‘s face changed suddenly. He first looked at Zi Ling, then hesitated, and finally lowered his head silently.

“Ah, Zi Ling girl, did you see it? How useless these humans are, being with them is simply a waste of your own beauty, or you should be happy with your King.” Laughing, I opened my arms while talking, and wanted to hold Zi Ling in my arms.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Aura in Zi Ling body is changing rapidly, a special force is flowing, her eyes as clear as water are beginning to change, and a faint purple light emerges, which contains horrible The power of beyond the heavens.

In the face of danger to life, Zi Ling is ready to do her best to use her Divine Body.

“Wait a minute.” But at that moment, a loud voice suddenly came behind Zi Ling.

This kind of change makes the black toad king stunned, Zi Ling is also moving, stopped the power of Divine body, but looked back, at this moment, her beautiful eyes could not help but tremble.

Because there is already a figure standing in the crowd behind her, this person is not someone else, precisely Chu Feng.

Chu Feng at this moment, with a calm face and a laughing mouth, calmly said to the King of Black Toad: “Release my sweetheart, and have the ability, come to me.”

Hearing this, not to mention Zi Ling, even Gu Bo and Xu Zhongyu and others was shocked, and hurriedly winked at Chu Feng, especially Xu Zhongyu, secretly sound transmission, advised Chu Feng not to be stupid, and not to kill him because of a woman. Life, great prospects for funeral.

But Chu Feng, regardless of it, stepped out of the crowd with a smile and walked calmly, and finally came to the king of black toad, and said, “Let her go, kill and kill, you Come to me. “

Chu Feng you …” At this moment, Zi Ling‘s always calm little face is also full of moving colors, and the beautiful eyes are surging inconceivable. She never imagined that, in her life When threatened, Chu Feng will stand up and stand in front of itself to protect itself.

“Boy, do you really want to save her with your own life? You should know, how terrible it will be?” The black toad king gave a deliberate look, the man who had been tortured by the hedgehog monster beast was mutilated, like It is to remind Chu Feng what kind of torture he will face.

“No need to talk nonsense, let her go immediately, don’t you want to play the game, how do you want to play, my little accompany you.” Chu Feng‘s face was calm, calm and calm, and even a corner of his mouth was still disdainful.

Although it looks calm on the surface, Chu Feng’s is also struggling. Chu Feng is betting on his life.

He made a bet on Zi Xuanyuan, and he won’t die for himself. If he wins, he will win some favors of Zi Ling. If he loses, he will admit it.

If Zi Xuanyuan is really like this, if you die, vicious and merciless people.

So Chu Feng feels that, even if this time they can get out of the hands of monster beast, they will also be hit by Zi Xuanyuan after leaving here.

After all, there are two types of Secret Skill in Chu Feng’s, and there is only one way for others to get this Secret Skill, which is to kill Chu Feng.

“Haha, boy, you have a seed.”

“Today I have satisfied you, let you experience it, my king’s means.”

Between speaking, the King of Black Toad shot directly, a flick of his finger, an invisible air stream burst out, pierced through the chest of Chu Feng’s, and a bright red blood also shot out.

However, with such a powerful offensive, Chu Feng has only taken a step backwards, and did not even make a pit, but instead raised a smile at the corner of its mouth, saying:

“You are still Monster King, this is the only way? I don’t think it’s better than your hedgehog.”

“Oh boy, what do you want to stimulate, huh? This will make you perfect.”

Seeing this, the black toad king smiled coldly and moved his mind. Chu Feng was lifted up by invisible forces, and then the invisible forces fell to the ground fiercely.

The powerful force makes a crackling noise at the back of Chu Feng’s. The Chu Feng’s spine has been broken in many places. The painful Chu Feng is also fangs grinning, almost not called out.

Later, when I saw the black toad king’s palm flipping, a strange object appeared in his hand, and he was wriggling and watching carefully. It was a strange one-foot long insect.

The body of this worm is white, but it has dense black claws. It is very disgusting. The most important thing is that it has gives out on it, which makes Chu Feng shudder Aura.

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