Martial God Asura Chapter 298: Black Tortoise Armor Technique (4 more)

“No, I can’t get it.” Chu Feng seems to be in a strange circle, although Eggy keeps reminding him, although he also knows that what is in front of him is only Illusion, but he wants to kill these close ones with his own hands. He still couldn’t help it.

“Stupid, that’s Illusion. It’s not really your family. If you don’t kill them, they will kill you. You will die here, like those people, stuck in this great formation. What? Do you know? “Eggy yelled anxiously, because she felt that Chu Feng’s was sane and confused by this Illusion array.

“I …” Hearing Eggy‘s roar, Chu Feng staggered, and finally shook God, then he gritted his teeth and shouted, “No, I can’t die here, you **** Illusion, Let me die. “

Then Chu Feng stopped the pace of dodging, closed his eyes, and cast out Blade of the Void Dragon’s Cry. The powerful oppression fell from the sky, and the dozens of Illusion could not be moved, and they were about to be crushed.

Feng’er, don’t, stop, I’m your father.”

Feng’er, I’m your grandpa, don’t do this.” However, at this moment, those Illusion who were still Murderous Qi started to evoke the name Chu Feng’s.

Only, the determined Chu Feng of already not only ignored them, but increased the intensity of Blade of the Void Dragon’s Cry, and finally killed those dozens of Illusions.

“Success?” It felt that already calmed down, and Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes. When he turned his eyes to the surroundings, his expression was inflexible, and his pupils suddenly changed.

Because he was shocked to discover that the Illusion did not disappear, there were dozens of corpses around him, those precisely his father and Chu family people.

They died very miserably. They were crushed to death. The light ones can tell who they are. The severe already has turned into blood, and it is impossible to distinguish the appearance.


At this moment, Chu Feng was dumbfounded, kneeling on the ground weakly, because he was sensed by his Spirit power, and found that these corpses were real, and his family’s Aura remained on it. He actually killed himself Family.

“What did I do? I actually killed my father, killed my grandfather, and killed my uncle …” Chu Feng scratched his head with his eyes, his eyes flickered. At this moment, he was crazy. His spirit was almost collapsed, and his expression of anxiety filled his face.

Chu Feng, what are you doing, those are Illusion, Illusion.” Seeing this, Eggy quickly reminded Chu Feng.

“No, that’s not Illusion, that’s my father, it’s my family, I can feel their Aura, they weren’t dead, but I just killed them myself.”

“You’re stupid, that’s Illusion, because you can’t compete with the power of great formation, you can’t tell whether they are true or false, because your Spirit power has long since expired here.”

Chu Feng is a little stronger. This is your demon. It is a burden you can’t put up with. This Illusion array precisely seized your weakness and only changed their appearance.”

“You must insist, believe in yourself, believe that you are right, they are Illusion, everything is false, as long as you can persist, you will eliminate the demon, no guilt, no burden inside. Eggy‘s voice kept ringing in Chu Feng‘s ears, like a beacon, guiding Chu Feng to a road to survival.

Under the constant reminder of Eggy, Chu Feng’s finally became sober. He began to believe in Eggy‘s words. He believed in himself and stopped escaping. Instead, he looked at those corpses and his father’s corpses.

“Om.” In the face of Chu Feng’s, those corpses started to become unreal, the blood disappeared, the corpses disappeared, and eventually disappeared completely.

At this moment, Chu Feng can finally face up to everything around him. He finds that he is still in the fog, but it is completely different from the previous feeling already, because he already knows how to overcome this Illusion array.

Eggy, many thanks you, if it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I can’t get through this difficult time.” Chu Feng was afraid to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

“Thank you, who do we talk to, not to mention that you don’t blame you at all, it can only be said that this Illusion array is too strong, then Illusion is too realistic and charming, no one can tell at the beginning That is false. “

“It’s about attacking with emotions, because whether it is family or love, it can make people careless and make people lose their mind.”

“But I believe that, even without me, you will be able to overcome this obstacle, lift your heart demon, and let go of the past.” Eggy smiled sweetly, the smart voice was extremely nice, the main thing was, listen In Chu Feng’s, warm.

“Nice, good talent.” But suddenly, a deep and ancient voice suddenly sounded behind Chu Feng’s.

After this sound, Chu Feng’s‘s body could not help but tremble, because at the same time, he felt a strong sense of oppression behind him.

While looking back, Chu Feng found in astonishment that he had four pairs of blood-red eyes behind him. These four red eyes were as big as lanterns, and the other pair was as big as two lanterns.

Blood-red eyes, although there is no gives out out of Murderous Qi, but they are still shocked to see Chu Feng. His Spirit power is invalidated here. He cannot sense what the owner of the blood-red eyes is, but he knows that it must be. It is a very powerful existence.

“What’s your name, kid?” The deep voice sounded again, as loud as a bronze bell.

junior Chu Feng, I don’t know the first name of senior.” Chu Feng revered respectfully.

“My dear Black Tortoise Armor Technique, your kid has good luck. Not only can he find it here, but he can also resist the mind demon Illusion array. Finally, there is some potential.”

“As long as you are willing to do something for the deity, the deity will consider imparting my patience to you, but I wonder, are you willing to help?” The mysterious existence continued.

While hearing this, Chu Feng’s was ecstatic in the heart, Black Tortoise Armor Technique, and claimed to be the deity. The same tone and similar name have made Chu Feng guess the identity of the other party, which is probably hidden in Emperor Tomb. Another Secret Skill.

Thinking of this, how dare Chu Feng hesitate to answer in a hurry: “senior please order, as long as it can be done by junior, it must do its best.”

“Ha ha, so clever little ghost, it seems you should know what the deity is. I feel a familiar Aura in your body. I can’t think of the proud White Tiger guy who surrendered to you?”

PS: This is the fourth update yesterday. The fifth update is being sorted out and will be presented later.

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