Martial God Asura Chapter 2821: Betrayed (6)

“No, for so many years, I’ve been looking for the group of demon snakes, but I haven’t found them, and I don’t know what their names are,” Li Xiang said.

“There are too many types of monsters in Great Thousand Upper Realm, and some of them are hidden. It is really hard to find.” Li Xiang‘s friends are also emotional.

“Even if I search for Great Thousand Upper Realm, I will find them.”

Li Xiang said his teeth were incisive. Chu Feng also noticed that when Li Xiang was talking, his fists had been clenched tightly, and hatred and unwillingness appeared in his eyes.

“Do you remember what they look like?” Chu Feng asked.

“Remember, they turned into a body at that time, and they were a group of black people. But they relied on red fangs and red-eyed demon snakes. Although they had different strengths, they were basically the same size, unified … all seven Fourteen meters long, “said Li Xiang.

“This form is very recognizable, rest assured that one day I will catch them and avenge your parents,” Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng knows the suffering of the tribe, so he decides that he will be able to avenge Li Xiang in the future.

Chu Feng Brother, there were about a hundred monster snakes at the time, but there were only 31 who killed my parents and ate my parents’ flesh. I don’t want to kill innocent people. If you meet them one day, Just kill those thirty-one. “Li Xiang said.

“OK.” Chu Feng nodded.

Boom ——

However, at this moment, a majestic coercion suddenly fell from the sky.

The prestige is too strong, and it comes too suddenly, Chu Feng and others is not prepared.

For a moment, Chu Feng and others, all lost the power of the air, and quickly fell down from the air.

Only listening to the murmuring noise, all Chu Feng and others are like dead dogs, they are pressed into the ground fiercely and cannot be moved.

Not only Chu Feng, but even Saint Pill Villa, the strongest Ma Changchun in the field is also unable to move.

The coercion is too strong, the Aura is very scary. In front of the Aura, Chu Feng feels small and pathetic.

“Worse is Martial Immortal, Martial Immortal strong.”

Chu Feng is also panicked at this moment, the opponent’s strength is too strong, Chu Feng has no fighting power at all.

The other party is just a thought, and they can immediately kill Chu Feng fly ash and die here.

“No, Chu Feng, there is another person in the sky.” Milady Queen said.

Because Chu Feng is lying down and falling down, his eyes can indeed see the situation above the void.

It turns out that not all people of Saint Pill Villa are shrouded in that coercion.

One exception is Elder from Saint Pill Villa.

This Elder is very thin, but it is neatly dressed. It can be said that it is the most decent one among Elder such as Saint Pill Villa.

Chu Feng knows this person, his name is Shi Fufang, he is the one with the least words in this line of Saint Pill Villa, he has almost no communication with Chu Feng.

Chu Feng had a good impression on him at least, at least he didn’t have to slap himself on the horse like everyone else.

But at this moment, the eyes of the Elder are full of sinister eyes.

And look at the Chu Feng and others below with a sad look.

Until now, Chu Feng realized that this Elder called Shi Fufang was such a dangerous role.

However, the coercion is obviously not his. Although his strength is very strong, he is a little worse than Ma Changchun. Naturally, he cannot oppress Ma Changchun to the ground with coercion.

If it is not him, who will it be, and who will deal with Chu Feng?


At the time of Chu Feng‘s conjecture, Chu Feng and others started from to rise up in the air in the ground, and they floated above midair again.

Only, except for Chu Feng, they couldn’t move a word. They were like puppets, they were at the mercy of others.

“Is you guys?”

When standing up, Chu Feng can see a group of people with the naked eye.

He finally knew who he was dealing with.

These guys are all familiar with Chu Feng and have seen them at Formation Immortal Field.

They are from Yuwen City.

Yuwen City, Elder, Yuwen Hualong, and Yuwen Tingyi are all there.

However, there is a strange face.

This is a old person, but he looks fierce, and the Aura of Martial Immortal comes from his body gives out.

Yuwen City city lord, Yuwen Yanhong !!!”

Seeing that fierce old person, Ma Changchun also changed his face.

At this moment, Chu Feng also knows who the other party is.

At the same time, Saint Pill Villa‘s Shi Fufang Elder, walking in the air, came behind that Yuwen City city lord.

Yuwen City city lord, seems to have been prepared, took out a large silver knife and threw it to Shi Fufang.

That’s not an ordinary sword, but a Immortal Armament.

many thanks.”

After taking over Immortal Armament, Shi Fufang carefully retracted, and the arc of joy appeared on his face.

Shi Fufang, did you betray us?”

Suddenly, Ma Changchun Elder roared.

Not only did he get angry, most of the Saint Pill Villa present also scolded the Shi Fufang.

They all understand what’s going on. Yuwen City people can’t find Chu Feng them.

It must be this Shi Fufang, secretly ventilating the letter, secretly telling the other party their location, the talents of Yuwen City may follow up so soon.

However, the Shi Fufang was very calm to the scolding of Saint Pill Villa. He looked at Yuwen City city lord and said calmly: “Remember to kill people, otherwise I can’t stay in Saint Pill Villa.”

“Don’t worry, my Yuwen City doesn’t want to go to war with Saint Pill Villa. Naturally, I want to kill people.”

“But if you kill them all, how do you explain it back?” Yuwen City city lord asked.

“This trip, I had a matter to resolve, I went with them to report to you, and returned to the tribe. I just said I was on the way to work, and parted ways with them.” Shi Fufang said .

“Okay.” After Yuwen City city lord said this, he turned to Chu Feng.

Although he was calm on the surface, when he looked at Chu Feng’s.

Chu Feng felt extremely powerful Murderous Qi, and very strong hatred.

But this is also normal, after all, Chu Feng abolished his son and cultivation realm, his strongest genius in Yuwen City.

“I do things one by one. I abolished Yuwen Tingyi and Yuwen Hualong cultivation realm. I did it.”

“You can come to me Chu Feng yourself, let them go.” Chu Feng said.

“They protect you so damn.” Yuwen City city lord said.

“But Chu Feng, don’t rush to death first, I will let you enjoy it and feel the pain.” Yuwen City city lord said this, looked at Yuwen Tingyi, and said, “Which is Li Xiang.”

“He is.” Yuwen Tingyi shouted at Li Xiang.

唰 ——

The next moment, Li Xiang immediately flew to the crowd of Yuwen City, and finally stopped in front of Yuwen Tingyi.

Knelt in front of Yuwen Tingyi.

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