Martial God Asura Chapter 1404: Your end

Hahaha, I thought you were so loud, you will sacrifice what kind of World Spirit, for a long time, it is such a weak World Spirit.”

Fifth Rank Martial King, cultivation realm like this, are you sure you were kidding me?”

“The World Spirit of Fifth Rank Martial King also wants to compete with my Demon Spirit, Chu Feng. I think you are scared by my Demon Spirit, Hahaha …”

Suddenly, Zhao Kai laughed again, and this time, he laughed more ironically than before.

At the same time, the juniors of World Spiritist Alliance also laughed. Although they were all surprised by the beauty of Eggy, cultivation realm of Eggy really made them look down.

“唰” However, at this moment, I saw the Eggy willow eyebrow countdown, and then the body burst into a shot, and flew towards the Zhao Kai.

“Pop” However, just as Eggy was approaching Zhao Kai, a huge body suddenly appeared in front of Eggy, blocking the way of Eggy.

And this one, the Demon Spirit of precisely Zhao Kai, and at the moment, he uses his majestic magic energy to turn into a rope, binding the hands and feet of Eggy, binding Milady Queen to bound.

“Ignorant girl, I don’t care which Spirit World you come from, but you can’t compete with me. You must know that this man is from the strongest Demon Spirit World.”

“Previously, you offended my master. You should have been executed. But now Uncle Ben gives you a chance to surrender to me and spare you.”

Demon Spirit stared at the evil body, staring at the perfect body of Eggy and the beautiful face, couldn’t help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

Although he is World Spirit, he cannot resist the temptation of Milady Queen.

“The strongest Demon Spirit World? Ignorant thing, you know, who is in front of you at this moment?” Eggy eyes narrowed slightly, eyes full of anger.

She has been in this world for so long, it is the first time she has thing, dare to treat her like this, not to mention this is not a person at all, but a World Spirit.

“Who are you? Hey, girl, in my eyes, you are just a plaything.”

“Come on, Uncle Ben can’t bear it. Now let Uncle Ben come to taste your taste.”

Demon Spirit used that disgusting tongue to lick his lips again, and then controlled the magic gas, approaching Eggy towards him, he wanted to violate Eggy.

“Wow, Suwen Zhao Senior Brother‘s Demon Spirit is very lascivious, and it has not been seen before, but today he is really revealing.”

“It’s not that it wasn’t colorless before, but it has converged in front of so many people, but today the Cyanwood Mountain garbage World Spirit is too beautiful, not to mention is Demon Spirit, even I am tempted.”

“Don’t say it’s against her, even if you can get closer, smelling her body fragrance at a close distance, I’m content, eh.”

“Haha, let’s do it, Demon Spirit. No one will stop you. Good rubbing on that little girl, it just makes us addicted to eyes.”

Seeing that Demon Spirit wanted to use violence in public, not only did no one stop it, but even some evil disciple, they also showed their expectations.

In the face of beauties like Eggy, they should have a certain level of quality World Spiritist, they are all wolves, and look forward to seeing a visual feast.

After all, this can not only satisfy their desires, but also completely humiliate Chu Feng.

“嗷 ~~~~~~~~~~~~”

However, at that moment, a low roar suddenly came from the body of Eggy. That roar was too horrible. When only this voice was heard, people would feel a tremor, shudder, and be shocked. .

Even if it is from Demon Spirit World, it is already devil technique Demon Spirit. After hearing this voice, it was a stun, and then the look changed greatly.

“Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~”

However, at the moment of Demon Spirit, the majestic dark black flame has surged out of the body of Eggy and burst out.

As soon as the dark Mist came out, Demon Spirit‘s bound Eggy‘s magical energy did not attack itself. Even the turbulent magical energy of covering the sky and blocking the sun began to tremble violently. It lost its previous domineering and became jittery, just like fear general.

This scene is surprising, but the most surprising thing is that it is Eggy‘s dark black flame, which is gives out.

The dark Mist, surging out, likewise covering the sky and blocking the sun, not only scared off the magic of Demon Spirit, but turned it into a giant hand, grasped Demon Spirit tightly, and made the difficult move.

Brother Zhao, this feeling, isn’t it?” Seeing this scene, Zhao Sanyuan, Guiwei Saint Spiritist Union Elder, suddenly flashed his eyes. When he found that the momentum was wrong, he couldn’t help looking at Zhao Qinghen.

“There is nothing wrong, although this is the first time I have seen it, but I am almost sure that this World Spirit is from Asura Spirit World.” Zhao Qinghen said that although he is still pretending to be calm, in fact, he is already No longer calm.

“This …, where the **** is this Cyanwood Mountain kid, and he concluded a contract with Asura Spirit World?!”

Conjecture is confirmed. Zhao Sanyuan’s face has become extremely difficult to look. After all, he also knows what the World Spirit of Asura Spirit World actually represents.

Oh God!, where does this Nizi come from, how can her Aura be so terrible?”

Asura Spirit World, are you World Spirit from Asura Spirit World?” However, as people have speculated about where Eggy is sacred, Demon Spirit, which is Eggy bound, said such a horror.

“What? World Spirit of Asura Spirit World, this Nizi turned out to be World Spirit of Asura Spirit World?”

“No? Asura Spirit World, but that is World Spirit in legend, how can this Cyanwood Mountain junk have such a World Spirit?”

When I heard this, everyone in World Spiritist Alliance was stunned. After all, as World Spiritist, they all knew Asura Spirit World, but for them, it was another legend.

But right now, the World Spirit in legend appears in front of them. How can they not be shocked?

At first, many people expressed their disbelief. After all, Asura Spirit World is so powerful. It has long been known as a myth in World Spiritist circles.

However, feeling the gives out horror Aura from Eggy, and watching Eggy using Fifth Rank Martial King‘s cultivation realm to suppress First Rank Half Emperor‘s Demon Spirit, they had to believe it.

The strength of Eggy is too strong. Such an heaven defying fighting force is beyond imagination and even beyond their acceptable range.

“Why? Scared? Aren’t you supposed to say that Demon Spirit World is the strongest Spirit World?” Eggy eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a harmless sweet smile of humans and animals.

But at this moment, no matter how she smiles, she can’t hide her Aura, Aura, who is full of anger and murderous, makes people feel scared.

Especially the Demon Spirit of Demon Spirit World, he was covered by Eggy Diablo Mist all over his body, so he can also feel the horrible Eggy at this moment.

“Master, save me !!!” Suddenly, he yelled and asked for help from his master Zhao Kai.

At this moment, his fame Demon Spirit is not only suffocated, but also embarrassed.

“Uh ~~~~”

However, the next moment Demon Spirit asked for help, he made a terrible scream of grief.

And looking at it, all the people present couldn’t help taking a breath, and everyone could clearly see that the physical body of Demon Spirit was becoming blurred at this moment, from physical to gas, and was constantly being Decomposed and constantly being detached.

This famous Demon Spirit is being decomposed by Milady Queen from Asura Spirit World.

“Stop !!!!” Seeing something bad, Zhao Kai screamed angrily, how could he tolerate that his strongest World Spirit was just destroyed.

However, as soon as his voice fell, I saw a cold flash in Milady Queen‘s eyes, and then a “bang” came when the Demon Spirit exploded.

Not only is the physical body absent, but Aura is completely absent. He has completely dissipated between heaven and earth and died in the hands of Milady Queen.

“Disrespect to this Queen, this is your end.” Eggy said calmly.

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