Martial God Asura Chapter 1309: Boy with hate

“Oh …” After hearing Li Xiang‘s words, Chu Feng smiled, but smiled helplessly: “Li Xiang Senior Brother, I won’t stay here all the time.”

“I’m here to see Hong Qiang senior. I only wait for his First Rank time. The visual inspection will not exceed one month. I will leave regardless of whether I can see Hong Qiang senior in a month.”

“You want me to protect Cripped Bamboo Forest now. I can do it. I also have some confidence and can temporarily protect the peace of Cripped Bamboo Forest.”

“But … what am I going to do? What will disciple of Cripped Bamboo Forest face?”

“This …” Li Xiang was silent, he didn’t think about it.

But now he can think of it. If Chu Feng was there and protected the dignity of Cripped Bamboo Forest, then after he left, the disciple of Cripped Bamboo Forest would face even worse tragic insults.

“Actually Hong Qiang senior is right, dignity is theirs, they don’t care, how can I guard?” Chu Feng smiled and patted Li Xiang on the shoulder.

“No, I care.” But at this moment, a childish voice suddenly sounded, watching side by side, a boy only twelve years old.

This little boy is very shabby and has messy hair, like a little hanako.

But there is still childishness on his face, he is still a boy, not a man.

However, in this boy, he had no arm and only one eye, and his lost eyes and lost arms had scary scars.

“This Senior Brother, I care about dignity, I also want to get back my dignity, I want to return to the full body.”

“Will you help me recover?” The boy approached Chu Feng’s and asked sincerely.

At this moment, Chu Feng is moving. Although this little boy is only twelve years old, he is already realm of Black Tortoise First Level.

This kind of realm may not be a big deal in Holy Land of Martialism, but if it is in Nine Provinces Continent or even Eastern Sea Region, then it is the peerless genius.

After all, when Chu Feng was fifteen years old, he was still Spirit Realm. At that time, the strongest of Profound Realm was a very scary existence for Chu Feng.

The little boy, at the age of twelve, is already Profound Realm First Level.

But unfortunately, this little boy lives in a very cruel martial cultivation world, that is Holy Land of Martialism.

So even if he is young, he already has cultivation realm of Profound Realm, but in the eyes of most people, he is just a little waste.

“His name is Xiao Ming. Before the age of eight, he lived in a large family, but the family was destroyed at the age of eight, and he was the only one who survived.”

“I was later encountered by Shao Senior Brother of Cripped Bamboo Forest. Seeing his pity, he brought in Cripped Bamboo Forest.” Li Xiang recounted the sad life of Xiao Ming.

“Do you really want to recover your dignity? Restore your physical body?” Chu Feng asked.

“I have deep blood and revenge. If I ca n’t even find my dignity, what revenge will I take?”

“I want dignity. I want to be a man of the highest standing. Only then can I be qualified to talk about revenge for my family. Otherwise, I don’t even have the right to revenge.”

Xiao Ming vowed arbitrarily, even though he was still young, but his eyes were full of sternness. Chu Feng could see that his body was indeed carrying heavy thing.

The vengeance of genocide, Chu Feng has also experienced, Chu Feng is the clearest kind of feeling of revenge.

“Okay, I’ll help you.” Chu Feng didn’t hesitate, he decided to help this boy who bears the deep hatred of blood.

Xiao Ming, what are you doing here, hurry up, come back with me.”

But at this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly limped over, grabbed the hand of Xiao Ming, and took Xiao Ming away.

“He is Shao Senior Brother. He brought back Xiao Ming that year. Although they are not related, in the past four years, Shao Senior Brother has been waiting for Xiao Ming.”

“In addition to not being able to protect Xiao Ming, he is very good at Xiao Ming, and even reserves part of his resources for Xiao Ming.” Li Xiang said secretly again.

“No, I do n’t want it. I want to get back my dignity. I want to take revenge for my family, so I do n’t want to keep doing nothing.”

At this moment, Xiao Ming became excited, struggling in the hands of Shao Senior Brother, screaming, but he only had one hand, and looked very weak in front of Shao Senior Brother of Martial Lord Realm, unable to break free at all.

Xiao Ming, what guilty you have committed? It’s not ordinary people who kill your family. You can’t take revenge. You should be an ordinary person and live the rest of your life safely.” Shao Senior Brother advised.

“No, no matter how powerful he is, I will kill him, otherwise I am sorry for my brother, my sister, my uncle and uncle, and even my parents.” Xiao Ming struggled more and more Awesome, shouted more and more fiercely, tears already shed in the corner of his eyes.

“You child, your wings are really hard, and you are becoming more and more obedient.” Shao Senior Brother also stopped talking nonsense and forced to leave Xiao Ming.

“Let him go.” But at this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded, even the world was shaking, and bamboo forest was swinging violently.

In this case, that Shao Senior Brother was frightened, and he quickly let go of the hand holding Xiao Ming, and took a few steps backwards. At this moment, his face was pale and full of head. Sweating, terrified by Chu Feng.

Xiao Ming, I will ask you again, do you want to restore your physical body and recover your dignity?” Chu Feng asked again.

“This Junior Brother, Xiao Ming is still small, you can’t take what he said seriously.” Seeing this, Shao Senior Brother rushed in and explained.

“Shut up for me.” Chu Feng counts down with an eyebrow and angrily screams, scaring that Shao Senior Brother‘s body is stiff, like a petrified animal, stunned in place.

He has been bullied for so many years, thinking that he has encountered any kind of evil person, but just now, he found that he was wrong.

At this moment, this polite young man standing in front of him is scarier than everyone else he has met before, like a devil, making him afraid to talk anymore, otherwise the other party may really kill him.

Xiao Ming, your own affairs, decide for yourself, do you want to get back to dignity, avenge your family, or lose dignity, let others humiliate, and always be a man?” Chu Feng asked again.

“I want to get back my dignity !!!”

“I want revenge for my family !!!”

“I don’t want to be a man, I want to be a man !!!!!!”

Xiao Ming shouted hysterically. At this moment, his emotions are a bit scary. He doesn’t look like a child at all, but in Chu Feng‘s view, this is the real him.

“OK, I’ll help you.”

After that, Chu Feng personally arranged formation technique to consolidate the physical body for Xiao Ming, making his physical body complete again.

Chu Feng Senior Brother, you are so amazing, it helped me recover my body so quickly. Last time Li Xiang Senior Brother helped me recover my body, it took me a long time.”

Xiao Ming looked at his intact unscathed body, jumping and jumping, very happy, showing his innocence.

However, he also feels incredible, because Chu Feng‘s method of restoring the physical body is too fast, and it is completed in only already in an instant, which makes him feel very magical, some difficult believe.

But at the same time, he admires Chu Feng even more, and feels that Chu Feng is very powerful, even better than Li Xiang said.

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