Martial God Asura Chapter 1046: Get insulted

“Master Headmaster, this is what intention.” Gongsun Kuo asked.

Cloud Thunder Pavilion is closer to Ancient Immortal Pond than us. He took a group of disciple and did not pass directly, but instead came to us with a circle, obviously with no intention.” Sikong Zhaixing said.

“Don’t mean anything.” Gongsun Kuo is still puzzled.

“I heard that about 20 years ago, Cloud Thunder Pavilion had a large number of Elders who entered the area under the control of other forces, and secretly selected a large group of martial cultivation talented children, and brought them back to Cloud Thunder Pavilion for secret training. “

“After my investigation, there was something wrong, but after all, I had no resentment with Cloud Thunder Pavilion, so I assumed that I didn’t know the matter and didn’t mention it to anyone.”

“In a blink of an eye, twenty years have passed since already, and those children have grown up with already. I believe that they will be able to cultivate some good seedlings from it.”

“When Cloud Thunder Pavilion conflicted with Prajna religion some time ago, he threatened that the disciple he sent to Cyanwood Mountain from Cloud Thunder Pavilion this year will definitely be a surprise. Prajna will not be able to compete with his Cloud Thunder Pavilion since then. To embarrass the Prajna disciple at the assessment meeting of Cyanwood Mountain.

“So in my opinion, it should be the same group of children that year. They were brought up. Cloud Thunder Pavilion is going to send them to Cyanwood Mountain. I want to make a big splash, otherwise I won’t suddenly have such confidence and let such a big talk.”

“But before sending to Cyanwood Mountain, they wanted to try my Southern Cyanwood Forest.” Sikong Zhaixing said.

“Try the hand, what hand they want to try.” Gongsun Kuo was faintly disturbed.

“It’s easy to say that my Southern Cyanwood Forest is also Cyanwood Mountain. Even if it is not as good as the other three forests, it is not comparable to the other affiliates such as Prajna.”

“In terms of reputation, Southern Cyanwood Forest is not weak among the second-class forces. If his Cloud Thunder Pavilion‘s disciple is better than my Southern Cyanwood Forest‘s disciple, then they have more confidence.” Sikong Zhaixing said.

“No wonder this year, Cloud Thunder Pavilion began to make a good deal with me Southern Cyanwood Forest. It turned out that his purpose was not pure, but he wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate me Southern Cyanwood Forest, it was abominable.” Gongsun Kuo full of anger.

“Hey, do n’t need to get angry. This is just guessing. Maybe Cloud Thunder Pavilion really wants to make a good deal with me Southern Cyanwood Forest, but if they come to me Southern Cyanwood Forest by adding a good name, embarrassing me Southern Cyanwood Forest, then I only Can you say they chose the wrong time. “

“If it were a few days ago, they might really be able to humiliate me for Southern Cyanwood Forest, but now I’m afraid they don’t have this opportunity.” In the eyes of Sikong Zhaixing, a burst of confidence emerged.

“Yes, there are Chu Feng sitting in town, disciple of other Cloud Thunder Pavilion, if you dare to ask for consultation, then you will be humiliated.” Gongsun Kuo said.

“Oh, it’s not just his Cloud Thunder Pavilion.” Sikong Zhaixing stared at the Chu Feng in the distance, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Time passes, and in the blink of an eye, six days have passed.

In the past six days, the courtyard where Chu Feng and others lived has expanded many times, and great changes have taken place six days before.

Here, already does not have those simple houses in the past. It is replaced by magnificent palaces, and even various buildings here. To be precise, already cannot be called a courtyard, more like a small city. The core area of ​​Southern Cyanwood Forest has become Southern Cyanwood Forest, one of the most desirable places.

But no matter how splendid and magnificent the building is, it still belongs to the southeast. The towering palace is the most eye-catching because it is the residence of Chu Feng’s.

Chu Feng Junior Brother is available.”

On this day, Chu Feng was chatting with Li Lei, but suddenly, a woman’s call sounded outside the door. Her voice was very loud and a little urgent, as if there was something urgent.

Chu Feng walked out of the palace together with Li Lei, only to find that on the sky outside the courtyard, two beautiful young women were standing. These two women are really good-looking and extraordinary in temperament. They can attract everyone where they go Many-eyed beauties.

The two women Chu Feng knew that two of the eighteen disciples on the day of precisely. The woman who had previously called the name Chu Feng tried to stop Zhao Genshuo and humiliate everyone in Southern Sea Region six days ago. If she shoots that day, maybe Chu Feng will be willing to make her friend.

“What are you doing here?” Although the two beautiful women came, the Chu Feng’s face was still not very good-looking.

Chu Feng Junior Brother, we are in a hurry to find you. This matter is related to my Southern Cyanwood Forest honor and disgrace. I wonder if we can let us go in and tell you in detail.” The woman said in a pleading tone.

“Come in.” Hearing that it was Southern Cyanwood Forest, Chu Feng nodded, and then turned towards his palace, but instead of closing the door, he left the way for the two women.

Seeing this, the two women were also relieved. They flew down first, then walked into the compound, and then entered the Chu Feng’s palace.

“What’s the matter, let’s talk.” Chu Feng went straight into the subject, his tone was very indifferent.

Chu Feng Junior Brother, you should have heard that Ancient Immortal Pond is about to open. Adult Headmaster is going to take us to Ancient Immortal Pond cultivation.” the woman asked.

“Adult Headmaster said it to me, but you said that this matter is related to my Southern Cyanwood Forest honor and shame, and what does this have to do with Ancient Immortal Pond.” Chu Feng asked.

“Well, Ancient Immortal Pond is indeed about to open, but we have to wait for First Rank time. Today Cloud Thunder Pavilion came to my Southern Cyanwood Forest and said that I would go to Ancient Immortal Pond with my Southern Cyanwood Forest.”

Cloud Thunder Pavilion Headmaster said that there is something important to discuss with the adult Headmaster and the penalty Elder, so the task of entertaining Cloud Thunder Pavilion disciple was given to us.”

“Our already had prepared a banquet to entertain the disciple of Cloud Thunder Pavilion, but above the banquet, disciple of Cloud Thunder Pavilion, but again and again, asking where the Han Family people went.”

“After learning that Han Family already was Han Family from expel, Cloud Thunder Pavilion‘s disciple named Shi Yuanhang, even said that the adult Headmaster was confused and took Han Family expel out of Southern Cyanwood Forest. My Southern Cyanwood Forest is destined to be lonely. In this way, I am afraid I will be reduced to third-class forces He is far worse than Cloud Thunder Pavilion. “

“Heard of this, Zhao Genshuo, Kong Lianfeng naturally they will not endure, turned around on the spot, and started with Shi Yuanhang, but who had thought that Cloud Thunder Pavilion and disciple are very strong, obviously they are Ninth Rank Martial Lord, but Zhao Genshuo Kong Lianfeng, they turned out I ca n’t fight back, but I was defeated by Shi Yuanhang in one move. “

“Now, a good banquet already is a mess. We ca n’t go to Headmaster for this kind of thing. If we are seen by Headmaster, we are beaten by disciple of Cloud Thunder Pavilion. Too shameful. “

“Although it is also an affiliate of Cyanwood Mountain, after all, my Southern Cyanwood Forest is orthodox. In terms of status, his Cloud Thunder Pavilion cannot compare with my Southern Cyanwood Forest.”

“So Chu Feng Junior Brother, please also look at this matter, because it is related to the honor and disgrace of my Southern Cyanwood Forest. I can ignore this and tell us the disciple of Cloud Thunder Pavilion.” The woman took a pleading attitude Said that another woman was also looking at Chu Feng with that praying gaze.

After knowing what happened, Chu Feng’s has long been filled with anger, so instead of talking nonsense, he suddenly stood up and said, “Lead the way.”

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