Martial Cultivator Chapter 451: General trend (four K)

Wang Anxin thought about it for a while, but did not show it at all on his face. He looked at Luo Tianhong and said with a smile: “It’s just a small effort, why bother.”

When he was about to take the opportunity to get in touch with Luo Tianhong so that he could ask him about the origins of this battle, Luo Tianhong suddenly stood up, followed by several disciples, walked straight towards Wang An, and said at the same time: “Your Excellency With a little effort, you saved the lives of me and all my disciples, and even the survival of the entire Luo Sect was saved because of your action!

Your Excellency has been very kind to me, all my disciples, and even the entire Luo Sect!

You can be called a benefactor! ”

Nowadays, Luo Tianhong has perfected his moonlight body and is almost a man of Dharma height. Facing Wang An, a martial artist who has not even fully cultivated the realm of ghosts and gods, he treats Wang An with respect and praise, which makes Wang An a little confused.

But if the other party has such a good impression of him, it will undoubtedly be more convenient for Wang An to act.

What’s more, he did save Luo Tianhong’s master and apprentice. What the other party said was not an exaggeration, so he accepted it calmly and was about to respond.

But Luo Tianhong was impatient and said first: “Your Excellency saved our Luo Jiao people in danger. Such a great kindness must be repaid. I would like to follow you to the Luo Jiao main altar and give it to the next person to repay your kindness.” Opportunity?”

Go to the Luo Jiao General Altar?

Wang An was slightly startled.

How could it have progressed to this point so quickly?

He was just slightly stunned, but he had already agreed in his heart, but he refused a few times on his face. However, after he kept declining, and after repeated invitations with Luo Tianhong, he finally decided to go to the Luo Jiao General Forum.

This time, however, they never considered that Luo Tianhong might have hidden evil intentions and intended to trap and kill him in the Luo Jiao General Altar.

——Gai Yin is a man of skill and boldness. Today, Wang An is not someone who can be tricked and killed just by anyone who wants to.


“My lord!”

In the Feishen Guard camp, the leader of the general strode closer to Yu Tingyi and reported the information he had just received: “Over there on Rongning Street, more than a thousand red-armored demons have been escorted!

They realized that Tianyi had no backup, but they had the idea of ​​​​gathering Xiao Shijin, the Tianyi, and the remaining Luo Jiao envoys to annihilate them. However, after repeated discussions, they finally came to an urgent decision. Get up and try to fill the gap on Rongning Street as soon as possible! ”

The leader general reported to Yu Tingyi Langsheng, with unmistakable joy on his face.

When Yu Tingyi heard this, his expression only moved slightly, and then he said: “The Zhenguo General’s Mansion has already seen its plan, but now is the time for you to take action.”

The slim minister of Shangguo stood up, straightened his back, and said in a sonorous voice: “Pass my military order, the flying divine guards will quickly march into the Zhenguo General’s Mansion. They must break through all their lines and wipe out the Zhenguo General.” And the red-armored monster who has brought disaster to the country for hundreds of years!”


The leader of the Flying God Guards left with a bang.

Not long after, the three thousand flying divine guards were fully equipped and set off quickly. Following the previously planned route, they broke into the royal capital from the north city gate. They were like a flood, sweeping over the general’s palace. controlled streets.

Currently, the Ying Ghost Division has marched more than a thousand Ying Ghosts onto Rongning Street, striving to annihilate the Tianyi Group and the Luo Jiao practitioners. This has created a defense void around the Zhenguo General’s Mansion, and the Feishen Guards are coming. , these streets, which were only defended by a few dozen or even dozens of evil ghosts, were suddenly like fragile houses that were swept away by the torrential flood, unable to even stir up a single wave!

In just a quarter of an hour, the Flying God Guards had already gathered at the Zhenguo General’s house.

Many soldiers who participated in martial arts summoned their energy, connected their talisman armor, and connected with their colleagues’ energy veins to break through the formations arranged around the general’s mansion in the town. They were quickly pulled out, and the formations were destroyed, covering the entire town. The grand formation of the General’s Mansion also disappeared.

The remaining three hundred or so soldiers of the Yinggui tribe who had been guarding the mansion suddenly broke through the wall. The purple-red Daitian Divine Light illuminated half of the sky, and they slammed into the Feishen Guards, who were full of energy and blood and connected with energy. In the formation!

A fight is inevitable!

However, Yu Tingyi had worked hard for so long and finally assembled an army dedicated to restraining the Ying ghost tribe. At this time, a sudden attack was about to achieve results, but it was impossible because of hundreds of Ying ghosts. The soldiers rushed out in an instant and became confused.

The Feishen Guards naturally set up their formation, like a big net, trapping all the soldiers of the Ying Ghost Tribe within it. Talisman knives were shuttled across the length and breadth. Seven or eight soldiers cooperated with each other, and they were often able to trap them. A soldier from the Yinggui tribe was pressed down by soldiers from the rear, and they cooperated to kill him.

In less than two moments, the hundreds of Yinggui soldiers guarding the Zhenguo General’s Mansion were all killed, and the remaining dozens of Yinggui soldiers were all killed. The soldiers barely escaped from the formation, but there was no way to save the situation. They could only unite into formation, and before the Flying God Guards came to surround them, they retreated and pushed straight to the rear.

Dozens of soldiers from the Yinggui tribe were guarding the place with their backs against a high tower. Facing the thousands of flying divine guards pressing up, they refused to take another step back.

The high tower faintly emits an evil light, and the **** aura overflows from the high tower. It is extremely evil. In addition, the actions of the soldiers of the Yinggui Tribe are undoubtedly telling Yu Tingyi and his Feishen Guards that they must suppress the enemy. The general’s physical body must be in this tower at this time!

As long as the tower in front of you is destroyed and the body of the general who may be hiding inside is destroyed, this battle will be won!

At this time, inside the tower.

As Yu Tingyi expected, the real body of the general was in this tower.

This high tower is built according to a special pattern. The bottom floor is dedicated to sacrifices, and the middle floor accumulates aura. The infinite aura and blood energy will be gathered into the upper floors and put into the body of the general to nourish his body.

Since the battle at the Great Zen Temple, the Zhenguo General’s true spirit was damaged and part of it was destroyed by the Holy Girl of the Innate Sect. He has been staying in this high tower, nurturing his body, strengthening his shell, and also You can use the essence of aura to recuperate your true soul.

However, such recuperation is actually inefficient.

He has not been able to repair 1% of the damage to the true spirit, so after hearing the secret report from General Shahe, he did not hesitate to use the true spirit to come to the Baiyang Sect’s main altar again, and was very concerned about Ying He’s resurrection. for concern.

However, now that he went to the Baiyang Sect General Altar, not only did he not get any benefits, but Wang An killed another clone. The injuries on the true spirit expanded again, but the situation was worse than when he returned from the Great Zen Temple. Times are much more serious.

At the top of the tower, there is light shining down.

A ‘god man’ who is about ten feet tall even sitting cross-legged is sitting cross-legged.

This god-man’s body is covered with scales, and above the scales, there are purple-red eye-shaped veins, faintly exuding a crazy and evil aura.

The god-man has facial features, and his appearance is similar to that of a human, except that there are clusters of dirty feathers growing under his jaw. The dark void behind him is also faintly trembling, and a crack appears and disappears.

This figure sitting here cross-legged and silent with his eyes closed is naturally the true form of the born Ying Bu Zun, the general of the country!

Suddenly, the crack in the void behind Tiansheng Yingbu suddenly opened, and pairs of purple-red eyes overlapped inside. Immediately afterwards, a rainbow light emerged from Yingbu’s hometown, and suddenly crashed into Tiansheng Yingbu. In the flesh shell of the Lord!

Return to the true spirit!

He opened his eyes suddenly.

His mind was connected with the soldiers and generals under his command. The moment he returned to his true spirit and arrived at the general’s mansion, he already understood all the things that happened here. He was filled with rage and his purple-red eyes were filled with madness. The color becomes more and more intense!

The vitality of the **** of heaven flows all over the body with the change of his divine thoughts.

The flesh shell and the true spirit were completely integrated. The born Ying Buzun suddenly stood up, and a fierce purple-red light from the top of his head broke through the top of the tower and spread in the sky, outlining a ferocious face. , a roaring sound suddenly came from the tower, and in conjunction with the extremely ferocious changes in the sky, it released a breathtaking power: “You mere mortals actually intend to kill me!

Your sins deserve death, and I shall eat your flesh and drink your blood! ”


He roared loudly, and the entire flesh and blood pagoda built with secret techniques also released boundless **** energy and rushed into the flying **** army. This made many warriors feel awe-inspiring for a moment, and they couldn’t help but pause slightly as they pressed towards the flesh and blood pagoda. As they looked at each other, there was clearly confusion and hesitation in their eyes.

Zhen Guo’s general Zhen Ling actually returned at this time!

This existence that has been entrenched in Shangguo for hundreds of years is like a real **** between the court and the public. No one can escape from his shadow. His sudden arrival at this time has brought psychological pressure to the soldiers of Feishen. One can imagine!

Facing the frightened Feishen Army, the red-armored demons who had been forced to the foot of the tower and were about to have to fight with their last resort, although their faces were covered by their hoods, their purple-red eyes were filled with emotion. The joy flashed, and they shouted in unison: “Thinking to kill my lord is a crime worthy of death! Planning to kill my lord is a crime worthy of death!”

The sound of roars and howls broke through the sky, and the Red Armor Army gained momentum for a moment!

Many soldiers who were entangled with Tianyi on Rongning Street got the news that General Zhenguo had been defeated, and they were rushing back now!

The general trend seemed to be reversed the moment the general returned to the capital!

Yu Tingyi saw a ferocious face appearing in the sky, with pressure like a mountain cap falling on his shoulders, but his figure was still upright. Seeing the Feishen sergeant feel panic, he immediately drew out the scribe sword from his waist, and shouted categorically : “The thief chief is just bluffing, are you afraid because of this?

Have you forgotten your parents and brothers who were killed by the thieves? !

This is the time when the thieves chief is weak, so he can gather them together and annihilate them! ”

As soon as his voice fell, he was the first to launch an attack on the Flesh Tower under the guidance of dozens of personal guards!

The surrounding soldiers heard what Yu Tingyi said and saw that the chief officer was leading the soldiers. Their hearts were filled with fear and fear. They screamed loudly one by one, pumped out their flesh and blood, and gathered into a tide, suddenly crashing into the middle tower. Tower of flesh and blood!

The Flying God Army united their minds, pumping out flesh and blood energy, connecting it into Qi veins, flowing according to a specific formation, and actually condensed a phantom of Tianding above their heads. As the Flying God Army launched an attack towards the Flesh and Flesh Tower, that day Ding Xu Ying also held a pumpkin sledgehammer and smashed it into the flesh and blood tower!

“Seeking death!”

Tiantian Yingbuzun saw that everyone in this unusual army was covered with talisman armor. As the warriors’ blood energy was revived, a powerful and powerful aura emerged, forming a shadow of Tianding in the void, illuminating it. The tower of flesh and blood smashed down brazenly. His heart was filled with shock and doubt for a moment, and then his mind was filled with rage!

He shouted angrily on the spot, and the vitality of the Goddess of Heaven flowed throughout the pagoda, causing the entire pagoda of flesh and blood to be enveloped in purple-red light, and instead it was wrapped around the phantom of Tianding!


The sledgehammer of the golden-colored Tianding phantom suddenly fell, creating layers of air waves in the virtual space, causing all the air to roll back!

The Daitian Divine Light and the sledgehammer wrapped around each other in reverse directions turned into shattered light all over the sky when they touched each other, and they were dissolved one after another. The pumpkin sledgehammer actually landed on the Flesh and Flesh Tower, and the top of the Flesh and Flesh Tower was smashed on the spot. Broken, countless rubbles rolled down!

One hit to achieve success!


There was another loud noise, but the flying **** army below attacked the base of the tower. With one impact, dozens of red-armored demons guarding the pagoda were killed!

They killed the last wave of red-armored monsters in the Zhenguo General’s Mansion with one blow. The talisman swords in their hands split open the purple-red evil light that had been difficult to resist before. They heard another loud noise and quickly looked up – See the scene where the warriors of the Flying God Army smashed the top of the tower with their double hammers, forming the ‘Qi Shen’ formed by gathering their energy and blood!

Such a scene immediately boosted morale!

Everyone was inspired, and a thought emerged in their hearts: “The general of Zhenguo cannot withstand the joint offensive of himself and his colleagues!

He will be unstoppable! ”

Seeing this scene, Yu Tingyi narrowed his eyes slightly, but he knew that Zhenling, the general of Zhenguo, escaped from the general’s mansion and must have suffered heavy losses outside. The combination of these two times finally made his advantage no longer, and he lost control of the attack and defense. The situation is easy!


Overestimating one’s own capabilities is like using a mantis’ arm as a chariot! ”

But when Tian Tian Yingbu Zun saw that the flying gods gathered their blood energy and linked up with the formation, they were so powerful that they could break his own divine light. He was even more surprised and doubtful, but he didn’t show it on his face, just sneered. Suddenly jumped out of the tower.

At the same time, he swept the corpses of the soldiers of the Ying tribe who were killed by the Flying God Army under the tower with the divine light of Daitian. He refined all their flesh and blood for his own use. He suddenly grabbed the void with one hand and grabbed a half-broken king’s sword. The big ax struck down the generals with great force!

The king’s energy is rolling, plowing out ravines in the void, from far to near, and instantly descends on the head of Tianding Xuying!

Such a momentum is naturally huge, look for the book However, the Flying God Army once broke into the divine light of Daitian, and realized that the born Yingbu Zun was not invincible. With the morale greatly boosted, they all raised their voices and killed The sound of cutting shook the sky, and Ding Xuying even swung his hammers that day, struggling to meet the ravine of king energy coming from all directions!


Pairs collide!

The phantom of Tianding was shaking endlessly, and the golden melon sledgehammer in his hand was shattered. However, under the gathering blood energy of the flying **** soldiers, the golden melon sledgehammer began to condense again, and the phantom of Tianding became more and more fragile. Condensed, it increasingly reveals a rich and powerful aura.

On the contrary, the several gullies of Wang Qi that came to attack were directly intercepted by Tianding Xuying’s double hammers and smashed into pieces!

Such a situation made many Fei Shen soldiers understand that this general was really at his wits end and could not control his own side at all!

The phantom of Tianding suddenly approached the body of Tiansheng Yingbu Zun, covered the sky with his double hammers, and smashed down with a crash!

This time of fighting also made Tiansheng Yingbuzun understand that a mere mortal civil servant that he had always ignored has actually become a climate. He has trained this army, but it has the ability to kill himself!

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