Martial Cultivator Chapter 431: Yinghe

“The great Ying River has a long history.

Eternal back soil, access to Xuanming.

Greed the gods, reincarnated in life and death.

Alas, Fu Wei Shang Xian! ”

The man wearing a strange sacrificial robe and a mask finally stabbed all the people **** on the altar to death, and allowed their blood to soak into the sand in the dry river. They bowed their heads respectfully and recited sacrificial inscriptions.

As he knelt down in obeisance, the ragged people on both sides of the river knelt down one after another, shouting: “You are welcome!”

On both sides of the dry river, there were dense crowds of people kneeling down.

Something strange happened now.

The yellow sand roared across the sky and the earth, dyeing the world into a hazy color.

A yellow gas surged out of everyone’s head, containing strong will power, and poured into the river.

The yellow air divided into several streams, like a dim river, and poured into several springs with turbid yellow water in the dry river. The speed of the turbid water spouting out of the springs suddenly increased, and it shot out directly, spreading into A pool of water and a stream gradually infiltrated the entire altar and the people who died on the altar.

Their flesh, flesh and bones dissolved into each other and merged into the turbid river water.

As a result, the river water became clear and began to flow into the distance, slowly breaking away the silt accumulated in the river channel, returning to its former glory of endless flow.

The priest who was standing on the altar in the river was also submerged up to his waist and chest by the river water. His flesh and blood and skin continued to disappear, and finally returned to nothingness.

At this point, the river’s stamina was running out.

The river flowing forward has retracted, and no matter how hard the people on both sides put in their efforts, they still can’t stop the river’s decline.

After only two or three moments, the river, which had just begun to flow outwards and expand, turned into a pool of water.

But not all is lost.

At least there are more than ten springs under the water, and turbid yellow water slowly gushes out.

The dim air that shrouded the world and came from nowhere gradually dissipated, but the world did not return to calm. Instead, among the rushing air, shadowy portals gradually emerged. Those portals were only It can also be seen with the naked eye.

Observing the portal, you can sense the cold aura unique to the sexual soul from the portal.

This blazing desert has become colder due to these sudden and overlapping portals.

The people’s sacrifices continue.

Still kneeling on both sides of the river, constantly dedicating his will.

Farther away, on the highest point of this abandoned town, a temple towered impressively.

The temple is not very large. Apart from the front hall at the mountain gate, there is only one main hall and a backyard connected to the main hall.

At this time, in the main hall, there was a person and a statue turning to look out the window, watching the sacrifice in the river that was coming to an end.

It wasn’t until the people on both sides of the river dispersed that the two of them withdrew their gaze.

The man wore the same clothes as the priest who was swallowed by the river, with eye-shaped patterns embroidered on his collar. From the appearance, he looked like a young man. He was honest and down-to-earth, making it easy for people to admire him. Feeling close to him due to his appearance.

Facing him, a statue that was ten times as tall as him was a statue of a female statue.

The female statue is sitting on the lotus platform, with four heads and eight arms. There are three faces on her neck, all of which are charming and soft female appearances. They express three emotions respectively: anger, shame and joy, with a smile on the corner of their mouth.

Because of the existence of this smile, the expressions of the three faces became a little strange and intriguing.

The face facing the wall of the main hall looks like a rough woman.

The woman has aged, and the facial features on her face are showing signs of melting. There is no smile at the corner of her mouth, only a kind of emptiness is revealed from the woman’s entire face.

If Wang An were here, he would definitely be able to recognize the origin of this female statue.

It can better identify the face facing the wall and whose face it belongs to.

The female statue is the Great Concubine of the Great Sun Sect, “Se Kong Tian Mu”, and the face facing the wall does not originally belong to her. It has inherited more than 350 martial arts essences from the Daizen Temple. Aunt Jiang’s face was stained by the evil power of cause and effect from the Lord Dharma King of Hell.

It is impossible to know why the two ended up in one place, living in symbiosis, going deep into the northern desert, and living above the temple.

At least the leader of the Baiyang Sect, Guan Wujiu, could not figure out the origin of the female statue. Moreover, because she was vaguely connected to the aura of heaven and earth and connected with the mysterious aura, she did not dare to do anything rashly to her, so she had to let it go. Occupying the temple, she became the ‘Mother Saint’ in the eyes of Baiyang’s followers.

The Baiyang Sect occupies this abandoned town deep in the Northern Desert, guarding a dry river. For serious reasons, the entire Baiyang Sect has moved to the Northern Desert for more than decades, and the ‘Mother Holy’ But it suddenly appeared in recent days.

She suddenly appeared on the highest point in the city, on the originally empty lotus platform.

With her appearance, the dry river began to appear conspicuously. Guan Wujiu had been leading the way and devoted his efforts to transforming it, making the town where green trees and vegetation grow, and all kinds of vitality became more apparent, far beyond the The speed of willing power transformation.

All signs remind Guan Wujiu that the Holy Mother is closely related to the mysterious land of the Northern Desert.

It may even become the key to his going to that ‘mysterious place’.

He therefore recognized the existence of the Holy Mother and lived in peace with it until today.

“The River God Festival held today was much more effective than in the past.

I think the reason why it has such an effect is that the true name of the river **** recited by the priest is correct.

If the Holy Mother hadn’t provided the Baiyang Sect with the true name of this holy river and awakened its original charm, we don’t know when we would be able to reopen the holy river and connect Xuanming. ”

Guan Wujiu spoke sincerely and showed great respect for the Holy Mother.

In response to his words of admiration, the smile on the lips of the ‘Mother Holy Mother’ Se Kong Tian Mu became even stronger, and faint female voices suddenly appeared in the void, panting, causing people to feel confused and confused.

In such an environment, Guan Wujiu remained calm and calm, with no fluctuation in his mood or aura – but he did not look like the Dharma King of Hell, whose emotions were disturbed by disaster.

He has mastered the wish power of all the followers of the Baiyang Sect, and has almost achieved a golden body of wish power. He can resist this kind of mental confusion, and naturally there is no pressure.

The Holy Mother receives worship from believers every day.

In the past three or four months, hundreds of believers have been deceived by it and their essence and blood have been drained, turning them into mummies.

Since Guan Wujiu knew the consequences of being confused by it, it was impossible for him not to take special measures to deal with it.

The Holy Mother spoke, but her voice was like pearls falling on a jade plate, cold and ethereal: “What I did was just the icing on the cake.

The leader has been studying the secrets of metamorphosis for decades, chasing clues about reincarnation, and is only just one step away from learning the true name of this river.

Therefore, there is no self, but the opening time of this river is slightly advanced or delayed. ”

Sekong Heavenly Mother has done many weird and terrifying things in the ruins of the Great Zen Temple. Nearly a hundred years ago, she had the power to connect the heaven and earth to catastrophic changes, causing many monks in the Great Zen Temple and even the Dainichi Sect to be ripped apart by the void. Swallowing made a part of Zhang Wuyang’s dharma body arm devoured by the void, but she had never actively communicated with any living being before.

Neither the ancestral leader of the Great Sun Sect who once possessed her, nor the Lord of Hell, the Dharma King, who borrowed her power, had never heard her speak in person.

It is like a pure demon, without thoughts or emotions, and only comes to infect all living beings.

But now, it seems to have thoughts, emotions, the ability to speak, and rigorous logic, and even seems to have some understanding of the world.

I don’t know how shocked they would be if the leaders and Dharma kings of the Great Sun Sect who had practiced double cultivation with him in the past generations saw this scene.

“Haha, Holy Mother is too modest.

If it were really up to me to look for clues about Yinghe on my own, it would still take another ten years before I could fully understand his true name.

For such a long time, the outside world does not know what changes will happen. Guan Wujiu shook his head and looked up at the face of the Holy Mother, who was several feet tall. A flash of light suddenly appeared in his eyes, “This river has now regained some spirituality and gradually has the ability to communicate with the underworld.”

Based on the predictions of the Holy Mother, how long will it take before it can return to its previous circulation?

At that time, we can sail down the river, go straight to the root of the cycle of life and death, and explore the way to eternal life! ”

The way of reincarnation of birth and death involves the four virtues of heaven. The birth, change, prosperity, and decline of all things are closely connected with ‘reincarnation’.

Guan Wujiu read and searched many classics and collected countless clues, and it became clear that there is a great connection between ‘reincarnation’ and immortality.

If you can discern the true meaning of reincarnation, you can look forward to a long-lasting future!

That’s why he led a group of Baiyang followers to the depths of the Northern Desert, took root here, and worked for decades to restore the flow of a river and restore its spirituality.

This river is the Ying River where sacrifices are held every day.

This river is found in rumors and classics. It originates from the ‘gap between heaven and earth’, flows into the realm of reincarnation, and communicates with the mysterious earth behind the earth.

Many gods and men were born from this river and gained immortality!

If the river’s spirituality is restored and its circulation resumes, Guan Wujiu can control a specially made divine boat, travel down the river, plunge into the realm of reincarnation, and explore the secrets of reincarnation!

He spent all his efforts to achieve this, but he has only just gained an idea.

The arrival of the Holy Mother made the progress of this matter suddenly accelerate, beyond Guan Wujiu’s expectation. While he was more and more looking forward to the completion of the Ying River, he also became more wary of the Holy Mother. As the days passed, Discuss the secret of reincarnation with the Holy Mother.

The main reason is to get more information about reincarnation from its mouth.

There is another reason, which is to find out the roots of the Holy Mother and find a way to suppress it!

“When the springs in the river are restored to ninety-nine and eighty-one mouths, the Yinghe River will be fully restored and can flow Xuanming.” Regarding Guan Wujiu’s various thoughts, Se Kong Tianmu seemed to know nothing about them, but she still knew them all. The words are endless, “However, after all, the Ying River has dried up for hundreds of years.

In the realm of reincarnation, thousands of years ago, there was no fluctuation.

Even if you step into it, you may not be able to get what you want. ”

The realm of reincarnation fell into silence thousands or even ten thousand years ago?

Which does not necessarily contain the Taoist rhyme covering the wonderful principles of immortality?

Guan Wujiu frowned slightly, and from the plain words of Se Kong Heavenly Mother, he felt the other party’s inscrutableness. He knew nothing about most of the practicing sects in the world, and was deliberately submerged in the dust of history by some powerful people. There is such a profound understanding of ‘reincarnation’ in the world.

“If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.

Even if I cannot find the true meaning of immortality from it, as long as I can step into the realm of reincarnation and get a glimpse of the life and death of the great road, I will have no regrets even if I die. “Guan Wu Jiu shook his head and said something that seemed extremely sincere.

“You will definitely get what you want.”

Sekong Tianmu smiled and nodded: “The Yinghe River has completely dried up since the **** was born in it hundreds of years ago.

If we can join forces with those gods and men, the progress of opening this river can be greatly accelerated. ”

“Oh?” Guan Wujiu leaned forward slightly and asked Se Kong Tianmu, “I wonder if Mother Saint knows where the traces of that god-man are?

As long as I can speed up the flow of this river, I am willing to try any method. ”

“The gods are far away in the horizon, but right before our eyes.” Se Kong Heavenly Mother replied, “Which force are you joining forces with today to fight against the Luo Jiao?

They are actually the gods who were born from Yinghe River! ”

The thought flashed in Guan Wu Jiu’s mind and he reacted immediately!

The Heavenly Army of Zhenguo turns out to be a **** who was born in the Ying River and has mastered the power of immortality!

No wonder when I came into contact with them before, I felt that their aura was deep and unusual.

Because they are not ordinary humans, but ‘human beings’ reincarnated by gods!

The foundation of the cooperation between the Baiyang Sect and the Zhenguo Tianjun comes from the Luo Jiao. As long as the Luo Jiao is destroyed, the cooperation between the Zhenguo Tianjun and the Baiyang Sect will continue. Find Shuyuan www.

Judging from the current situation, this kind of cooperation will continue for at least hundreds of years.

With this foundation of cooperation, I can mention the opening of the Ying River to the Zhenguo General’s Mansion.

By the way, try a few things from them to see if you can learn more about Yinghe and the secrets of the realm of reincarnation…

Guan Wu Jiu’s thoughts changed in his mind. After a moment, he nodded slowly and said: “I will mention this matter to the Heavenly Army of Zhenguo as soon as possible, hoping that they will be willing to help.

If the realm of reincarnation can be communicated, they will also benefit from it. ”

“This group of gods themselves broke away from the Ying River and reincarnated ashore. They stole part of the power of reincarnation and were able to remain immortal.

If you speak out and try to cooperate with them to open the Yinghe River, it will definitely have the opposite effect, so it is possible to turn against them and become enemies. “Sekong Heavenly Mother shook her head and said, “You can tell them that because the Baiyang Sect’s followers are digging deeper and deeper rivers, their volitional power has increased to varying degrees, and their cultivation levels have made breakthroughs one after another.

When they learn this news, they must send someone over to investigate.

At that time, I can help you win their cooperation.

Before this, you must not reveal my existence, let alone tell them. You know that this abandoned river is called Ying River. ”


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