Martial Cultivator Chapter 136: Stealing from others

Wang An looked at Chen Liu’s red face and said, “Practice the Daqiang Fist again, and I will help you from time to time to help you modify your boxing style and enrich the Daqiang Fist’s moves.

In order to make this boxing completely new. ”

“Yes!” Chen Liu responded quickly.

He took a few deep breaths, and the redness on his face gradually faded away. Although he still couldn’t hide his excitement, he was able to control his emotions.

Clap your fist and salute Wang An.

After receiving a response from his boss, nearly a hundred muscles around Chen Liu’s body suddenly contracted. He raised his strength, made a mistake in his steps, made a large gun stake, and then punched Wang An straight in the face!


Punch like a big gun!


Flat shoulder gun!

On the opposite side, Wang An also set up a large spear pile.

However, his ‘big gun pile’ was not as tight as Chen Liu’s. Instead, it was in a loose and swaying state, as if his feet were on springs.

He also shot with a flat shoulder shot.

The fists are restrained.

But his power was still murderous, and he rushed towards Chen Liumianmen with a **** courage on the battlefield!

For a moment, Chen Liu felt that there was really a big gun coming towards him from the opposite side!

Even if Wang An does not deliberately use his fist intention, his fist intention at the current level of light has begun to gradually match his own. Every move, every punch and every posture is a combination of intention and Qi, Qi and body, and body and intention. combine!


Chen Liu also knew that the scene in front of him was the result of his boss’s Qi coming out and suppressing his spirit, causing him to hallucinate.

He overcame the fear in his heart and shouted deeply.

The flat-shoulder gun went straight forward without any hesitation!


At this time, Wang An’s boxing technique suddenly changed. As his steps staggered, the shoulder spear thrust out suddenly swung like the upper body of a python, wrapping around Chen Liu’s arm!

With just a slight touch, Chen Liu’s rather sharp shoulder gun fell apart!


The python’s head wrapped around Chen Liu’s arm hit Chen Liu’s chest directly.

Chen Liu suddenly felt a tightness in his chest and almost couldn’t take a breath!

Wang An stepped back.

Another big, upright gun pile.

“This, this is also a big gun fist?!” Chen Liu exhaled and looked at Wang An in shock.

Wang An smiled: “Maybe.

The big spear fist moves in a straight line without any tricks, and it strikes the enemy purely with strength. However, with the power of a real big spear, it can whip the opponent like a python, wrap around and strangle the opponent.

However, in this case, it may be inappropriate to call this punch a flat shoulder spear.

Called Snake Spear, Snake Fist?

It’s up to you. ”

Chen Liu didn’t say anything and carefully thought about what Wang An said. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

He couldn’t help but ask Wang An: “Master Xiao Wang evolved the flat shoulder spear into the snake fist, but the snake fist only has this move?

Moreover, there are also Overlord Guns, Rock Breaking Guns, and Moon Picking Guns…

Has Mr. Xiao Wang evolved from this? ”

“How can it be possible to cover everything if you just rush against the enemy and find it by chance?” Wang An shook his head, “Snake Fist only has one move, but snakes have many changes, why don’t you try to figure it out on your own?

As for the remaining moves of the Big Spear Fist, I evolved the Overlord Spear into the Tiger Fist, and the Stone Collapsing Spear into the Bear Fist, and now I will teach you both.

Practice these boxing styles repeatedly with the big gun boxing.

It can exercise 400 muscles all over the body.

If you want to develop five hundred muscles in the future, you have to figure it out yourself. ”

Wang An combined the “Tiger Shaped Palm” fragment of the Tiger God Fist with the Overlord Spear to evolve the Tiger Fist.

In addition, combine the “Lei Si Ding Jiao” move in Wa Lei’s hand with the “Fire Fire Knife” in Huo Wrath Knife, turning it into a bear fist.

He did not directly teach Chen Liu the complete Dacheng boxing technique “Tiger God Fist”.

People who have been poor for a long time but suddenly become rich often have their natures affected, which can lead to self-destruction of their future.

If Chen Liu were taught the Tiger God Fist all at once, wouldn’t it mean that he would become rich after being poor for a long time?

But even so, Chen Liu was overjoyed that a few sets of boxing techniques could help him develop 400 muscles, and he did not dare to expect anything else.

He stood upright, ears pricked up, ready to listen to Wang An’s lecture on boxing.

At this time, Wang An turned his head and looked behind Chen Liu, and suddenly said: “There is no need to hide in the corner and eavesdrop. Come here.”


A clear female voice came from behind Chen Liu.

He immediately turned his head and saw a woman holding a bucket at the corner of the corridor, standing there with her face flushed and her head bowed. Her other hand had nowhere to rest, twisting a rag in a tangled manner.

If it wasn’t Xiao Hongyu, who could it be?

Xiao Hongyu lowered her head, looking like she had made a big mistake.

Her voice was like a mosquito, and she said: “I, I didn’t eavesdrop on purpose, I was just cleaning the wooden boards in the corridor. I happened to walk here and heard what Mr. Xiao Wang said was very, very wonderful, and I was fascinated by it… …”

“But the principles of the operation of boxing can also make you fascinated.

Perhaps you will be quite talented in this way. “Wang An didn’t care about her eavesdropping, but he just thought that before this, she looked lifeless, and now she finally regained some vitality, which he found very interesting.

He waved to Xiao Hongyu and said, “Come over and listen.

You can practice boxing here openly in the future.

Don’t you want to be the great husband among women?

Start practicing boxing today to see if you can enter the gate of martial arts. If you enter this gate, why worry about not being able to control your own destiny in the future? ”

When Xiao Hongyu heard what Wang An said, she felt warm and ashamed in her heart. Her pink neck turned red. She nodded slightly, put the bucket and rag in the corner, walked over slowly, and stood beside Chen Liu. behind.

When she is silent, she is as beautiful as a white jade Guanyin.

As the eyes rolled around, the peaceful and dignified Buddha spirit disappeared instantly, revealing a lively woman with a lot of sadness and joy hidden under her pretty face. Find Shuyuan

Afterwards, Wang An explained to the two the principles behind the operation of boxing techniques that he had evolved.

He explained it in great detail.

From time to time, let the two of them practice what they have learned in front of themselves and point out any mistakes or omissions.

He did this on purpose.

What I’m afraid of is that Xiao Hongyu doesn’t understand her own ideas well and her foundation is not reliable enough.

Two or three hours have passed since the new boxing technique was taught.

It’s almost noon.

Uncle Zheng sent someone to call Wang An and the other two to go to dinner. Wang An asked them to disperse and just practice new boxing techniques. If you don’t understand something, you can come to him to help them.

Afterwards, he went to the study to pack his things, and then went to the backyard to eat.

At this time, Chen Liu hurried over from the backyard with a big cake in his mouth and led his horse.

“Where are you going?” Wang An asked.

Chen Liu quickly swallowed the cake in his mouth and replied to Wang An: “Two days ago, a body disappeared in Li’s Yizhuang in the south of the city. They suspected that it was the work of evil spirits.

I went to take a look and checked it carefully using the charm you gave me.

There is no trace of evil spirits left behind.

After staying in Yizhuang for two more nights, nothing unusual was found, so the matter was transferred to the Yamen police.

I am going to inform Yizhuang that the Yamen has taken over the case.

In the future, just let them go to the Yamen to inquire about the progress of the case. ”

“That’s it.” Wang An nodded, “Go quickly, I’ll leave some food for you.”


Thank you, sir! ”

Chen Liu grinned, led the horse and left the Shenhua Mansion happily.

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