Magus Tech Chapter 959: The wheel of history

From Li Cha’s point of view, under normal circumstances, according to Peggy’s personality, if the short wizard apprentice makes such a big mistake, he will definitely be thrown out directly. Peggy, however, held back.

This is definitely not because the short wizard apprentice is excellent, but because a person who has the magic pattern skill may be very important to the Pangbo family.

The Pangbo family has a large number of magical knights, and they are a very powerful force, which is why they have been able to rule the city of St. Louis for so many years.

However, the more magic knights there are, the more magic pattern masters are needed to maintain them.

Master Yaheng in Peggy’s mouth should be such a person. However, just one or two such people is far from enough for the Pangbo family, and more fresh blood is needed. Even if the new blood is terrible, as long as it meets certain basic conditions, it will try to absorb it.

That’s why Peggy gave the short apprentice wizard one last chance.

In a sense, for the Pangbo family, a future magwen master is more important than a future wizard. After all, a magweave master can continuously create magic knights, while a wizard is only one person.

It is true that if the wizard is strong enough, he can slaughter a large number of magic knights. But…how can it be so easy to meet powerful wizards, or magic pattern masters are more practical, more in line with interests, and easier to control.

The rest of the main continent should be in a similar situation.

To put it simply, magwen masters, who are not very useful on the east coast, have become extremely important on the main continent. With the continuous development of magic costume knights, magic pattern masters will become more and more valued. Maybe decades or hundreds of years later, the status of magic pattern masters will be far higher than that of wizards.

This is a trend, a trend, the wheel of history.

In other words, the main continent is changing secretly and rapidly.

It seems that this change is nothing, but it is essential and subversive.

If this situation continues, the world in the future will be very different from the present.

As for what it will look like, he can’t guess.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows, and couldn’t help but think of what the Supreme Preface God Association did on the east coast, and what the Truth Society did on the main continent. A clue to the truth.

But the clues were too scattered and too vague for him to grasp the key.

Li Cha withdrew his thoughts a little bit.

At this time, under the leadership of the male wizard, the short apprentice wizard had disappeared outside the door. Peggy looked over and said, “Okay, come with me, and I’ll send you to places where people are needed.” Go. You’re going to stay and work for the next few months, and I hope you all do well. If you don’t, you’ll be replaced, or even kicked out. Got it?”

Everyone nodded.

“That’s good.” Peggy said, and walked out the door.

Li Cha and his group followed, followed Peggy all the way around, and arrived in front of a garden three or four minutes later.

Stopping at the gate of the garden, Peggy randomly ordered two people, pointed to a long row of houses hidden in the garden, and said: “You two, go to the last house over there to find an old man with brown hair. It’s called Modi. Tell him I let you go, and he will know how to arrange you next.”

The two people who were ordered came out and walked towards the distance.

One of them took two steps, stopped, and asked Peggy in a low voice: “Master Wizard, may I ask, what shall we do next?”

“When I see Modi, he will tell you.” Peggy said.

“Okay.” Humanity who stopped walked, caught up with the footsteps of another person, and walked towards the last house.

“Okay, let’s continue walking.” Peggy said, leading a group of people to set off again.

Not long after, they stopped in front of a warehouse and left the two people behind. There were only four people left in the team. Besides Richard, Brando and Fording, there was also a male apprentice in blue clothes .

Moving on, after five minutes, Peggy stopped in a pavilion with the four of them, glanced at the four of them, pointed to Brando and Richard and said, “You two stay here. , someone will come over later and tell you what to do.”

Waved again to Fording and the male apprentice in blue: “As for you two, follow me, I will send you to the last place.”

After saying that, Peggy left the pavilion with Fording and the male apprentice, leaving Richard and Brando where they were.

Richard and Brando waited patiently in the pavilion for more than ten minutes, when there was a sound of footsteps, a burly male wizard appeared.

The male wizard glanced at Li Cha and the two, and asked aloud: “Wizard Peggy asked you to wait for me here?”


“Okay, come with me.” The burly wizard turned his head and left. Richard and Brando looked at each other and followed.

This time it took a little longer to walk, about ten minutes, almost half of the residence of the Pangbo family, and finally arrived at an exquisite small courtyard.

The ground in the yard is covered with tender green lawns, flowers of various colors are planted around, and there is a small fountain in the center.

After the strong wizard took Richard and Brando into the courtyard lowered his voice, and pointed to the house in the courtyard with the doors and windows tightly closed: “Miss Annie is sleeping in it, wait a while.” She will wake up and come out, and you will tell her that you are new apprentices. After that, you can just follow Miss Annie. Generally, there will be no difficult things for you to do, as long as you don’t make Miss Anne angry. Good.”

Miss Anne? The dark gothic girl I saw before… Li Cha raised his eyebrows, although he thought that the recruiting of the Pangbo family this time was because the other party was assassinated and dissatisfied with the performance of the original two waiters and directly dismissed the other party, But I didn’t expect to be assigned to the other party’s side.

One in four chances.

“Miss Anne!” Brando next to him called out, and said in surprise, “Could it be that very talented girl from the generation of the Pangbo family, who is regarded as the future head of the house?”

“Hush!” The burly wizard gave Brando a hard look, made a gesture of silence, and said in a low voice, “You idiot, didn’t you listen to me, Miss Anne is sleeping, and before she Before you wake up, you must not disturb her, or you will suffer.”

“Um, yes yes yes, my fault, my fault.” Brando reacted, apologized again and again, and explained aloud, “I have only heard the name of this young lady before, but I have never seen it, so it is a bit Excited.”

“It’s good to know you’re wrong.” The strong wizard said angrily, and continued to lower his voice, “Anyway, you just wait here and don’t make any trouble.”

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