Magus Tech Chapter 871: It will be fine

At this moment, with a “bang”, the door of the hidden small warehouse was violently kicked open from the outside, and a group of more than a dozen burly men rushed in.

Each of them is holding an iron-clad wooden stick and wearing a yellow jacket. They are obviously of the same identity as the person who died just now, and they are responsible for the same thing – maintaining safety.

After these people rushed in, they first saw the dead companion in the corner, then fixed their eyes on Urus, and shouted: “Hey, you killed Derrick? Damn, I want to make you look good !”

Urus looked coldly at the people rushing in, without saying a word. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw more men in yellow shirts approaching the small warehouse.

Obviously, his traces have been completely exposed.

“It seems that we can only make a quick decision.” Urus whispered, “We can’t delay here, otherwise it will be difficult for people with extraordinary power to arrive at the mine.”


Urus took a few steps back, grabbed a intact metal box containing mineral powder, and picked it up with the sturdy handle on it. Then the muscles in the face twisted, the eyes closed, and then opened again half a second later.

In the body, the will of the ontology belonging to Urus sank to the bottom, and the will of Chekav and the angel Gabriel occupied the high position at the same time.

The light came from under the skin of Urus, making every hair of Urus look shiny.

Urus looked up at the man in the yellow shirt in the room, and said with a serious smile, “Do you know, you are very lucky, because you were lucky enough to die in my hands.”

After saying that, Urus stepped forward with the metal box in his left hand, raised his right hand and slashed hard.


A huge light blade flew out, like a polished knife cutting through buttered bread, and directly cut in half the dozen or so men in yellow shirts who rushed in—killed them on the spot.

This is extraordinary power. Facing this kind of power, except for the magic knight, there is almost no possibility for mortals to contend with it.

Seeing that Urus easily killed more than a dozen people with a wave of his hand, the people who were about to rush outside were startled and stopped in unison.

Obviously they were all frightened, they looked at each other, not daring to approach rashly.


Urus nodded in satisfaction after seeing it, and said: “Is that right? Well, get out of the way and let me go. Considering that I don’t have much power left, as long as you don’t Force me, I won’t kill more people.”

Urus walked out the door while talking. After walking a few steps, suddenly a fist-sized, pitch-black object was thrown from the crowd outside, rolled on the ground, and landed at his feet.

Urus looked over and saw that the thing had a metal shell. There is a small hole in one side of the casing, and in the small hole there is a lead wire, which has been ignited and is burning rapidly.

What is this?

Urus was puzzled, and it took a while before a thought floated in his mind: This thing is a bit like a fire mine for demolition, but it is much smaller and refined-this is already The answer given by the will of the body that sank into the deepest part.

After passing this thought, Urus’ eyes narrowed suddenly, and he was about to kick the metal ball away.

But as soon as he lifted his foot, he felt a terrifying force erupting from the metal ball.


There was a huge explosion, intense light and heat filled the entire room, and the entire underground space trembled.

When the dust dissipated, Urus, who barely retreated a few meters at the last moment, stood up slowly. I saw that his clothes had become tattered, there were many small wounds on his body, and there were burnt marks on his eyebrows and hair.

The most serious thing is the foot that he wanted to “kick the ball” just now. Because it was taken back too late, the boots he was wearing were completely burned, and the soles of the feet were scorched black. I don’t know if they can still be used normally.

Urus clenched his fists angrily, feeling the pain from his right foot, and looked at the people watching him vigilantly outside the warehouse door, wanting to kill and vent his anger.

But after thinking about it, I gave up this impulsive idea.

The reason is very simple, he is not sure how many of the same “Fire and Thunderball” are left.

If he was in his prime, he would naturally not be afraid of the “Fire Ball” attack.

But now he is limited by his body, and with only a little power remaining, he is in an embarrassing state – he can have explosive power, but not enough stamina, enough attack, and weak defense – in this situation In the state, if there are more “fire and thunder balls”, he may be here to explain.

And if the delay continues, he really won’t be able to leave until the extraordinary power of the mine arrives.

In this case…

Urus took a deep breath, grabbed the metal powder box in his hand, and took a deep look at the people outside the door.

“I remember you guys, I will come back if I have a chance. Yes, I will come back.”

Urus shouted threateningly, and dazzling white light burst out from his whole body.

As the words fell, Urus soared into the sky, slammed into the top of the warehouse, knocked out a big hole, and flew out roaring. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the night.

A few seconds later, a large group of people wearing yellow jackets outside the warehouse rushed in, looked at the hole opened at the top, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

A little more than half a minute later, Huawen hurried over, walked to the warehouse, looked at the hole, and couldn’t help being taken aback. After reacting, he suppressed his shock and urgently ordered the people next to him: “Go, quickly inform Mr. Waltz, let him… come and have a look.”

“Yes.” The person who was ordered quickly ran out to report.

In a flash, an hour later.

Li Cha and Waltz appeared on the ground of the factory, looking at a large hole in front of them—there was also a Lich old man Afu and a humanoid young dragon Pandora beside him.

“Sir Wizard Richard, it’s like this…” Waltz began to tell what happened.

A few minutes later, after Waltz finished his narration, he let out a sigh of relief and said, “That’s about it.” He fell into a strange silence.

No way, he doesn’t know what to say.

After all, he is just an ordinary person. It is completely beyond his imagination to control a huge mine now. In the end, a person with a large box of mineral powder flew away like a bird. processed.

Li Cha also sympathized with Waltz’s mood. After listening, he waved his hand to let Waltz leave, and then looked at Old Lich and Pandora.

Pandora said first: “Well, Li Cha, before you came, I chased that guy. But at the beginning, I was pulled away by him, and he didn’t know why he flew so special Quickly, like a ray of light, he threw it away after chasing for a while.”

Ah Fu, the Lich old man, also said: “The other party is really fast. After I noticed the other party, I tried to chase him, but I couldn’t use the ‘soul walk’. The other party seems to use a kind of light spell , is related to the legendary angel, which was lost in my time. Regarding this, I seriously doubt this guy today has a lot to do with the person of that day.”

Li Cha nodded slightly after hearing this, appearing calm.

Looking at Li Cha’s expression, the Lich old man asked with some confusion: “Why, Li Cha boy, are you not worried? The guy who sneaked in today is very valuable for successfully holding a box of yours. The raw material ore powder has left, and a lot of key information may have been obtained.”

“It’s okay.” Li Cha shook his head and said, “Although I really didn’t expect that there would be an infiltration incident today, but it’s nothing if it happened. Because I have been preparing for this situation since a long time ago, so Regardless of whether the other party appears or not, it will not affect the final result – the final result has already been designed by me.”

“Really?” the old Lich asked suspiciously.

“Yes.” Li Cha nodded.

“Well, I’m the one who was worried.” The old Lich spread his hands, heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and left. After walking a few steps and whistling, a big yellow dog ran out of the night, followed him, and returned to the camp.

Pandora was about to leave too. Just as she took a step, she turned her head to look at Li Cha, and asked in confirmation, “Li Cha, are you really alright?”

“It’ll be fine, don’t worry.” Richard said.

“Okay then. But, in case… I mean, in case something happens and I can help, you must call me.”


After hearing the reply, Pandora nodded in satisfaction, and left happily.

After walking a few steps, Li Cha suddenly reminded: “By the way, don’t forget to do your homework.”

Pandora froze, lowered her head, let out a hum and walked into the night, a voice came: “Understood.”

Li Cha chuckled.

After that, his expression calmed down, he looked at the hole in the ground in front again, stared at it for a long time and said: “Well, it will be fine.”

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