Magus Tech Chapter 685: Fateful battle?

Beside the screaming woods, Muse looked at Richard and asked in confirmation, “You killed Gasol?”

“Yes.” Li Cha replied, the expression on his face did not fluctuate.

“Oh, that’s really interesting.” Muse said, looking up and down Li Cha carefully, “Do you know that Gasol is the most powerful person under my command? Although, I am very I hate him, but I have to admit that among my men, apart from me, there is really no one who can defeat him, let alone kill him.

And he died in your hands. If it weren’t for some special spells on his body, he would have died almost silently. This obviously shows that your strength is much stronger than him.

It is worth mentioning that a person as powerful as you was not discovered by us in advance, and it was not within the scope of our plan, which is an accidental factor. This is why we have to be vigilant. If I don’t come here in time, if I can’t get rid of you in time, maybe our plan this time will be the same as last time, and there will be major mistakes, resulting in far less effective plans. than expected. “

“Last time?” Li Cha raised his eyebrows and said, “Are you referring to the time at the Deep Blue Fort Exchange Conference?”

“Well, the Deep Blue Fort Exchange Conference? You—know?” Muse was taken aback for a moment, then realized something, and his face changed slightly, “Could it be…”

Muse’s expression gradually became a little more exciting. He stared at Li Cha seriously for a long time, nodded slowly, and said to himself: “Yes, yes, it must be like this. Like you Unexpected factors, the impact is generally chained. Because of this, every time such a situation occurs in our organization, we will try to find out and solve it. This time you killed Gasol, then you It was not impossible to kill Tu Ke at the Deep Blue Fort exchange meeting before. In other words, you killed the people who died by the Taklamakan Lake back then, right?”

“Actually, I didn’t do anything, there is another reason for killing them.” Li Cha said truthfully, “Of course, if we really investigate the root cause, it can be said that I killed them.”

“Okay, okay, just admit it.” Muse stared at Richard, and then thought of something, “Then… what about Florent?”


“Yes, Florent. In Florent, we have also died a lot of people, and we still haven’t investigated it clearly. Did you do it?”

“Florent, well, I did kill your people in Florent, but it doesn’t seem to be many, at least not as many as in the Deep Blue Fort Exchange Conference.” Richard said.

“That’s enough!” Muse shouted, her eyes widened, she stared at Li Cha, and suddenly laughed, “Hahaha!”

“Hahaha!” Muse laughed, “It’s funny, it’s so funny, I really didn’t expect that from the very beginning, you’ve been sabotaging our plan, and you’ve been sabotaging it until now. You are very strong, stronger than many people Du Qiang, you are very cunning, you are not like an ordinary idiot at all, the most important thing is, you are actually right with us – I guessed right, you deliberately waited until now, and chose to meet me in this way, right? , and then have a fateful battle with me?

Hahaha, I have to say, I like you a little bit, and I like your style of doing things. I’m tired of dealing with those idiots who have no strength at all. Although they can hurt me, they can’t cause fatal injuries to me at all. Fighting is not fun at all. Only an opponent like you who is strong, cunning, and forbears until the end, is worthy of my all-out fight. Come on, let me see your strength, let me see you, your true strength! “

After the words fell, a huge aura burst out from Muse’s body, like a torrent, destroying everything and sweeping away.

The air in a radius of more than ten meters around was vibrating, and the moisture in the air was shaken out and rose, turning into a straight cloud column, straight into the sky.

The trees throughout the Screaming Grove kept shaking, as if trembling with fear. The earth centered on Muse, dense, spider web-like cracks appeared, spreading in all directions, as if unable to bear the weight of Muse’s body at this time.

Muse stood on the spot without making any movements, but in Li Cha’s eyes, it seemed that he saw a giant standing up slowly—his head above the sky, his feet on the ground, with incomparable momentum!

Li Cha had to admit that the Muse standing in front of him was the strongest enemy he had ever seen.

Li Cha has a little understanding. There are more than a dozen or dozens of people like this, and even the most powerful wizarding organization can’t fight against them. If there were more, it would not be difficult at all to destroy the Black Spirit Empire that unified the east coast.

However… Li Cha looked at the mighty Muse in front of him, but he was extremely calm, and there was no trace of fear on his face—it wasn’t pretending, he was really not afraid.

One hand was still supporting the injured Pandora, Li Cha turned his head slightly, and squinted at Thinking of what Muse said before, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and said a little funny: “A battle of fate? Do you think that we are waiting for you here specially, and want to fight with you, in order to complete the battle of fate? Oh, in my opinion, under normal circumstances, the place where I came is more than Ten-year-old children should not have similar thoughts.

Heroes sympathize with each other? The battle between the strong and the strong is left to the end? All things have twists and turns, beginnings and endings, and after going through countless foreshadowings, they must reach the final climax and complete an ultimate battle that is evenly matched, fierce, life-and-death, and ultimately difficult to win?

Actually, I don’t think so at all. From the beginning, I didn’t think about this battle, and I still haven’t thought about this battle until now. Now, I just feel a little angry and want to vent my emotions. As for you, well, maybe very strong, but…”

“That’s it.” Li Cha whispered the last few words, stretched out his hand, and aimed at Muse with the glove he was wearing.

Muse frowned, still thinking about what Li Cha said, and after thinking about it, his eyes fell on the metal gloves that Li Cha was wearing.

What is this?

Muse was puzzled, and then her eyes widened suddenly. An inexplicable chill emerged from the bottom of her feet, quickly spread to the top of her head, and spread throughout her body.

Muse shuddered, an almost forgotten emotion came up from the deepest part of his heart.

That emotion is called…fear.

Yes, fear!

This is it?

Muse’s rationality controls the body to rush forward, ready to attack Li Cha, but the instinct is to stop this behavior desperately, wanting to turn around and run away.

Muse felt a sudden confusion and tingling in her brain. In the confusion and tingling, she saw light shooting out from the metal glove on Li Cha’s hand.


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