Magus Tech Chapter 674: All for destruction

Sig sensed the terrifying power of the figure, and his face became more and more serious. There was no time for nonsense, and the next moment he yelled violently and cast many spells.

There were many lights flashing on him, and five extremely powerful energy spell shields were quickly formed to block him.

The result was five consecutive sounds of “哗啦哗哗哗啦”, and all the energy spell shields formed were shattered. The whole person was sent flying by an irresistible force, and fell to the ground, smashing a big hole more than half a meter deep.

“Damn it!”

Sieg climbed up from the big pit, cursed out of composure, furious, and used all his strength to prepare to fight back.

A terrifying breath erupted from his body, the skin of his body turned blue at a speed visible to the naked eye, his eyes turned azure blue, his throat roared, and many electric arcs emerged from the surface of his body, which was very frightening.

Forcibly suppressing his injuries, Sig walked out of the pit step by step, and looked at the figure who was attacking him—the one-eyed Muse.

“Come on!”

cried Sig.

Muse listened to Sig’s words, glanced lightly, and didn’t pay much attention at all. It seems that the shot just now was just a casual lesson, and I wasn’t ready to take it seriously.

The next moment, under the gaze of Seeger’s almost fire-breathing eyes, Muse stepped lightly on his feet, raised his body, and sprinted towards the stalemate city in the distance.

Accompanied by Muse approaching the big city, the power of the last group of men in black robes hidden by the mysterious organization appeared, the elite of the elite. These people and Muse joined together, and launched a fatal blow to the defense line organized by Russell and his party in the city.

Russell and others defended desperately, trying to block the attack from outside the line of defense. But Muse is like an arrow, instantly breaking through the defense line, quickly going deep, and reaching the core.

Confusion sets in.

On the hill, Seeger watched Muse leave suddenly, he was a little dazed at first, and then became extremely angry, because he felt that he was dismissed with contempt—this is the greatest insult!


The electric arcs on his body became more intense, turning his head to look at Bayer and Gasol, Sig said: “Well, I was going to fight with your Muse Steward, but she sneaked up on me and ran away .Well, I’ll kill you two first, and it’s not too late to deal with her! I want you to know the price of not keeping the agreement!”

After speaking, Sig waved his right hand, and purple-black arcs emerged in the air, quickly gathered together, and condensed into a lightning spear exuding a destructive aura. With a wave of his left hand, the air gathered and the water vapor condensed, turning into a cold ice gun.

Bayer looked at it, shook his head lightly, and said calmly to Sig: “Kerry!”


Sig was stunned, not knowing why.

Byer’s mouth did not stop, and strange words came out of his mouth one by one, with a rhythm: “Kerry… Moro… Holo… Uman…”

Sig continued to stare blankly, staring blankly, and clearly saw the lightning spear and ice spear in his hand dissipate, and then felt the mana stored in the source of magic flow, and along with it, physical strength and energy.

Intense fatigue was born, and Seeger felt that he could hardly stand still, his head began to dizzy, and he couldn’t even raise his hands.

“This… this is!”

Sig was shocked.

Bayer finished reciting the weird spell, and looked at Sig with a bit of pity, as if looking at a stubborn and loveless mouse, “President Sig, don’t struggle, it really doesn’t make sense Yes. The Muse did not kill you just now, but it was not because she was afraid of you, but because she felt that you were not worthy of her killing.

Your strength is indeed very strong, stronger than many third-level wizards in the city, even if you are not the strongest on the east coast, you can still be ranked. But as our collaborator, as an important **** in our plan, you have long been under our control, but you don’t know it. “

“You!” Sig stared round his eyes and looked at Bayer, “You…what did you do to me! How did you do it? Could it be that you also injected poison into my body?”

“No, we didn’t do this. Toxins are too low-level, and we directly attack your life. You don’t need to know the specific principle, you just need to understand one thing: you and We have too many contacts, so you have almost no secrets to us, just like being transparent. During the cooperation period, there is no harm. But when we turn our faces, it will be easier for us to clean you up.

Dean Seeger, do you think you are a **** to your subordinates? In fact, you are not gods, we are gods—the omnipotent gods. All your struggles, in my opinion, are so ridiculous, so vulnerable, you can’t even cause us trouble. “


I don’t know if he was stimulated by the words, or his body was unable to support him, Sieg sat slumped on the ground, looking up at Bayer with difficulty, his eyes were dim, as if he had accepted his fate.

For a long time, Sig asked a little desperately: “Who are you guys? What do you want to do? It’s this time, can you tell me about this dying man?

Don’t say anything to me anymore, you are the inheritors of the Black Spirit Empire. I didn’t believe this identity from the very beginning, and after investigation, it is indeed true. You are only doing things in the name of the heirs of the Black Spirit Empire.

And one thing I still can’t figure out is, why do you dare to do anything to me? According to my your plan is successful, you may find a way to turn me into a puppet to help you rule, but I really didn’t expect that you would kill them all. Does this do you any good?

After the war, the entire east coast will definitely be extremely chaotic. Kill me, without the help of me and the wizards of Deep Blue Castle, you will never be able to rule such a large territory on the east coast. Even if you build an empire, it will only be empty, so what’s the use? “

A dead leaf came from nowhere, Bayer listened to Sig’s words, took a breath, blew the dead leaf away, turned his head and said to Sig: “Okay, Dean Sig, we After all, we are friends. You probably don’t have much time left, so I can answer your doubts for the sake of my old friend.”

“You said that we have built an empire, without the support of you and Deep Blue Castle, it would be nothing more than a skeleton, right?” Bayer asked.

“Yes.” Seeger insisted on his point of view, “You can’t have enough people to rule the East Coast.”

Bayer nodded: “You are right, we do not have enough manpower to rule the East Coast, but then again, who told you that our purpose is to really rule the East Coast?”


“Yes, according to our plan, no matter how you look at it, it seems to defeat all wizard organizations and rule. But in fact, it is not.” Bayer shook his head lightly, “Really not! We never thought I wanted to rule it, only want to destroy it.”

“Destroy it? This…how is this possible?” Sig couldn’t understand, “You have wasted so much energy, killed and injured so many people, just to destroy the east coast?”

“Yes.” Bayer chuckled and gave a definite answer. The smile was very weird and penetrating.


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