Magus Tech Chapter 640: The war has begun!

In the alley in Florence, the black-robed wizard left at some point, but the black-armored soldiers continued to be busy. As the snow fell heavier and heavier, their movements became faster and faster.

In the end, the black-armored soldiers cleaned up all the corpses and cleaned up the entire battlefield, so that the people who came after could not see anything strange at all.

After doing this, the black armored soldier quietly left the alley like a ghost, as if he had never existed before. They quickly walked to the street. At this time, the street was covered with heavy snow, pedestrians were almost extinct, and everything that could be seen was snow-white.

At one end of the street, a large number of footsteps are approaching. If you look carefully, you will find that there are countless black armored soldiers marching fast.

The small group of black-armored soldiers who came out of the alley joined the main force without any hesitation, like a drop of water flowing into the ocean.

The large army was not affected in any way, and continued to move forward, leaving the city in a short time, and then joined a team of black armored cavalry.

The growing team stepped into the seemingly endless snow without any pause, and didn’t stop until a hill outside Florence.

On the top of the hill, seven or eight wizards in black robes appeared. The black robes they were wearing were embroidered with patterns of rising flames, which represented the wizards of Black Fort.


In the team of black-armored soldiers, a cavalry dismounted, walked to the front of the team, and knelt down on one knee facing the black-robed wizard on the hill. His voice echoed the sound of the wind and snow, and he reported loudly: “The black-robed wizard in Black Castle Master wizards, the Florent Black Iron Guard of the Moore Alliance has joined forces with the rest of the people to clean up the remaining forces of the Deep Blue Castle in Florent according to the order, and they are gathering here to listen to the orders of the adults.”

“Very good.” A sorcerer from Blackburg uttered a cold and sharp voice that spread throughout the audience, unaffected by the wind and snow. , come out with us, continue to prove your ability and courage, and get your wealth rewards. Many people have already left early, we can’t lag behind, understand?!” After speaking, the wizard turned to face the hill Go back.


The leader of the black-armored soldier responded, hammering his right fist hard into the heart to express his obedience, then got on his horse, led the whole team and disappeared into the heavy snow following the wizard.

At the same time, similar things are going on in many places.

The atmosphere on the entire east coast is tense and full of gunpowder.

What happened?

Nothing happens, just…the war begins!

Yes, the war has begun!

The war has begun.

Witch Forest, Li Cha of the dark forest gathering place, got the news.

With a sound of “squeak”, Li Cha stepped out of the wooden building, and Li Cha immediately felt the wind and snow blowing on his face—yes, the same wind and snow was also going on in the Witch Forest.

The cold wind blew on his face, and the snowflakes spun into his neck along the collar, Li Cha’s spirit couldn’t help but shake. Then with a thought, the surrounding air surged, and a transparent film was formed, which blocked the wind and snow like a robe.

Squinting his eyes, Li Cha looked around the gathering place.

I saw that many wizards were coming and going in the gathering place, it was very lively, making the final preparations before going out.


At this time, the sound of footsteps stepping on the snow sounded from behind.

Li Cha was aware of it and turned his head to look back, and then saw the wizard Aiwa coming, followed by several people.

Seeing Aiwa, Li Cha realized something, and took the initiative to say hello: “Master Aiwa.”

“Hi, Wizard Richard.” Eva responded, walked closer and stood still, pointed at the wizards behind her, and said, “This is what I told you before, and cooperate with you to carry out the attack Several wizards on the route. Although they are not very strong, they still have the ability to do things, let me introduce you.”

“Okay.” Li Cha nodded.

“The first one is Wizard Bata, a first-level intermediate wizard.” Eva said.

Accompanied by Aiwa’s words, Li Cha saw a tall and strong man like an iron tower, with a beard all over his face, he looked more like a strongman than a wizard. The other party looked over and nodded, and he immediately nodded in response.

“This second one is Wizard Nuoer, who is also a first-level intermediate wizard.” Accompanied by Aiwa’s words, Li Cha saw a child who didn’t seem to have grown up, only about 1.6 meters or less.

This height is not too short for an ordinary person. After all, people in this world are generally malnourished. But the other party’s face was extremely smooth, and his Adam’s apple was almost invisible. Compared with the previous Bata wizard, he really looked like an immature child.

The other party shrugged, spread his hands, and made a weird way of greeting, Li Cha had no choice but to respond with a smile.

“The third one is Wizard Jenny, who is also a first-level intermediate wizard.” Accompanied by Eva’s words, Li Cha saw a female wizard. Compared with Bata and Nuoer, the other party seems more ordinary, or more normal. Good-looking, but not very beautiful, with a restrained and cautious temperament.

The other party looked over calmly waved hello, Li Cha waved back.

“Then it’s the last one.” Eva looked at the last person following her at this time, raised her eyebrows and said, “By the way, I won’t say much about this one, you should understand it too.”

Looking over, Li Cha nodded in agreement and said, “Indeed.”

The last person is the wizard Teddy.

The four people, Bata, Noel, Jenny, and Teddy—three middle-level first-level wizards, and one low-level first-level wizard, were the people Eva sent to him.

He is very clear that one or more of Bata, Nuoer, and Jenny are responsible for monitoring him. As for Teddy, it is likely to make up the number, or to reduce his worries. After all, the people sent to him were all strangers, so he was inevitably vigilant in his heart. And adding an acquaintance will relax a lot.

It seems that Eva has really put in a lot of thought.

He didn’t object to this, but what he thought more about was that he had a helper when he was excavating the small village of Artis. There are four first-level wizards who can squeeze out the labor force, which should be more efficient than squeezing one first-level wizard plus four wizard apprentices before.

At this time, Eva looked over and asked, “How about these four people, does Wizard Richard still approve of them?”

“Of course.” Li Cha nodded.

“Well then, you are ready to leave and implement your route. The rest of the people and I will also leave to implement the rest of the route.” Eva said, and then thought of something, “Right, implement the route Before that, you should go to the Malaga Mine, where there is an army specially arranged for you.”

“Malaga Mine? Army?” Richard was taken aback.

“Yes.” Eva nodded, not joking at all.

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