Magus Tech Chapter 626: A stronger road

Shouting for a long time seemed to take a lot of Pandora’s strength, her little face turned red, panting slightly, she looked at Li Cha and argued, “What’s the matter with shouting? I just know how to use it, Daddy!” Shouting is how I use it! Look, it’s glowing now!”

Saying that, Pandora showed the pendant in her hand, and saw a real faint blue light emanating from the surface, which was a sign of gradually activating the pendant.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows, slightly startled, but then quickly figured out a series of questions.

Yes, as a dragon girl, Pandora does not have a magic source in her body, nor can she cast spells like a wizard. But this does not mean that Pandora has no extraordinary power.

In fact, Pandora’s super strength and super defense power are the embodiment of extraordinary power. And where did this power come from? If I guess correctly, it comes from the blood, to be precise, it comes from some components in the blood or other body fluids in the body.

It is very possible that these ingredients have the effect similar to the magic source, they can spontaneously store free energy elements or mana, making Pandora’s body different from ordinary people.

This, from the very beginning, can be proved by the fire python captured in the Blue Lion Kingdom.

At the beginning, the fire python could release fire spells without a magic source, and he also extracted special magic oil from under the fire python’s skin, which activated “Monro’s Chapter”, thus step by step to the present.

To put it simply, Pandora, fire pythons, or other non-intelligent demonized creatures can master supernatural powers, and they have taken a path similar to that of warlocks-obtaining abilities from blood, which can be passed on from generation to generation .

And human wizards probably followed this path at the beginning, that is, the so-called apocalyptic wizards and older wizards. But later, in order to allow more people to master supernatural power more easily, the source of magic was invented, opening the era of the dawn wizard.

After the great catastrophe of civilization for unknown reasons, the inheritance of the Apocalypse Wizard Road was interrupted, and all wizards became Dawn Wizards, and humans and demonized creatures were clearly distinguished.

From this point of view, in a sense, when tracing back to the source, there is not much difference between humans and demonized creatures, just like the ancestors of humans and beasts on Earth are all savage creatures——humans evolved to become the top of the food chain The presence.

Therefore, even though Pandora has no source of magic, it can still activate the effects of spells. Pandora is still young now, and when she grows up, the free energy elements and mana in her body will become sufficient, and she will be able to cast powerful spells naturally, becoming as powerful as Gregory, or even surpassing her.

From this point of view, using biological knowledge to study the structure of demonized creatures and wizards may yield amazing results. He is now taking the path of combining the Apocalypse Sorcerer and the Dawn Sorcerer. Through research, he may be able to find a more special and powerful path.

Of course, if you really study it, you must invest a lot of energy and time. At present, just a “glove of destroying the world” and a “ultimate secret of the Black Spirit King” are too busy for him. You can wait until you have the opportunity to try again.

Keeping his thoughts in mind, Li Cha withdrew his thoughts and looked at Pandora.

At this time, Pandora was still holding the silver pendant to show off, and said: “Have you seen it, have you seen it, I really know how to use it!”

As a result, while speaking, the blue light on the surface of the silver pendant disappeared little by little, and calm returned.

“Scared——” Pandora’s expression froze for an instant, and the next moment she held on to the pendant with a guilty conscience, tightly protecting her chest, and said with wide eyes, “Anyway…anyway…you have already mentioned the reward before. Give it to me, it’s mine, and I can’t go back on it. So…don’t try to take this thing away from me, don’t…don’t think about it!”

Li Cha: “…” Shaking his head uncontrollably, he realized one thing: In the world, there are two kinds of creatures that like shiny things the most, one is women, and the other is dragons. In front of him was a combination of the two, a girl dragon.

He has now confirmed that Pandora can use the silver pendant, but because of his young age, he cannot activate it easily. He didn’t really want to take back the silver pendant because of this reason, so he simply waved his hand to Pandora and said, “Just hold it, I won’t take it, but you can’t be bitten, you know! Okay! , let’s do the question now, I’ll check it later.”

“Oh.” Pandora responded, but she still kept a bit of vigilance in her eyes, as if she was afraid of Li Cha’s repentance, she walked out the door step by step backwards, turned around and quickly disappeared.

Li Cha couldn’t help but shook his head again, without thinking too much, and continued to sort out the spoils, after all, there are really a lot of spoils.


At the same time.

In the dark forest gathering place of the jungle hut, in a private room, someone is talking. Because it was a major event related to the entire gathering place, the voice of the conversation was suppressed very low, and even used magic to make sound insulation.

This private room is the room of the wizard Ava, the manager of the dark forest gathering place. Except for a few necessary pieces of furniture, there is nothing else. The style is minimalist at best, and shabby at worst.

There are three people in the room at this time, one is Eva herself, the other is the wizard Tifeng, and the third is the wizard Teddy.

In the previous deep blue castle exchange meeting, all three of them were injured to varying degrees.

Although Aiwa is the strongest, but in the process of covering everyone in the jungle hut to break through, she fought against many black-robed wizards, and she was seriously injured.

Compared with Eva, Tifeng’s injury is slightly less serious, but it is more obvious. In the previous battle of Deep Blue Fort, he had fought many times and was exhausted. If Richard hadn’t met him, one more life would not be enough to kill him. And then he ran into Li Cha, broke out under the cover of Li Cha, and was unlucky to be attacked by a black-robed wizard. Although he escaped in the end, he was wiped across the face by a wind blade with corrosive energy.

At this time, he can be said to be completely disfigured There is a long scar on his face, and there are pits left by corrosion around the scar. Even with some medicine, it can’t be repaired in a short time, and he can’t see the handsomeness before. In comparison, Teddy, who was originally ugly and frustrated, has become the beauty of the room.

And Teddy was the luckiest person in the room. Although his strength was weak, he met Li Cha by chance during the battle of Deep Blue Fort. Under Li Cha’s powerful ability, he had no chance to make a move at all. Later, he was covered and broke through, and successfully broke through with Gero and others. Therefore, except for some injuries due to the influence of the magic-breaking orb at the beginning, there were no other injuries, and now he has fully recovered.

At this moment, Teddy looked at Tifeng who kept talking to Aiwa, looked at Tifeng’s face, and inexplicably felt a little more confident in his heart, and he straightened his chest involuntarily.

Tifeng didn’t pay attention to Teddy at all, but spoke seriously, telling Eva what happened to Deep Blue Fort, especially the process of Li Cha’s murder: “…At that time, I thought I was going to die, but suddenly he appeared Now, as soon as I moved my hand, there was an extra magic item that I had never seen before, and I launched an attack on those people…they all died…”

Eva didn’t say a word, but listened carefully to Tifeng’s words, her expression became more and more serious.

Teddy continued to puff out his chest, enjoying himself.



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