Magus Tech Chapter 613: Breakthrough plan

A moment later, the surrounding area is quiet.

Gro, Nancy, Heidi, Nerid, and Teddy stared at the things in Richard’s hands with rounded eyes, and secretly swallowed, not knowing what to say anymore.

The feeling they felt at this time was no longer indescribable as shock, but an emotion stronger than shock.

If you describe it accurately, it is subversion.

Yes, subversion.

From the subversion of world outlook, values, and outlook on life.

When the product of the combination of technology and magic was displayed in front of them for the first time, what they felt was that kind of indescribable surprise. It was discovered for the first time that even a large number of powerful wizards could be slaughtered like lambs in an instant.

The power they imagined is no longer powerful.

Powerful and in need of redefinition.

At this moment, they didn’t have much fear, or they had already forgotten their fear, but more tremors in the depths of their souls.

“What the **** is this?” Gero asked, swallowing his saliva, looking at the thing in Li Cha’s hand.

“Now I know what’s going on with your thing.” Teddy looked at the thing in Li Cha’s hand, gasped for air, and seemed to have a toothache, “However, this thing is too…too… …Be strong.”

“Okay.” Li Cha glanced at the crowd and said, “This is just a gadget I made, and it’s actually not as powerful as you imagined. And now is not the time to explore this thing. When I rush out of here, I will explain to you when I have a chance.”


“Anyway, focus on what’s in front of you.” Li Cha said, turning his head and looking at the dozen or so wizards who were besieged by men in black robes.

At this time, more than a dozen wizards were rescued, and they experienced ups and downs. They looked at the magic guns in Li Cha’s hands, their eyes were very strange, and their hearts were no less surprised than Ge Luo and his party. However, they didn’t dare to ask out loud, for fear of making Li Cha unhappy and suddenly opened fire, killing a group of them, just like how they dealt with the black-robed man before, with a “chug”.

Li Cha glanced at more than a dozen wizards, raised his eyebrows suddenly, recognized an acquaintance, walked up to the other person, and asked in confirmation: “Wizard Tifeng?”

Standing in the crowd, a man covered in blood and torn clothes slowly raised his head to look at Li Cha. If it wasn’t Tifeng, a wizard from the dark forest gathering place in the jungle hut, who else could it be?

In fact, Tifeng recognized Li Cha when Li Cha was killing all directions, but after recognizing him, he didn’t dare to recognize him at all.

After all, the Li Cha in his impression is very different from the Li Cha he sees now.

He is not stupid. He can guess that Li Cha probably has a big secret. He has been hiding his true strength before, but now because of the current special situation, he has to reveal it.

Now comes the question, after being exposed, will Li Cha find out that he is an “acquaintance”, will he kill him so that he can continue to keep it secret?

Thinking about this, when Li Cha called out his name, he bit the bullet and said, “Ah, it’s Wizard Li Cha, yes, I’m Tifeng. What a coincidence, we meet again.”

“It’s a coincidence.” Li Cha responded briefly, and asked Tifeng, “By the way, why are you here, and the rest of the jungle hut are not with you?”

“Is this…” Tifeng hesitated for a moment, didn’t dare to hide it, and said it outright.

After listening to the words, Li Cha finally understood the whole story: It turned out that after the explosion of the Pomo Orb, Tifeng had already been seriously injured, and after the attack by the black-robed man, he couldn’t contact the Dark Forest Gathering at all. The rest of the land almost despaired. Fortunately, they met with people from other wizard organizations, so they reluctantly united and tried to break through.

After finishing speaking, Tifeng’s eyes flickered, looked at Li Cha, and carefully asked tentatively: “That… Wizard Li Cha, you… how did you become so powerful? Also, did you kill me?” What did you use to kill those black-robed men just now?”

“Are you asking this?” Li Cha weighed the magic gun in his hand, and chuckled meaningfully, “I said, this thing is transformed by magic, and the magic is what I learned from Teacher Gu Luo.” Learned there, do you believe it?”

“It’s strange to believe you!” Tifeng said in his heart.

But he thought so in his heart, but he didn’t dare to say it out of his mouth, because Li Cha pointed a gun at him.

So Tifeng tried to put on a look of sudden realization and conviction: “Ah, so that’s the case, of course I believe it.”

“Are you sure?” Li Cha asked.

“Sure!” Tifeng vowed, “By the way, I saw Master Gu Luo cast the same spell with my own eyes more than ten years ago.”

“Okay.” After hearing this, Li Cha knew what he was saying, so he didn’t say any more.

At this moment, Tifeng made another sound and asked, “By the way, Wizard Li Cha, you are planning to lead people and rush out, right?”

“Yeah, what’s the problem?”

“That… I have a piece of advice, don’t be angry after listening.”

“What advice? Tell me.”

“Actually…we have already rushed through once just now. Originally, there were more than 30 of us in a group. Because of the failure to break through, nearly half of the more than 30 people died, so we retreated. The siege, if it didn’t meet you, it would be really dangerous.

You don’t know, if you continue to rush outside, you will encounter more and more enemies, and their strength will become stronger and stronger. Even if you have a powerful spell, it is still difficult to lead people out. “Tifeng said seriously.

Li Cha frowned slightly when he heard this, he didn’t think Tifeng was lying, but if what Tifeng said was true, then it would be really difficult to deal with.

At this time, several people from Ge Luo came over, and after hearing Tifeng’s words, their eyes flickered, and Ge Luo said: “Actually, if Your Excellency Richard rushes out by himself, you can rush out, right? It’s just that , we have dragged His Excellency Richard down, so we can’t succeed, right?”

Having said that, Ge Luo looked at Li Cha seriously: “Your Excellency, Li Cha, why don’t you just rush out by yourself, and don’t let us get involved again.”

“Actually, I don’t think we can live without you.” Nancy said.

“Mr. Richard, it’s really dangerous, you should go by yourself first.” Heidi said.

“That Li Cha, don’t underestimate me, I can actually rush out by myself.” Narid said.

Teddy: “…” He opened his mouth, but did not speak.

He wanted to let Li Cha leave in a loyal manner like Gro and the others. But he was afraid of death, and felt that it would be safer for Li Cha to stay.

To be honest, he looked at Gero and the others with resentment at this moment, and he was a little suspicious of himself. In other words, why are young people nowadays so brave and not afraid of death?

As a wizard he is afraid of death, isn’t it embarrassing? However, he is really afraid of death.

Of course, he also needs face. He opened his mouth, but didn’t say anything to let Li Cha leave, nor did he say anything to let Li Cha stay.

Let it be.

thought Teddy.

Li Cha glanced at Gro and the others, but chuckled lightly: “Oh, actually, you don’t need to do this. The situation is indeed a bit bad now, but it’s not so bad that it’s desperate. There are still many ways to try.

After all, you guys have helped me dig the soil for a long time, and you have helped me a lot. Correspondingly, if I can help you, I will help you. “


“Listen to me.” Li Cha raised his hand to stop Gero from speaking, and said seriously, “Now I have an idea to help you rush out as much as possible. That is, I will try to break through first to attract The enemy’s attention, in this case, the enemy’s strength in an area will definitely weaken, and you can find an opportunity to leave.

However, it is impossible for me to help you attract the attention of the enemy all the time, only a few minutes at most. You still can’t leave by then, and I can’t help you, understand? “

There was a moment of silence, and then a response: “Understood, Your Excellency Richard.”

“That’s good, let’s get ready.” Li Cha said, patted the shoulders of Gero, Nancy, Heidi, Nerid and Teddy, turned his head to look at the night, his eyes darkened. The blue light reappeared, and the staring eyes opened again.

“Are you ready?”


“Then… act!”

After the last word fell, Li Cha rushed out at high speed.


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