Magus Tech Chapter 446: Goodbye Dark Empire logo

Open the iron cover and walk down, entering a strange underground space, where it’s so dark that you can’t see your fingers. Li Cha didn’t panic, a faint red fluorescence flashed in his eyes, activating the spell “Dark Vision”.

In the dark, light that is invisible to normal human eyes falls on the retina. Under the action of the spell, it quickly forms an image, allowing Li Cha to see things unaffected, look around, and look at this underground space.

At present, the entire space is about 200 square meters, presenting a hall shape of more than 20 meters long and more than ten meters wide.

On the floor of the hall, there are many black iron boxes. The surface of the boxes has some kind of special paint to prevent corrosion.

“Da da da…”

Li Cha stepped forward, walked to the nearest black iron box, opened it, and saw a lot of gold and silver ornaments and jewelry inside.

“Da da da…”

Take another step, walk to the second box next to it, open it, and find that it contains gold coins. The third box contained silver coins.

There are less than half of the contents of these boxes, which are obviously used by necromancers. After all, research costs money, and he couldn’t spend it in the first few years when he was trapped on the island. But after having the ability, with the ghost ship, and being able to travel freely between the mainland and the island of the undead, necromancers need money in many places.

Although these are not mentioned in the diary scroll, Li Cha can guess it.

Not to mention anything else, just the news that the divination woman was inquiring about ships at the port. How could it be possible without money?

Thinking like this, Li Cha opened the fourth box again, his eyes flashed.

I saw that the fourth box was full of crystal coins.

Well, crystal coins, crystal coins circulated among wizards.

However, none of these crystal coins were touched by the necromancer, and he obviously didn’t know how to spend them.

Afterwards, Li Cha opened several other boxes and found that they were all precious things, some of which were used by the necromancer, and some were full.

In this way, after walking through more than a dozen boxes, Li Cha reached the end of the hall, where he saw obviously several different big boxes.

The material of the box is no longer iron, but wood. The surface is painted with raw lacquer to prevent rot. The wood itself exudes a mothball-like smell, presumably to repel insects.

Walking to the front of the box, he opened the box with a “squeak”, and without any surprises, he saw that the box was full of scrolls.

Taking a deep breath, the red fluorescence in Li Cha’s eyes dissipated, he snapped his fingers, and a ball of oil-green flames for lighting was born, controlling the flames to float in mid-air.

Then reached out, carefully took out a scroll from the box, opened it, and began to browse carefully.

The words “Fire Magic Glue 1” were written at the beginning of the scroll. After reading it, Li Cha quickly determined that what was recorded in it was an introduction to “Temperature Colloid Material”.

Pick up another scroll, with the words “Fire Magic Glue 2” written on it, which records the production method of “Temperature Colloid Material”.

Pick up the third scroll, the fourth scroll…

Li Cha kept browsing, with a smile on his face.

I have to say that it was a great windfall for him to fill several boxes with scrolls. The knowledge recorded in it is more precious than wealth and magic pattern props.

Just who researched this knowledge?

Li Cha was puzzled.

Is it some wise man who once existed in this wizarding world?

Not quite. Li Cha shook his head and denied it.

The knowledge of the scroll covers many fields, and it is hard to believe that it was researched by one person. After all, all-rounders like Da Vinci in the history of the earth are extremely rare. Most likely, it came from a research organization.

Thinking of this, Li Cha narrowed his eyes, opened all the scrolls in his hand, and saw a mark printed on the end of the scroll.

Seeing this mark, Li Cha’s eyes narrowed.

A black triangle, an inscribed circle is drawn in the triangle, and a vertical line divides the three pieces and the circle equally.

The logo of the Dark Empire!

This is the symbol of the Black Spirit Empire!


“It turned out to be the symbol of the Black Spirit Empire. So, this treasure is also left by the Black Spirit Empire? It’s similar to the one in the tomb of Alex’s ancestors outside Baishi City. The difference is that it is located far away from the mainland. And there are no dangerous defensive facilities designed.” Li Cha said to himself, his eyes flickering and he looked around the entire underground hall, his thoughts flashed.

I have to say that this discovery made him think of many things.

When deciphering the secret of the Black Spirit King in Baishi City, he realized that the Black Spirit Empire was not easy. Various puzzles were intertwined, and ordinary people could not solve them at all.

Even such things as palindromic numbers and Lychrell numbers have been worked out, which is far beyond the level of the Middle Ages. And in the end, after getting the space suitcase and solving the extremely complicated high-level Rubik’s Cube, I discovered that everything in the tomb of Baishi City is just the beginning—there is a bigger part of the secret of the Black Spirit King in the mist.

Stockholm – Moore, Wooden Island, this is the name of the place written on the parchment in the Rubik’s Cube.

Obviously, some of the secret follow-ups of the Black Spirit King are hidden there.

It was with a bit of curiosity, and also thinking about leaving Baishi City, that’s why he started to travel. Although it is still on the way, it is basically foreseeable that after arriving in Moore, there will definitely be many and very complicated mysteries. Only by unraveling the secrets layer by layer like peeling an onion, can it be possible to glimpse the ultimate truth of the Dark King’s secret.

Now, under some unexpected circumstances, he came to this island and discovered another treasure of the Black Spirit King.

Then you might as well make a bold guess, the similar treasure of the Black Spirit King is definitely not the only one, there are many other unknown places. Maybe there is some information hidden in it, pointing to the end point uniformly.

As for what is the end point, what is the last treasure, and what the ultimate truth wants to explain, it is not important for now.

What is important now is that if you can set up so many things carefully and implement such a big plan, how strong will the Black Spirit Empire be at the beginning?

Not to mention anything else, the knowledge contained in the scrolls in this underground hall is already beyond the level of the Middle Ages, and many of them are comparable to the technological level of modern Earth.

He really couldn’t imagine that the Black Spirit Empire, which could research this kind of high-tech knowledge, would be a brutal, feudal, and dictatorial wizarding empire, just like the legends.

And from this angle, more amazing things will be discovered.

According to the common saying, the Black Spirit Empire was overthrown and perished hundreds of years ago, and then the East Coast came into being – more than a dozen wizarding organizations co-existed, controlling large and small countries in the region, absorbing various resources for support itself.

It can be said that the Black Spirit Empire is the eve of the current east coast. A few hundred years may be a bit long for a single individual, but it is only a short period of time in real history.

Then why, in such a short period of time, so little information has been handed down?

It seems like every wizard, everyone knows that there was a dark empire, and then it was destroyed, and there is now the east coast. But what the Black Spirit Empire looks like, what its political system is, how many people there are, how many wizards are there, and what the life of ordinary people looks like, all of them don’t know—it’s blank, or it can be said to be dark.

The Black Spirit Empire is like a **** hole, absorbing all the information and disappearing without a trace.

Even if there are mentions of the Black Spirit Empire in some books, they are only a few words, vague, and even inconsistent. Because of this, when he was in Baishi City back then, he didn’t even know the logo of the Black Spirit Empire. He only found out after asking the great scholar Suradia.

This is just the Black Spirit Empire!

According to rumors, before the Black Spirit Empire, there were two other empires. The information on those two empires is even scarcer, giving the impression that two vague shadows are hidden in the darkness, although they are there, they cannot be seen clearly at all.

This is unimaginable!


It’s as if history has been cut and roughly cut apart—at a certain point in time, there is a clear separation between the past and the present, and everything in the past is completely eliminated, leaving only the present.

This is simply illogical!

But the reality is right in front of you, as if there is a force of nature, a black hand hidden behind the world, silently manipulating history and everything.

This is very problematic.

And to figure this out, the first step is to try to unlock the ultimate secret of the Black Spirit King.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows.

To be honest, he didn’t really yearn to go to Moore. It’s just that there are no other places to go, and with the letter from the cat slave girl Heidi, I thought it would be good to have a look, so I set off.

But now, he feels that it is necessary to go there, even if he can’t solve the ultimate secret of the Black Spirit King, he still needs to learn more about the hidden truth, what it looks like in general.

The world is getting more and more complicated.


Li Cha took a deep and said slowly: “This world is really becoming more and more complicated, and of course it is becoming more and more interesting.”

“To go to Moore is to go to Moore, but…the road has to be taken step by step, and things have to be done step by step. What we need to hurry up now is to figure out the knowledge on the scroll and solve the research that was supposed to be solved ” Li Cha was talking, and the next moment he was not polite, he packed all the things in the hall into the Garden of Eden, and then walked out. …

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