Magus Tech Chapter 438: 1 kill

The necromancer watched the fortune-telling woman leave, heaved a sigh of relief, and then said bad things angrily: “Hmph, what’s the use of a stupid woman who only wants to be beautiful! Letting you go into the cave , Get someone out at random, and almost let people run away, I think you are not as good as the stupidest corpse monster, I really want to turn you into a corpse monster!”

While talking, the necromancer suddenly thought of something, and quickly ordered to the gray suture monster in the room: “You! Go out and guard the door. During my experiment, no one is allowed Come in, understand?”

The gray-skinned stitch monster looked at the necromancer with a confused expression on his face.

The necromancer was angry and repeated: “Go out, guard the door, and don’t let anyone in!”

The gray-skin stitched monster was still extremely puzzled.

The necromancer couldn’t help but slapped his head, put down the knife in his hand, kicked the gray suture monster all the way to the door, pointed to the ground and shouted: “Stand here, block it!”

Only then did the gray-skin stitched monster understand.


The necromancer walked back to the room, walked to the stone table, and was about to pick up the knife for research. But the next moment, he was surprised to find that the knife was gone.

“Huh? What’s going on? I remember putting it here, why can’t I find it?” The necromancer muttered to himself.

Just then, there was a sound of a heavy object falling from behind.

The necromancer turned his head and saw the knife lying quietly on the ground behind him.

“It has been on the table, did you accidentally knock it off just now?” The necromancer was puzzled, but without thinking too much, he quickly picked up the knife and approached the beautiful woman on the stone table.


On the other side.

The fortune-telling woman walked out of the stone building, walked towards the woods angrily, and said as she walked, “Hmph, wait, I will leave this **** island of undead and go back to The Hague when tomorrow dawns. I will leave you alone Stay here, slowly be your necromancer, and slowly study the corpse. It’s best, if you accidentally drive these monsters you made crazy, kill you! Tell you to lie to me all the time, call you Give me a necklace with side effects!

Really, there is not a single truth in what you said! Yes, not a single truth! Now, I doubt very much whether you have the ability to study success. If you don’t have the ability, why not let me be more beautiful. In this way, even if I cannot live forever and not grow old, there is a little compensation.

What, is there anything wrong with being prettier? I just want to be pretty what’s wrong? I just want that woman’s face, that plump female knight’s chest, and that young boy’s eyes…”

Just as the divination woman said this, a voice suddenly interrupted: “Do you really want my eyes?”


The divination woman was taken aback for a moment, and turned her head to look at the place where the sound came from. Then her whole body froze, and she saw Li Cha coming out of the woods with a calm face, squinting at him.

“You!” The divination woman’s eyes widened, her mouth opened wide, and she said in disbelief, “You…why are you here? You…how could you be here?”

“It’s very simple, I came here with your boat.” Li Cha replied.

“A ride with the wind?” The divination woman looked puzzled and didn’t understand what Li Cha said, but it didn’t hinder the movements of her hands. She quickly touched the neck, and was about to launch the spiritual attack on the necklace, but the next moment she felt nothing, and suddenly thought that she just threw the necklace on the stone table in the stone building in a fit of anger.

The fortune-telling woman was in a hurry, and quickly lowered her head to touch her bosom, and took out a purple bracelet. The next moment she raised her head, she was taken aback for a moment, and saw that at some point, Li Cha had disappeared from her field of vision.

“Huh? Where’s the person?” The fortune-telling woman looked around in a panic and said.

“Are you looking for me?” Richard’s voice sounded from behind the divination woman.

The divination woman was startled, holding the purple bracelet in her hand, she threw it behind her back, but just as she made a move, there was a “poof”. An ice pick appeared in Li Cha’s hand, piercing the back of the divination woman precisely, piercing the beating heart.


The divination woman cried out, her whole body twitched violently and stopped moving.

With a light push, Li Cha pushed the fortune-telling woman’s body to the ground, with a calm expression on his face.

Before, he had thought of killing the fortune-telling woman—that was when he was pestered by her in the tavern in The Hague.

But at the beginning, I just thought about it and didn’t take action. For one thing, he is not a murderous person, although he is not against killing, but he only regards killing as a means. Secondly, killing people is not the best solution in most cases, and once it is done, it may cause even bigger troubles. So, there was no action at the time.

The current situation is different, because he has figured out the situation of the entire island, as well as the strength of the divination woman and the necromancer man in the stone building through the out-of-body just now.

According to the conversation, arguing, and fight between the divination woman and the necromancer, it is absolutely certain that the two of them absolutely do not have the strength of a formal wizard level, and they captured the “Naru Glory Fisherman” entirely by relying on some foreign objects. The held a knife in his conscious body, and stayed behind the necromancer for several seconds, and the other party didn’t notice it, which fully demonstrated this point. In other words, if the consciousness body didn’t have much power, he would have directly killed the necromancer at that time.

In this case, he doesn’t need to worry too much.

Perhaps it is a good way to continue to hide and explore slowly. Can get more information without being discovered. But it will be more efficient to do it directly and push it forcefully.

Even if the way of flat pushing is relatively brainless, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to think carefully about everything – that’s not using wisdom, but showing off wisdom – before exploring the cemetery outside Baishi City, he ended up using chlorine gas to sterilize pushed in a flat manner.

Thinking of this, Li Cha glanced at the body of the fortune-telling woman, and saw that the bracelet that the other party took out was still in Bai Nen’s hand, and there was a faint electric arc flashing on the surface, it seemed that the other party wanted to use this arc to attack he.

Shaking his head slightly, he was about to leave. At this moment, the bracelet that flashed the arc shattered with a “crash”, and a large plume of purple smoke came out from it, spreading around with a strange stench.

Soon, there were roars from all directions, and a large number of stitch monsters could be sensed gathering towards this position.

So the bracelet also has the function of asking for help?

Li Cha thought to himself, the expression on his face didn’t change much, and he murmured: “It’s good if that’s the case, we can solve them together, and save ourselves from having to find and clean them up one by one!”

After saying that, Li Cha’s eyes sharpened, and the free energy elements in his body began to surge.


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