Magus Tech Chapter 42: Endless battle

With a “bang”, Pandora hit the ground with more than ten meters of tree trunks in her hands. Pandora stepped on a depression several centimeters deep, jumped into the air, and smashed into the nearest animal like a cannonball.

There was a “boom”, and the densely packed animals were directly blown away by the powerful air wave.

The wild boar in the center was the most unlucky. It was attacked by Pandora’s lock. It was not lucky to be blown away by the air wave, but was punched heavily on the ground.

Then… there is no more…

Pandora stood up from the boar’s body, but the boar remained motionless.

The surrounding animals that were knocked into the air by the air wave had landed one after another, struggling to stand up, and surrounded Pandora.

Pandora clenched her fists, without saying a word, the next moment she stomped hard again.


On the ground, the body of the dead wild boar exploded directly under the action of powerful force.

In the rising blood mist, Pandora jumped up, crashed into the surrounding animals, and began to kill all directions.

At this moment, Pandora’s fighting power as a dragon girl was vividly displayed.

Although she looks like a human girl, although she looks only seven or eight years old, although she looks only 1.2 meters tall, although she looks more of a kind of cool and cute, although She looks harmless…

But! She is still a dragon, the legendary dragon who stands on top of all creatures!

“Bang”, the pink right fist came out, the air surged, and the beast that wanted to attack screamed and fell to the ground.

“Bang”, the pink left fist came out, the wind roared, and several beasts surrounding them were directly hit and blown away.

“Bang”, pink and tender fists came out, the space trembled, and the beast that couldn’t dodge was directly blasted into pieces.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

One minute, two minutes, three minutes…

Three minutes later, within a radius of more than twenty meters around Pandora, there was no longer a single living animal. Pandora knocked down a silver-backed orangutan with her last punch, walked slowly back to the open space in front of the castle with a cold face, then picked up the big wooden stick, and looked around with a frown.

A steady stream of crazy animals came from all around, and quickly filled the gap caused by the animals she killed just now, and the encirclement on the top of the hill was still airtight. She had killed hundreds of crazy animals just now, but it was just a drop in the bucket compared to all the animals that surrounded the top of the hill.

Although it is impossible to count, there are at least tens of thousands of crazy animals surrounding the hill. From the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, they are crowded together. There were more crazy animals coming in the forest, and those who came late had no good positions, so they could only wait outside the hill with red eyes. When the animals in front are all dead, they have a chance to rush up and attack.

In this case, can they really kill them all?

Of course you can’t kill them all!

I can only keep it, one will keep it until dawn.

I hate it, I hate it!

Pandora thought with a cold face.

The same thing always happened every once in a while, which made her feel disgusted and helpless.

Glancing at Li Cha at the gate of the ancient castle, and then at the Dragon Cave, Pandora pursed her lips and looked at the many crazy animals with a bit of displeasure.


Pandora’s two arms stretched slightly, and she hugged the tree trunk tightly in her arms.


The many crazy animals seemed to be stimulated by something, they roared together, and rushed forward like a tide.

Agile tigers, leopards and wild wolves are at the front, black bears and wild boars are crowded in the middle with huge bodies, and a large group of squirrels and hares are bouncing and chattering behind…

Pandora’s eyes were fixed, her expression didn’t change much, she only raised her eyebrows a little bit, then she hugged the tree trunk and swung it vigorously, and patted many animals.


The tree trunks hit the bodies of many animals, the calls of the animals stopped abruptly, the momentum of the tide stopped, and time seemed to stop for an instant.

Then time returned to normal, the tide receded, the roar of the animals turned into screams, and in the sudden gust of wind, they flew backwards spraying blood.

“Hiss! Puff!”

The injured animals were eaten up almost as soon as they hit the ground. The overall morale of all the animals did not drop at all. On the contrary, they became a little more crazy, and then attacked Pandora again.

Pandora didn’t stop after swung over the tree trunk, swung back again, furiously slammed into the group of animals with frowning, and began to ruthlessly and coldly slaughter.

She is a dragon, she is a powerful dragon, and she can crush even the most crazy ordinary animals. Every time a tree trunk is swung out, at least a dozen lives will be taken away. Her power seems inexhaustible, as if she could keep fighting forever.

However, the besieging animals continued to flow. After one fell, two rushed up, killed two, and four attacked. The more you kill, the more crazy you become.

It seems that both sides are endless, so in this battle, who will show defeat first?

The answer is… Pandora… the tree trunk in your hand.

“Swipe! Crack! Swipe! Crack!”

I don’t know how many times I swung it out, I don’t know how many times I smashed into the crazy animals. Suddenly, with a “click”, the trunk in Pandora’s hand split, and the end flew out spinning, knocking down the crazy animals along the way. In the blink of an eye, only a short section of the “weapon” in Pandora’s hand was left, and the attack power and attack range were greatly reduced, and the crazy animal seized the opportunity to launch a sharper attack.

Pandora frowned, and after being taken aback for a moment, she was already surrounded by many crazy animals. A mountain badger tried to pull Pandora’s hair, and Pandora shook her head violently and flew away with a punch. Another otter rushed over, and Pandora flew away with another punch.

As soon as there was a delay, a large number of animals had already arrived in front of Pandora. One of the black bears stood upright behind Pandora, trying to hug Pandora, two thick bear paws fell down with a cold glow.

Pandora snorted coldly, and with a “snap” away half of the tree trunk in her hand, she grabbed one of the black bear’s paws with both hands, and with a sudden force, directly smashed the black bear weighing several hundred catties. There was an over-the-shoulder fall.

“Bang”, the black bear hit the ground heavily, and it was thrown into a mess. Before it could react the next moment, Pandora grabbed its paw and swung it up again, using this black bear as a tree trunk The same swing up.

“Bang bang bang!”

The many crazy animals that surrounded them immediately suffered disaster. They were hit by the heavy body of the black bear, their bones were broken, and they flew backwards howling.

And the black bear that was swung in mid-air suffered even more, it would suffer continuous severe injuries, after all force is mutual, as much as it hurts to hit other crazy animals, it will also hurt as much.

At first, with the help of its rough skin and thick flesh, the black bear felt that it could barely resist it, flying lightly in mid-air, but it still had an indescribably refreshing experience.

But after this experience lasted for more than ten seconds, it changed. The black bear began to feel pain, which became more and more painful. Rough skin and thick flesh obviously can’t stop the continuous impacts, but they still hit the horns of goats, sika deer, and bison…

Why are they all horns? !

The black bear wanted to growl to express its dissatisfaction, but no one paid attention to it. It was being wheeled faster and faster, like a spinning wheel of fire, and continued to hit the crazy animals.

“Bang bang bang! bang bang bang!”

About twenty seconds later, the black bear felt that all the bones in his body were about to break, and there was no pain anywhere in his body.

After about 30 seconds, the black bear began to seriously think about the second half of his life, as a disabled bear who was paralyzed all over his body, what should he do.

After about forty seconds, the black bear began to ponder philosophical questions: Who am I? where am I? how can i be here

Ah! Mom, save me! I want to go home!


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