Magus Tech Chapter 29: The secret of 3 years ago

When Li Cha walked down the stairs and entered the hall on the first floor, all the guards were still guarding the entrances and exits, extremely vigilant and nervous, lest people from outside would suddenly attack. After all, they are only more than 20 people, and it is difficult to resist the attack of more than ten times the number of enemies.

They don’t know what happened in the bedroom just now, let alone why the current situation happened. They just receive a meager salary and spend their lives maintaining some unknown thing.

Seeing Li Cha appearing, a guard soldier hurried forward and quickly said in a low voice: “Your Highness, I’m afraid the people outside really have malicious intentions. There are many archers aiming at the entrance of the palace. Prince Your Highness, you… you must not appear in their sight, or you will be in danger… Uh, by the way, where is Captain Edward?”

At the end, the guard soldier asked suspiciously.

Li Cha looked at the other party, his eyes flickered and said: “Your captain has betrayed me, and then I killed him.”

“This!” The guard’s eyes widened instantly, “This…”

“In other words, even your captain betrayed me for the benefit of the family, in fact…” Li Cha said softly, “You guys don’t have to protect me at all. It’s unnecessary and meaningless. It’s all gone.”

“I…” The guard opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say, but in the end he gritted his teeth, “No… I will always protect His Royal Highness, unless I die.”

“Huh? Why? Is it worth it?” Li Cha asked.

The guard soldier was at a loss for words. He was not a nobleman, but a farmer’s son. He was illiterate and couldn’t make any sense. He gasped and said, “I… I don’t know, but I… But I understand that it is wrong to abandon the prince now. I…I don’t know why Captain Edward betrayed His Royal Highness, but I…I will never betray His Royal Highness, even…even if it is death…”

“Bill.” Richard said.

The whole body of the bodyguard was shocked, he was a little bit surprised and even more surprised. In fact, he hadn’t spoken to Li Cha before today. He didn’t expect Li Cha to be able to call out his name accurately, so he responded quickly.


“I have a task for you.” Li Cha said lightly.

“Yes, Your Royal Highness, I will definitely finish it.” The guard beat his chest with his right fist, knelt down on one knee, and said.

“You are now the captain of the personal guard. In the kitchen of the palace, there is a tunnel that leads directly to the outside of the city. Leave. Don’t rush to refuse, I know you are more loyal than Edward.

But… the highest loyalty is not to die because of it, but to live hard because of it. Sacrifice in vain is meaningless. If you’re really loyal enough, escape and survive. Maybe many years later, maybe I will find you again and let you do things. I hope at that time, you don’t forget me. “

“I…” The soldier named Bill looked at Li Cha with wide eyes, “Then…then, Your Highness, you…don’t you go together?”

“Taking the tunnel is more difficult. I prefer to walk through the main entrance. Of course, don’t worry about me, I have my own arrangements. Besides, I want to talk to someone.” Richard said, patted He touched the guard’s shoulder, turned around and walked outside the palace, his gaze became sharper.


Outside the palace, there were many spears, and swords were on the verge of breaking out.

However, when many soldiers saw Li Cha coming out, they were slightly taken aback, showing puzzled expressions. Because this seems to be somewhat different from the order they received.

Li Cha saw it in his eyes and said, “William, come out. If you don’t show up, your group of people will not dare to do it. After all…I guess…you will never let them kill the ‘Prince’ ‘, but to kill the ‘captain of the personal guard who betrayed the prince’?”

“Huh la la”, the crowd parted to the two sides, and the new His Majesty the king—William, came out wearing an incomparably gorgeous robe. gems.

At this time, William’s expression was not angry but mighty. After walking out, he stared at Li Cha for a moment, and suddenly smiled.

“My dear brother, you came out alive, so…Edward, he betrayed again? Not only betrayed you, but now he betrayed me? Tsk, I’m a little strange, how did you put He persuaded.” William narrowed his eyes.

“It’s very simple, I killed him.” Li Cha said calmly.

William’s eyes shrank slightly, but his expression remained calm: “So, you knew that he had betrayed in advance? So, you have already prepared against him, and let the rest of the guards kill him This is reasonable, after all… with his swordsmanship, I’m afraid he really can’t beat an ordinary guard soldier. But I admire your sharpness and cleverness!”

“But then No matter how smart you are, you never thought that this day would come your way, my dear brother?” William changed his tone slightly.

“Actually, I’ve thought of it a long time ago.” Li Cha still looked calm.

“No! Yes! Yes!” William stared, denying every single word.

“Heh.” Richard said, “Do I need to explain to you? In fact, I know much more than you think. For example, the rumor three years ago, I know you Let the respected father, His Majesty the former King Downers, doubt me and make a voodoo doll to curse him.

Heh, the massacre of the entire palace, everyone from top to bottom was almost wiped out. Hundreds of lives, blood stained the square in front of the palace… and then I was imprisoned for six months, heh…

I think at that time, you must be very proud and relieved, thinking that I will no longer be qualified to compete with you. Even if I fight with you, my lord father, His Majesty the King Downers, will still hold grudges against me and cannot let go. But the problem is, from the very beginning I didn’t want to argue with you. As I said, I have very important things to do. But what happened three years ago strengthened my decision to leave.

To be honest, if in the current world, I was not a prince, but the heir of a minor nobleman, maybe the situation would be better. The prince’s position is a bit high, and many people are watching, and there are many imposed responsibilities. I don’t like these responsibilities, in order to better do what I want to do, leaving is the best choice. I will leave the palace, leave the Blue Lion City, and leave the entire Blue Lion Kingdom. “

William stopped talking and looked at Li Cha with a strange expression: “You…”

After a while, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “Even if you say so, I won’t let you go.”

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