Magus Tech Chapter 257: Bottle? bottle!

Genetic engineering is both difficult and easy to say.

In the education of modern earth, middle school students have already been exposed to some relevant knowledge. In a simple description, it is nothing more than constructing hybrid DNA molecules in vitro, and then introducing them into living cells to change the original genetic characteristics of organisms and obtain new varieties and products.

The steps required are only four steps more than putting an elephant in the refrigerator:

The first step is to extract the target gene;

The second step is to combine the target gene with the carrier;

The third step is to introduce the target gene into the recipient cells;

The fourth step is the detection and expression of the target gene.

But it is simple in theory, but it is somewhat difficult in practice. To be precise, it is technically difficult.

What genetic engineering changes is the gene, which is the operation level at the base level. Among them, “nucleic acid gel electrophoresis technology”, “nucleic acid molecular hybridization technology”, “DNA sequence analysis technology”, “gene site-directed mutation technology” and other technologies are required. Series of high-end technical support.

Because of this, genetic engineering did not develop until the 1970s on the modern earth. Only at that time could there be a satisfactory technical level and operational equipment.

Put it in the current wizarding world similar to the Middle Ages, not to mention anything else, it is difficult to manufacture an electron microscope, let alone the required PCR instrument and electrophoresis equipment.

It has nothing to do with the wisdom of the individual, but the limitations of the world.

Carrying out genetic engineering at the current world level is like letting a 100-meter giant, holding an embroidery needle, do micro-carving on a walnut.

This is simply not possible.

So… that’s it for now?

Li Cha frowned, not wanting to give up so simply, pacing back and forth in the room thinking.

Gutas, who was tied to a chair, let out a “tsk tsk” sound.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party. The other party looked nonchalant, as if saying, “Don’t worry about me, I’m just happy to see you worrying.” This may be the only revenge the other party can do.

Li Cha ignored it and continued to pace and think, but Gutas’ “tsk tsk” kept ringing.

Li Cha stopped and looked at Gutas.

At this time, Gutas was not gagged, and said: “Don’t look at me, you evil alchemist, you must have encountered some problems, hehe, keep thinking, I won’t bother you Yours, tsk tsk.”

Li Cha frowned deeply, looked at Gutas and said, “The reason why I don’t want to gag you is because your performance has been more cooperative recently, or there is nothing you can’t cooperate with. But if you If you are going to disturb my thoughts with your tongue, then I don’t mind, just shut your mouth forever, after all you don’t need to eat with it, do you?”

Li Cha flipped his hand while talking, took out a Erlenmeyer flask from the space iron ring, and walked to Gutas.

“You haven’t heard of swallowing a light bulb, have you? But swallowing an Erlenmeyer flask is the same. Because of the relationship between the temporomandibular joint, I can easily put this Erlenmeyer flask in your mouth, but wait until After putting it in, the bottle occupies the space in the mouth, preventing the temporomandibular joint from slipping forward, ensuring that you will never be able to take out the Erlenmeyer bottle completely. Would you like to try it?”

“I…” Gutas stopped talking, he couldn’t understand what Li Cha meant, but he already understood a truth, there is absolutely no good in fighting against Li Cha.

In this case…

Gutas was decisively persuaded, turned his head to look aside, and said nothing.

“This is the best.” Li Cha said, turned around and began to pace up and down again, rubbing the surface of the Erlenmeyer flask with his hands, thinking and thinking constantly.


The Erlenmeyer flask was turning in Li Cha’s hands, and Li Cha’s thoughts quickly drifted through his mind…

After a long while, Li Cha didn’t find any ideas, and sat down on the chair next to him a little bored. Inside the ring, the eyes flashed in the next moment.

One flash and three flashes.

Erlenmeyer flask? bottle?

Li Cha thought of something, put the Erlenmeyer bottle on the table next to him, flipped his hand, and took out another bottle from the space iron ring to drift the bottle.

In other words, why do I want to study the secrets of “Spartas Hero Potion” and bloodline seeds? It is because the previous research on drifting bottles has completed a stage and has fallen into a bottleneck.

So why did research on drifting bottles finish a stage and get stuck in a bottleneck? It was because the basic magic patterns on the drifting bottle had been successfully deciphered, and the remaining magic patterns were either unclear in function or too complicated, like fusion cells.

Fused cells?

Unstable mutation?

Genetic material transformation at the DNA level?

Isn’t this genetic engineering? !

Uh, of course, to be precise, this belongs to the genetic engineering of wizards in the current world. Its mechanism cannot be known, but it can achieve some effects similar to genetic engineering.

This effect is uncontrollable in a sense. It is possible that what you want is one kind, but what it gives is another kind.

But once is not enough, you can experiment twice, twice is not enough, you can experiment three times, three times is not enough, you can experiment ten times, a hundred times, or a thousand times. As long as you keep going, one time will eventually be successful.

Li Cha’s eyes sharpened, and he felt that he had found a way to solve the problem.

It can be predicted that for a long period of time every day he will spend a certain amount of time on cell fusion and cultivation research, and he will not be successful for a long time.

However, he is confident that as long as he keeps going, he will finally get the required results.

This can be considered a day job.

In addition to this daily work, he can completely start other researches such as the research on the mechanism of the magic pattern at the same time.

Of course, before doing all of this, one thing he needs to do is… draw Gutas’ blood first.

Li Cha turned his head to look at Gutas, Gutas was being honest, suddenly his whole body became cold, looking at Li Cha’s eyes that were obviously different from usual, he said in a trembling voice: “You…you want What are you doing?”

“It’s nothing, just draw some blood for you, you are used to it.”

“The habit is strange, wait a minute! Aren’t you drawing blood? Why do you take such a big needle? Why is the blood tube so much thicker than the previous one? Are you really drawing blood? Are you going to draw blood this time?” How much, are you going to drain me? Damn, don’t come here, you evil alchemist! Go away, go away, you are not drawing blood at all, you are going to kill me! Ah, go away, go away… oh Umm…”

Gutas struggled, but Li Cha stuffed an Erlenmeyer flask into his mouth. Then a thick needle was inserted into his body, and the blood began to be drawn hard.

After a while, Gutas stopped struggling, and lay limply on the chair, feeling blackness in front of his eyes, dizziness, panic, cold hands and feet, as if he was about to die, and his heart was extremely desperate, but in reality It’s just caused by too much bleeding in a short period of time.

Li Cha ignored Gutas and got busy, saving blood, preparing cell culture fluid, and preparing for the follow-up plan.

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