Magus Tech Chapter 181: Tentacles


The huge blue whale in the sea screamed, trying to struggle after being entangled by the tentacles, hoping to get rid of the tentacles’ control.

But there were two “crawls, clatters”, and two new tentacles protruded from the deep sea breaking the water surface, entangled the blue whale again, and dragged it down violently.

The blue whale was terrified and struggled frantically, but with its huge body of more than 60 meters, it couldn’t break free from the shackles of the three tentacles.

Three sounds of “哗啦哗哗啦” sounded, and three new tentacles stretched out. A total of six blood-red tentacles wrapped around the surface of the blue whale’s body, as if the fate of the blue whale had already been decided.

The blue whale also seemed to have a premonition, turned to look at the wizard on the giant wheel, and wailed, as if calling for help.


The four wizards did not move, but looked at the tentacles on the blue whale with serious expressions. If they saw the blue whale just now, they were just on guard against the attack of the blue whale, but now they have become deeply worried.

Blue whale attacks, they can still block it with confidence, but now the attack of the tentacle owner…


The blue whale screamed, and the six tentacles wrapped around its body exerted force together, and it was dragged into an unknown depth under the water.

With a “crash”, a splash appeared on the surface of the sea, and then calm, deathly calm.

Many fluorescent jellyfish were still floating, but everyone on the deck dared not breathe.

The four wizards exchanged glances quickly, discussing what to do.

Suddenly, Dempsey’s eyes sharpened, and he warned: “It’s coming.”

“Huh?” The rest of the wizards and everyone on the deck were taken aback for a moment, and then they noticed something the next moment.

With a “squeak”, the entire giant ship seemed to be entangled by something, the speed of sailing dropped suddenly, and then slowly tilted to one side.

“At the bottom of the boat! Shot!” Dempsey shouted, and the next moment he spoke a spell, and waved his hand to throw a fireball into the water. It was a spell that was shown a few days ago.

Visible to the naked eye, Dempsey threw the fireball into the sea water, the sea water boiled rapidly, and then exploded.

The entire water surface shook violently, turning lavender.

The other three wizards followed suit, and several consecutive spells entered the water with various rays of light, creating patches of color in the sea water.


The spell had an effect, the phenomenon of the giant wheel being pulled disappeared, and the deck returned to a horizontal state. The four wizards didn’t dare to be careless at all, they looked at the water surface with sharp eyes, guarding against the next attack of the tentacle sea monster.

After searching for a long time but still not finding it, Dempsey uttered the spell again, and the next moment his eyes suddenly turned crimson red with faint fluorescence, and then swept towards the water surface, under the boat, and around.

After scanning for a while, Dempsey raised his head, locked on to a place on the sea surface a hundred meters away, and pointed out: “It’s there!”

Immediately everyone looked over.

With a sound of “哗啦”, the surface of the water broke open to the surroundings, and a hideous figure emerged through the water, which was obviously a squid.

Well, a squid.

A squid is nothing, but when the squid is bigger than imagined, it is terrible, absolutely terrible.

Li Cha’s eyes flickered on the deck, watching the giant squid that appeared, and some information on the modern earth flashed in his mind.

On modern Earth, the largest squid is the giant squid, also known as the giant squid. The second largest squid is the king squid. The largest data records of the two are only about 20 meters in length, which can be natural enemies and food for some whales.

And now this squid appeared, just a rough estimate, its body length is over 100 meters, its tentacles are hundreds of meters, and it can eat whales as snacks. As for the giant ship, it is also fully capable of being dragged into sea water and crushed.

This is no longer a monster, it is a monster.

When the other party breaks out of the water, it is like erecting a lighthouse and a mountain peak in the sea.

The wizard’s face also became extremely ugly, obviously not sure of defeating the opponent.

“Damn it.” Wizard Louis said, “This is an ancient giant squid, I didn’t expect it to be alive.”

Wizard Sif said: “It seems to be very interested in our giant wheel.”

Wizard Quinton said: “It’s hard to deal with.”

“It’s hard to deal with, and there’s nothing we can do about it.” Dempsey said in a concentrated voice, “If it dares to attack, then kill it, otherwise we’ll wait to swim to the coast. Even if we really swim back, all Students die here, and there is no way to explain it, you should understand this very well.”

The other three wizards fell silent.

With a sound of “咻”, the giant squid launched an attack, swung several tentacles from a hundred meters away, and fell towards the giant wheel, like a whip, ready to smash the giant wheel into pieces.

“Do it! Block it!” Dempsey said, and with a wave of his hand, the sea water around the deck suddenly rose, congealed into a giant’s arm, and slapped the giant squid’s tentacles hard.

The rest of the sorcerers followed suit, using the sea water to condense out giant arms, and slapped them towards the giant squid’s tentacles.

“Crack, crash!”

The tentacles made contact with the giant arm of the seawater, and the arm was crushed by the force of the tentacles, but the tentacles also lost their aim and were photographed in the seawater next to them.

The attack failed, the squid became angry, and its tentacles vibrated in the sea water, making a sharp sound.


Then more tentacles came to attack the giant The four wizards used all their energy to deal with it, manipulating the spell to produce giant arms made of sea water one after another, slapping the tentacles, and slapping the tentacles continuously fly.

Everyone on the deck looked at it tremblingly, and the feeling in their hearts was that the gods were fighting, not to mention the courage to help, but they didn’t even have the idea.


“Papa papa!”

The battle continued, and the squid had one against four. With the advantage of the number of tentacles, there was no sign of decline. The four wizards fought with all their strength, organizing a tight line of defense to defend against the squid’s attack. But suddenly, a tentacle was undefended and pulled towards the deck fiercely. Even though Dempsey manipulated the air restraint urgently, all the wizard apprentices on the deck also shot, but the tentacle still didn’t stop it from falling.


The tentacles hit the deck with a sonic boom, the deck shook violently, a large number of cracks appeared, and sawdust flew. Among them, two unlucky students happened to be at the place where the tentacles fell, and after being drawn by the tentacles, their flesh and blood flew all over the place, directly turning into meat paste.

The rest of the students screamed in fright.

At this time, the wizards Quinton, Sif and Louis jointly produced a thick sea giant arm, grabbed the squid by its tentacles, and threw it out fiercely.

After finishing all this, Quinton turned his head and shouted to the students on the deck: “If you don’t want to die, hurry up and hide in the cabin below the deck!”

The students immediately ran towards the cabin.

But Dempsey shouted, “Stop! Stay on the deck!”

Huh? Ok? ! …

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