Magus Tech Chapter 174: Siren

Everyone on the deck waited, looking at the distant sea, there were faint lights flashing constantly, it was the fast fleeing fish school – not all the fleeing fish schools would pass near the giant ship.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking wind in the darkness.


The people who were admiring the beautiful scenery were taken aback for a moment, and then their hearts tightened.

Are you coming?

Is something to test coming?

But everyone soon discovered that it was not.


The sound was getting closer and closer, and the next moment it broke out from the darkness, and what appeared in front of everyone was a large piece of fish flying in mid-air.

Yes, a fish flying in mid-air!

The fish were flying in mid-air, and there were hundreds or thousands of them.

All the fish are more than ten centimeters long, with wings, swinging their wings quickly, flying towards the giant ship from the sea at an extremely fast speed, like densely packed arrows.


Everyone was shocked. Looking at this scene, they couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

“Flying fish?”

“Magic creature?”


The flying fish ignored everyone’s exclamation, quickly approached, and then flew quickly, “plopping” and landed in the sea on the other side of the giant ship, then flew up again, and flew towards the distance. Some of the fish, flying at a relatively low altitude, directly hit the bodies of the people on the deck of the giant ship. Although they did not cause serious injuries, they still screamed.

“Ah! It hurts!”

“Ah, be careful!”

“Will it be poisonous?”

“Will it be killed?”

For a while, there was chaos on the deck.

Li Cha quickly dodged the impact of the fish, and compared with the rest of the people, his expression was calmer. Li Cha knows very well that perhaps the flying fish in front of him does look like a demonized creature, but it is not a demonized creature, it is just a flying fish on the modern earth.

This flying fish has well-developed ‘pectoral’ fins that extend from the ‘thorax’ to the tail, which looks like a bird’s wings. With the well-developed ‘pectoral’ fins and streamlined body shape, the opponent can move at high speed in sea water.

When the opponent breaks out of the water, the ‘pectoral’ fins are fully opened, and the tail fin slaps the water surface frantically, getting thrust, and thus flying into the air. Finally, it can fly in the form of gliding at a height of several meters or more than ten meters above the water surface. According to records, the flying fish’s maximum time in the air is more than 40 seconds, and its maximum gliding distance is more than 400 meters, which can be called terrifying.

But… Although flying fish can fly, they usually don’t jump out of the water easily. Only when attacked by natural enemies, stimulated by abnormal sounds, or when a crisis is approaching, will they escape at full speed in this way.

Is the storm close?

Thinking in his heart, Li Cha looked at the school of flying fish.

Amid the exclamation of everyone, the school of flying fish came and went quickly. In the blink of an eye, the whole group had passed the entire giant ship, gliding and disappearing into the distant sea. A small number of unlucky flying fish fell on the deck due to hitting people, twisting their bodies and struggling, trying to return to the water surface. The tail slapped on the deck, making a “snapping” sound.

At this time, the entire deck suddenly fell silent.

To be precise, the entire ocean suddenly became quiet, which was a little strange.

After the shoal of flying fish passed by, the shoal of fish that fled in the ocean completely disappeared, and the sea wind and waves also disappeared, and the sea surface was as flat as a mirror.

Everything is like the sudden silence in a noisy classroom on the modern earth.

All the people on the deck, in this environment, subconsciously stopped talking, and then looked around suspiciously at the people who were talking a moment ago. They didn’t understand why this happened. An invisible force descended, and an expression of fear could not help showing on his face.


Terrible static!

In this silence, the “slaps” of the unlucky flying fish on the deck were extremely ear-piercing, and every tap of the flying fish’s tail seemed to hit everyone’s hearts.





Deathly quiet!

The last quiet before the storm!

An atmosphere of panic spread among the crowd. At this moment, everyone finally felt something. They turned their heads and looked towards the distance of the sea.


Someone couldn’t help swallowing.

Then, a voice broke the silence – the voice of the wizard.

The wizard Dempsey suddenly appeared on the deck, and his voice resounded throughout the audience: “I want to inform you that in a few minutes, a very big storm will come. And following the storm, it is very likely that there will be another storm.” A demonized creature called a siren.

Yes, Sirens.

They are very evil demonized creatures that gather in groups and have the ability to create storms, try to destroy ships in sailing, and prey on the victims who fell into the water on the ships. And they are the content of your next third test, which is also the second formal test.

What you have to do is to kill them in the coming storm, or be killed by them. The wizard apprentices will help you in this process, and if the situation is critical, a few wizards and I will also help. But the main thing is to rely on yourselves, because I don’t want to bring a whole load of **** home with me.

You have to work hard to kill the sirens very hard, and if you do kill them, there will be a reward, a very high reward-every siren tooth.

In the siren’s mouth, there are two extremely obvious fangs, which have many uses. After killing them, you can try to remove their fangs and keep them well. Someone will buy them at a high price when you reach the Whitestone Tower, which is higher than the feathers of the ‘Gryffindor Bird’ you got before.

Well, I’ll stop here, you can prepare, they will arrive soon. By the way, I would like to remind you that they are ugly. I hope you will not be intimidated when you see them, otherwise…at that moment, your little lives may be lost. “


As soon as Dempsey finished speaking, a gust of wind blew by, and the surface of the mirror-like sea suddenly became turbulent. Waves emerged from the sky, coming one after another, and the giant ship began to shake.

A storm is coming.

With a “crash”, raindrops the size of jujubes fell, mixed with stone-like hailstones, which hurt people’s bodies.

The giant ship swayed violently, and several students who couldn’t stand fell directly on the wet deck, then struggled to get up, their eyes swept across the sea, and they suddenly yelled in horror: “What?! “

When everyone looked, they saw black shadows passing through the turbid sea water and the surging waves, quickly approaching the giant ship, and then nimbly climbing onto the deck.


The first black shadow fell on the deck, showing its image in the eyes of everyone.


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