Magus Tech Chapter 1544: Analysis of the Word of God

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Li Cha felt that he had fallen asleep.

Sleep in the truest sense of the word—a deep sleep in which all waking consciousness is lost, all resistance to external danger is lost.

To be honest, since he embarked on the path of finding the truth of the world, he has not experienced this kind of sleep for too long, and he almost forgot when he experienced it last time, but now he can experience it again.

In the dream, he was very quiet.

In his dream, he saw many unimaginable scenes and pictures.

The scene that first appeared was in a small pit.

Inside the small soil pit, there is a huge ant nest, where thousands of ants live, and a huge ant kingdom has been established. Numerous worker ants are coming in and out, some of them are carrying the food they have found, and some of them are expanding the nest.

Everything seems to be thriving and full of vigor.

Suddenly, the ground shook slightly, and the figures of two human children ran over, carrying wooden barrels in their hands, most of which were filled with water.

Passing by the pit, the two children stopped and were attracted by the busy ants.

After that, one of them picked up a branch by the pit and poked towards the place where the ants were densest.

The ants were in a panic, and the children laughed when they saw it.

The other child also laughed out loud, and after thinking about it, he put the wooden barrel down and poured out the water in it.


The water quickly flooded the entire pit and poured towards the ant nest **.

“Gudong Gudong!”


Accompanied by children’s laughter, a large number of bubbles emerged from the ant nest, and a vortex formed on the water surface. The ants who had encountered disaster tried to escape, but they couldn’t resist the huge suction force, and they were all sucked into the vortex and underwater.

Drown, suffocate, die…

The entire ant kingdom was destroyed, and the two children got enough fun from it. After a while, they picked up the empty bucket and walked towards the distance.

After walking a few steps, the child seemed to hear something, turned his head suddenly, then opened his eyes wide, and let out a cry of fear.

Behold, the raging flood suddenly overflowed from the distant horizon without warning, forming a snow-white wave and roaring towards it.

The two children fled subconsciously, but they only ran a few meters before being sucked into the flood waters.

The flood kept rushing towards the distance, and the villages and towns along the way were destroyed one after another. Countless human beings were drowned in the water before they could react.

In the end, the flood reached an extremely magnificent city and crashed heavily on the city wall.


The walls collapsed and the entire city was submerged in the water.

At the city gate, several stone slabs fell off, and one of the stone slabs was written with the name of the city – Atlantis Mandino.

The stone slabs collided with each other and fell to the bottom of the water. The stone slab with the name of the city was broken, and most of the written words were lost. The remaining parts were barely combined to form a new name——Atlantis .

Is it the peaceful city of Sarin? Or is it the ancient continent that was destroyed by the prehistoric flood in the legend of the earth?

The flood continued, submerging piece after piece of land, and finally covered the entire surface of the planet.

This is not over. After enveloping the surface of the planet, the water level continued to rise, slowly flowing into the void, and finally filled the void, swallowing one planet after another in the void.

In the end, the whole universe became a world of water.

In the world of water, everything is quiet.

It was extremely quiet.

In the silence, Li Cha gradually regained consciousness and opened his eyes.

Then he found that because of Abel, all the floods and sea creatures he encountered had disappeared, and he was lying in a boundless desert.

Standing up, he looked around for a while, and then he was sure that he had left the Aotai plane. As for where he was, he didn’t know.

What’s going on?

What happened?

Why are you here?

Many doubts swirled in Li Cha’s mind, but he couldn’t find the answer at all.

Frowning, Li Cha tried to choose a direction and walked forward, wanting to see what was beyond the desert.

And after walking like this for a long time, Li Cha discovered a reality, that is, the whole desert seems to have no end, no matter how far he goes, there will always be only sand, sand and sand in front of him.

This is a desert with infinite space, time seems to be stagnant, he is trapped here, in a sense, it is no different from death.

Or, this is the result of death?

During the march, Li Cha stopped, rubbed the space between his brows, and tried to sort out his confused thoughts.

Some fragments of scenes in his sleep flashed in front of his eyes from time to time. He couldn’t distinguish the meaning or hint for the time being, so he simply ignored it for the time being.

Don’t think about what happened to Abel.

The only thing he can be sure of now is the five spells on the scroll—it’s not a joke, it can really affect the world—Abel proved this with practical actions.

In this case, he seems to be able to do one thing, and it seems that he can only do one thing – in this place, he can’t escape temporarily, so he can only study the language of the Creator God, and this place is just for him. Provides an undisturbed research environment.

In this case…

Flipping his hands, Li Cha took out the scroll that he had put away earlier.

Opening the scroll, I looked at the five spells on it, narrowed my eyes, and fell into thinking.

After thinking for a few minutes, he bent down and copied the contents of the five spells on the desert sand with his fingers, and continued to watch.

An hour later, more of the remaining incantations were transcribed.

For example, the real spells of the fireball technique that Abel showed before, and the various real spells he calculated using Otai’s brain in the past year.

After finishing writing, without a break, he wrote down all the common spells that memorized the spells—by category, starting with the spells of the Water Elemental Ice Snooker School of Evocation, and the first one was Snow of Snooker The ball The spell is… The second is the ice pick of snooker, and the spell is… When the spells of the various schools of the ice system are finished, it is the water system, followed by the acid system.

After the water element, there is the wind element, and after the wind element, there are fire element, earth element, wood element, thunder element, dark energy, light energy, pure energy…

The entire evocation spell is over, it is the spirit spell, the structure spell…

Li Cha kept writing, filling the sand dunes and patches of flat sandy land.

As I said before, the desert space here seems infinite, and time seems to be stagnant, so there is no wind, the sun is frozen in the sky, and all the spells written on the sand are like eternity, stopping on the surface of the sand , without any change.

In this way, Li Cha continued to write, and kept writing, as if he wanted to write down everything in his mind on an endless draft paper.

“Shushasha, shashasha…”

After an unknown amount of time, Li Cha finally finished writing the last incantation in his memory and stopped.

In front of him, there are dense, innumerable, connected spell characters.

He squinted his eyes, as if he could see something from it, and kept this movement and started to remain motionless.

After a while, Li Cha raised his eyebrows, bent down, and began to write the incantation again.

The spell this time is different from the spells written before, it is a spell created by him.

He created a lot, and he continued to write, and the area covered by the spell characters in the desert was significantly increased again.

Increase, increase, increase.

When Li Cha finished writing all the spells he created, he stopped for the fourth time, looking at the characters and thinking.

This time the thinking time was particularly long, as if several years or decades have passed, and the immobile body has almost become a sculpture.

After a long time, Li Cha’s eyebrows were erected, and he broke away from thinking, with a smile on his face.

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