Magus Tech Chapter 1487: Shaking

The so-called minor problem is that a brand new weird creature has appeared in the army of weird creatures.

It was a huge white worm, more than twenty meters long and nearly one meter thick. At the end of the body, there are huge mouthparts, which can be opened almost 180 degrees.

These weird worms slowly followed the army forward, stopping from time to time, swallowing many weird creatures next to them into their mouths.

Immediately afterwards, the weird worm will straighten up, and an “egg” wrapped in multiple weird creatures will spurt out from its mouth. This “egg” drew an arc in the air, and fell next to the soldiers in the defense line one after another, and a small part fell into the interior of the garrison.

The “egg” quickly shattered after falling, and a strange creature swallowed by a strange worm emerged from it.

Although most of the weird creatures were killed by the nearby soldiers before recovering from the stun, a small number of them still found a chance and caused some casualties.

The line of defense has become somewhat disorganized.

Goering, the head of the Gray Parrot Reinforced Regiment, looked a little chilled after seeing it, and turned his head to shout at the gunner: “Give up the rest of the targets for the time being, and use armor-piercing bullets to focus on those big bugs, and wipe them all out, leaving no one behind.” .”


The artillerymen were ordered to quickly load the shells to attack, one by one armor-piercing shells flew out of the barrel, and flew towards the weird worms densely.

“Bang bang bang!”

At the beginning, the weird worm twisted its body to avoid a few shells, but it couldn’t dodge all of them. In the end, the shell hit, and the weird worm was cut into several pieces and died.

Captain Göring turned his head and glanced at the depths of the garrison. He could hear screams from time to time. It was the strange creatures that flew into the garrison and were destroying them.

He took a deep breath and issued a new order: “The third brigade, temporarily withdraw from the combat order and be responsible for a comprehensive clean-up of the station!”


A group of soldiers rushed towards the station.

Then more orders came from Goering.

“The Sixth Battalion, supporting the Eighth Line of Defense…”


“The second reserve team is withdrawn for repairs, and the seventh team is on top…”


“Captain, the ten newest magic-weave cannons brought by Shalin half a month ago are useless in the warehouse, right? Pull them out for me immediately and place them on the front main defense line until they explode. …”





Under the constant command of the head of the regiment, Goering, amidst the fighting of many soldiers, the new wave of offensive of the army of strange creatures was repulsed again, and the defense line recovered a rare tranquility.

The crew of Bob, Philip, and Frank began to help again. After working for half a day, they gathered in one place to rest and eat.

The food I eat is a small green square pancake called the No. 3 ration. It is said that it tastes much better than the No. 1 and No. 2 rations. It is also said that it will smell of beef after chewing in the mouth for a long time-of course , it is said that it is only said.

As the engine commander, Bob received a large box of No. 3 rations from a certain captain of the Gray Parrot Reinforced Regiment, and handed them to each crew member.

When it was handed over to Philip, Bob thought of something and asked, “I heard that you and Frank encountered that kind of flying egg when transporting the wounded, are you okay?”

“It’s okay.” Philip took the small square pancake, shook his head, and didn’t say much.

Bob didn’t ask any further questions, but just sighed: “It’s good that there is nothing to do. After all, you still have a son, don’t you want to live well. Just like me, I have a wife who is more than ten years younger than me at home, and A newborn daughter, so no matter what, I have to go back alive.”

Turning his head, Bob handed the pancakes to Frank: “Frank, are you okay, are you not hurt?”

Frank didn’t answer the question, took the pancake, just took a bite viciously, then took another bite viciously, and swallowed it in his mouth after a few bites, then looked at Bob, and said expressionlessly: “All Everyone will die.”

“Huh?” Bob was stunned for a moment, and then realized, “Are you… crazy?”

“It’s okay to be crazy.” Bob said, “It doesn’t matter if you’re crazy or not, at least you won’t be afraid anymore. Seriously, the battle is going to be different now, and after a while, maybe I can’t bear it and I’m going crazy.” But I still have a wife and daughter, I’m crazy, what should they do?”

With a long sigh, Bob shook his head, saw that there were extra small pancakes, and picked up another pancake and handed it to Frank: “You seem to be very hungry, why don’t you eat more?”

Frank was not polite, and after taking it, he swallowed it in two or three mouthfuls, and swallowed forcefully with a “gudong”.

After eating, he wiped his mouth and repeated seriously to Bob, “Everyone will die.”

Bob: “…” has a weird expression.

“Whoa! Whoa!”

Not long after Frank finished speaking, a sharp warning whistle sounded, followed by shouts.

“The enemy is preparing for the second wave of attack, all combatants are ready, all auxiliary personnel withdraw from the front… Repeat, the enemy is preparing for the second wave of attack…”

Bob, Philip, Frank and other crew members quickly stood up from their resting places when they heard the sound, and looked outside the defense line, only to see densely packed strange creatures gather again a few hundred meters away.

They noticed that in addition to the common weird creatures, this time there was a new large weird creature. The opponent is more than three meters high and five meters long, like an elephant, but without a long nose or big ears, and some have a solid dark gray shell all over.

These strange carapaces moved slowly. Although they were far away, many people on the defense line felt the pressure of the opponent—the pressure from the volume.

Captain Goering also obviously noticed the existence of the weird crustacean. While urging Bob and other auxiliary personnel to leave, he looked at the gunner and shook with three fingers. The meaning of the expression is simple: fire three shells and try it out.

The gunner is on command, immediately load the shells and prepare Bang bang bang! “

After a while, the three magic-weave cannons on the defense line roared almost simultaneously, and three armor-piercing projectiles slipped out of the barrels and flew towards the strange carapace. One of them was reserved too much ahead of time and missed the target. It landed behind the side of the weird carapace elephant, and the other two hit the head and the back respectively.

An astonishing scene appeared. After being hit, the strange carapace swayed slightly. The two shells seemed to hit a smooth mirror surface. fly out.

Flying hundreds of meters, it fell again, one pierced into the soil, and the other pierced through the body of a bald giant rat with its remaining strength.

Captain Goring’s eyes narrowed immediately.

Something that worried him happened—just like ordinary weapons and steel fists have limited power, the magic pattern cannon also encountered an existence that could not be easily killed.

Goring’s eyes narrowed. He could see one after another of the strange crustaceans appearing in the army of strange creatures, rushing to the front, protecting the rest of the strange creatures like shield soldiers. Covering the advance, he kept approaching the line of defense.

Now, not only some people on the defense line, but almost everyone felt tremendous pressure, and couldn’t help wondering whether they could stop the attack of this army of weird creatures.

Goering stared at the army of weird creatures for three seconds, and the next moment he seemed to have made a decision, he suddenly turned his head and shouted to the side: “Communication soldier, come here, contact me! Immediately!”



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