Magus Tech Chapter 1474: Dream City

Through a series of transparent windows on the steel wall, Philip, who was in the body of the steel monster, saw that the steel monster was shuttling through the interior of the mountain.

He couldn’t imagine how such a passage was dug in the middle of the mountain full of rocks, but the facts were right in front of his eyes.

A few minutes later, he saw the steel monster pass through the entire mountain, into the continuous mountain range, twist its body along the laid railroad tracks, and gallop forward faster and faster.

Mountain after mountain retreated rapidly, almost just entering his field of vision, and was thrown back by the steel monster the next moment.

“Kacha Kacha Kacha…”

Steel monsters drive through valleys, gravel fields, river banks…

Occasionally, when passing a certain section of the road, the steel monster would tremble violently, almost sending a group of them flying.

Those who were not on guard fell directly to the ground and became dizzy. There were also smart people who followed the example of the two officers and grabbed the handrails and survived.

Reminded by his son Jimmy, Philip had already grabbed the handrail, while little Jimmy hugged Philip. Both of them were fine.

The steel monster continued to drive, and it was unknown how far it had traveled. Just when everyone was getting exhausted, the steel monster roared and rushed up a steep **** and rushed out of the mountain range.

A plain appeared ahead, and a city was built on the plain.

Everyone looked at the city through the window, and then they were stunned, as if they had been hit on the head with a giant hammer, and they couldn’t react for a long time.

Looking around, one can see that it is an extremely magnificent city. Judging from the outline alone, the scale of the city exceeds any city they have ever seen in their lives—possibly, it is bigger than any city they have ever seen in their lives. The cities add up to be bigger.

The city is indeed built on a plain, but it is more like a mountain range, and there are even surrounding “clouds” – if you look carefully, you can see that it is actually an energy shield covering the entire city. The color of the energy shield is almost transparent, and only when an outside object collides with the surface of the energy shield will there be a ripple, like a rising cloud, which takes a long time to dissipate.

All this shocked Philip and his party deeply.

After the steel monster passed through the energy shield and entered the city, Philip and his party were able to observe the city at close range, and what they got was even more shocking.

In this city, the height seems to have lost its meaning, and one building after another rises from the ground, or it may be more than a dozen stories high, or dozens of stories high. The building material is similar to stones, but the surface is extremely smooth, and there are no stitching gaps. The whole building seems to be integrated, as if it was born here.

In mid-air, figures wearing various robes were flying around. Soaring from the top of one building, flying to the top of another building and falling, some went directly into the window of another building—that was obviously a wizard.

The ground is covered with railroad tracks, besides their huge steel monster running, there are also many small steel monsters running. The small steel monster has only a few sections of body, and there are dense boxes piled on it. It quickly passed by the huge steel monster, and it didn’t know where it was going.

On both sides of the railway track, there are many pedestrians, some walking normally with two feet, and some riding a small steel monster.

That little steel monster looks very light, except for its steel body, it has two huge wheels.

The riders grabbed the two horns of the little monster with their hands, controlled the direction of the little monster’s head, and kicked the little monster’s stomach with their feet, and the little monster would gallop forward in pain. Two huge wheels crushed the ground, and the man disappeared in a short time. Occasionally, the faint scream of the little monster could be heard.

“jingle bell, jingle bell…”

Philip and his party looked a little dull, because the amount of information was so large that they could hardly think.

After that, for the rest of the day, Philip’s thinking was a little confused, and his memory was a lot blurred, and he only remembered some generalities.

Probably… he was carried by the steel monster, passed through almost half of the city, and finally arrived at a place called “Comprehensive Transportation Station in the City”. After arriving at the place, he and the others were led out of the belly of the steel monster by two military officers, left the “Intra-City Comprehensive Traffic Station”, walked a long way on the street, and saw all kinds of incomprehensible scenes.

For example, a stove is run on four wheels, and there are people sitting on it, as if they are manipulating a horse, without fear.

For example, a child was on an iron box next to him, and when he pressed it, metal cylinders rolled out one by one. The child took the cylinders and left, but no one shouted “catch the thief”.

It’s also like a person who is obviously only one person, but stands in front of a small pavilion, holds two iron blocks, puts them by his mouth and ears respectively, and talks loudly non-stop, as if talking to a ghost.

For another example, it was very frightening. Five women entered a small silver room next to them, closed the door and waited for a while, and then three men came out.


This is so magical and mysterious!

It is not appropriate to describe it as a paradise, it is more like an incredible dream city.

While walking, Philip learned a piece of information from the two officers—that is, they are now in the real Red Stone City.

As for the place where he stayed can be regarded as Redstone City, but it is a part of Redstone City, to be precise, it is the containment point of Redstone City.

There are a total of twelve such containment points in Redstone City, distributed in different directions. The main function is to initially accommodate people from various places, conduct a review, and only after passing the review will they be sent to the real Redstone City.

After hearing this, there was only one thought in Philip’s mind: So, this is Redstone City. However, the man named Machu Philip he met at the beginning said that Redstone City was just a small sarin with relatively poor conditions.

With so much magic and mystery, even Redstone City can’t compare to Sarin. So what exactly does Sarin look like?

Confused, Philip and the others were taken by two officers to the lobby of a building called the “Labor Department” and started queuing up at a table.

The Ministry of Labor seems to be specially arranging where they will go next. The people in front of the queue were taken away after being asked a series of questions and never came back.

Tens of minutes later, it was Philip’s turn. Philip looked nervously at the round-faced man behind the table.

The round-faced man is looking down at a piece of paper and whispering the content: “Father and son, the father is forty-two years old, healthy, no special skills, it is recommended to engage in low-skilled jobs. The child is eight years old, healthy, After passing the second-class ability test, it is recommended to carry out secondary and higher education training. In addition, the father and son had contact with our personnel Machu Philip (165021) before the containment, and can be taken care of as appropriate.”

“Machu Philip? 165021?” The round-faced man raised his head with some doubts in his eyes, obviously he didn’t recognize this person.

If you don’t know who this person is, how should you take care of him?

Who knows whether Machu Philip is an ordinary soldier, or the illegitimate son of Lord Richard? The difference in care given can be much greater.

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